
Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

author:Worry-free history

1. Realistic reflection on the lonely situation, endless yearning for the good old days

The 54-year-old Guo Jinglin, although he is honored to gallop in the prime location of the entertainment industry, but whenever all the hustle and bustle returns to silence, the lonely and empty living room will bring him a deep sense of loneliness.

Just tonight, he had just finished a hard day's work, and his heavy, tired body slammed into the soft sofa. Unconsciously, his gaze slipped across the corner of the living room, stopping for a moment on a photograph there.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

It was a family photo that had been frozen in dust for many years, and Guo Jinglin in the photo was rejuvenated, hugging his wife Tong Xin's soft waist tightly, and their faces were filled with happy smiles.

When he stared at the photo again, Guo Jinglin's gaze became dim, and his fingers gently stretched, touching the face of his wife in the photo affectionately, as if as long as he used all his strength, he could pass through the obstacles of time and return to that period of love and warmth.

Since the moment of Tong Xin's unfortunate death, a full 15 years have passed. Guo Jinglin has never tried to find a new partner, and he has always had endless thoughts about his deceased wife. Recalling the scene when Tong Xin passed away, Guo Jinglin's tears couldn't help but welled up in his eyes.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

It was the saddest memory of his life, he wept silently at the funeral, and he was so grief-stricken that night that he almost fainted. Faced with the cold body of his wife, he made a vow not to continue in this life and devote himself to the development of his career.

Second, the innocent love of the youth era, the warm life in the depths of the alley

This memory can be traced back to their childhood, when Guo Jinglin was just a young child in an old hutong in Beijing, and Tong Xin was by his side since childhood, spending countless carefree days together.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

On hot summer afternoons, they always run happily in the alleys of the alleys, chasing dragonflies and playing hide and seek. Sometimes Tong Xin accidentally fell, and her delicate little face like plum blossoms would always be full of crystal teardrops, crying like a little flower cat.

Seeing this situation, Xiaoguo Jinglin immediately rushed home, took out the candy from his snack box, carefully sent it to Tong Xin, and gently comforted her: "Don't cry, it won't hurt if you eat a candy."

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

Under Guo Jinglin's careful care, Tong Xin shyly stopped crying, and gently picked out her favorite candy in Guo Jinglin's palm, with a sweet smile on her face.

Since then, the two have been together, and as the days went by, Guo Jinglin gradually realized that this woman named Fumei brought him a deep attraction and extreme favor.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

At the moment when his life was about to come to an end, Guo Jinglin mustered up the courage and decided to confess his innermost emotions to Tong Xin. However, fate doesn't seem to want them to come together easily, so they miss each other and spend a long and painful time.

When they meet again, the feelings of the childhood sweethearts have been sublimated into deep love.

So, they decided to hold hands for the rest of their lives, however, who would have expected that Tong Xin's life would be so short, forever frozen in Guo Jinglin's years full of youthful memories.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

3. The difficult process of marrying a beloved, and the family with cancer is facing a crisis

In his 20s, Guo Jinglin graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy and began his struggle in the entertainment industry. Although he suffered numerous setbacks in the early stages, fortunately, he always had Tong Xin's company and support, which became a source of motivation for him to pursue his dreams steadfastly.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

They have known and loved each other since childhood, and after years of baptism, the relationship between them has become indestructible. In the end, with the joint efforts of both parties, they finally entered the long-awaited marriage hall and were warmly congratulated by relatives and friends.

Soon after the marriage, Tong Xin's abdomen began to protrude slightly, and they were looking forward to the arrival of a new life with joy. However, fate played a cruel joke - during pregnancy, Tong Xin was diagnosed with cancer.

This originally happy family was in a predicament in an instant, and the darkness seemed to swallow up all the light.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

Guo Jinglin rushed to the hospital heartbroken and anxiously consulted the doctor. However, the doctor reluctantly told him that he had to make a difficult choice now: either to save his wife or to protect his unborn child.

Faced with this heart-wrenching choice, Guo Jinglin felt that his world was about to collapse.

Tong Xin was in tears, but she still comforted her husband gently: "The condition is already very serious, and the medical conditions are limited, even if I keep the child, I may not be able to support it anymore."

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

Faced with the life and death decision of his beloved, Guo Jinglin was finally forced to make a heartbreaking decision - "Baoda" abandoned his son! Although Tong Xin always maintained a positive attitude towards treatment and was amazed when her condition was relieved, the ruthless illness did not let go of this loving couple, erasing the possibility of their life together, and finally Tong Xin unfortunately passed away, leaving everything in the world she was deeply attached to.

Fourth, the hard work of the years of career waste, and the endless pain of his wife's death

Tong Xin's departure is undoubtedly a catastrophic blow to Guo Jinglin, who is on the rise in his career. He was immersed in endless remorse every day, blaming himself for not taking better care of his wife in the first place, so that she died quietly.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

It was an unforgettable time for him, and Tong Xin's body lay quietly in the mourning hall. The staff supported Guo Jinglin, who was in a trance and staggered, and slowly walked towards the coffin, he could no longer suppress the grief in his heart, and tears slipped down like a spring.

When he saw his wife's peaceful face, Guo Jinglin completely collapsed, tears poured out like a waterfall, he clung to the coffin, let out a heart-wrenching wail, and cried so much that he almost fainted.

Friends and relatives around him stepped forward to comfort him, but they couldn't fully understand his despair at the moment.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

At this moment, Guo Jinglin seemed to be on the verge of madness, and all his reason seemed to be swallowed up by sadness.

This always gentle actor would make such a firm promise, and everyone present was moved. However, for Guo Jinglin, who lost his beloved, this sincere and persistent love has long been integrated into his bone marrow and blood.

After the funeral, he resolutely quit all his chores and devoted himself to the development of his career. In the struggle day after day, year after year, Guo Jinglin finally healed the wounds in his heart and won a piece of sky of his own.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

He has starred in several critically acclaimed classics in a row, winning numerous accolades and applause.

However, when he finally became famous after a lot of hardships, Tong Xin, his wife who was once very loving to him, had left this world forever and could no longer witness the glory and glory of her husband.

This loss is destined to become the biggest regret in Guo Jinglin's life.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

Fifth, the journey of lonely comfort, find new colors in the career

In the 15 years since Tong Xin's death, Guo Jinglin has always focused on the development of his career, turning a blind eye to the temptations of the bustling world outside, and devoting himself to his work.

With a wonderful performance and perseverance, he finally established an irreplaceable position in the star-studded entertainment industry and won the praise of "a dreamlike life"!

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

In the past few years, the audience has been able to watch him in front of various screens, or he is a friendly hero, or a crazy villain, and even an imbecile who can't help but laugh.

For each role, Guo Jinglin is able to use his superb acting skills and extraordinary expressiveness to portray the characters vividly, making it impossible to distinguish the boundary between reality and the screen.

However, the audience can't get a glimpse of how this enviable actor in front of and behind the scenes uses his busy work to fill the hollowness and loneliness in his heart.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

Only he himself understands how heavy the loneliness in his heart is when the spotlight goes out and he is left alone.

Sometimes, when he returned home, Guo Jinglin would subconsciously look around, as if looking for someone's traces. However, no matter how long he waited, no one stepped into this cold room, bringing a touch of warmth to the place.

He could only sigh helplessly and sit quietly on the sofa, letting his memories churn through his mind.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

Occasionally, something trivial would tug at his heartstrings and remind him of the good times he spent with Tong Xin. For example, cooking a dish that Tong Xin loves, or strolling through the park where they once met, those small moments will make him feel emotional, and tears will come out of his eyes.

No one can truly appreciate the pain and loneliness of losing a loved one. Even though he has achieved fame and honor, Guo Jinglin is often shrouded in this loneliness. However, it was this unspeakable loneliness that became the biggest motivation for him to move forward firmly.

He poured all his feelings and energy into his career without reservation. Every time he appears on the stage and every time he integrates into the role, he is showing the world the preciousness of love and life in his own unique way.

Guo Jinglin: I have loved my deceased wife for 14 years, and I was sad at the funeral, but now I have rediscovered the color of life

Perhaps, this is the secret of his eternal vitality on the path of art - always live in the moment and express his heart in the most sincere way.

Although Tong Xin's departure left a deep shadow on his life, it is precisely because of this that this man's life journey is more colorful and never fades.

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