
Singer Song Zuying: Separated from her husband for 8 years, she gave birth at the age of 39 at high risk, and her figure at the age of 57 still looks like a girl

author:Worry-free history

1. Dreaming in Beijing, the capital of dreams, he studied under the vocal master Jin Tielin

Song Zuying was born in a quiet and impoverished rural corner of Xiangxi, Hunan Province, and although his father was only an unpretentious worker, he sang passionately in his home.

Under the infection of this environment, the little Song Zuying was attracted by her father's infectious singing voice since she was a child, and gradually indulged in the beautiful singing.

Singer Song Zuying: Separated from her husband for 8 years, she gave birth at the age of 39 at high risk, and her figure at the age of 57 still looks like a girl

However, when she was 12 years old, her father died of severe tuberculosis, leaving her mother alone to face the hardships of life. As the eldest daughter, Song Zuying feels a heavy responsibility, and she is determined to be admitted to the county's opera troupe to show her unique singing voice, and at the same time receive a generous monthly living allowance to relieve her mother's financial pressure.

Her mother fully understood and supported Song Zuying's decision, and repeatedly told her to cherish this rare opportunity. So, in the following years, Song Zuying was hungry to learn singing skills, and the monthly allowance was sent back to her hometown without reservation.

Lady Luck eventually favored the studious girl. Just four years later, with her excellent voice talent and steady stage demeanor, she was successfully admitted to the Central University for Nationalities in Beijing, the capital, with excellent results.

Singer Song Zuying: Separated from her husband for 8 years, she gave birth at the age of 39 at high risk, and her figure at the age of 57 still looks like a girl

In a national young singer competition, the organizer choreographer Luo Hao was moved by Song Zuying's outstanding performance skills, and he did not hesitate to find a famous teacher for her to guide her.

In this way, with her enthusiasm and persistent pursuit of music, Song Zuying became the proud protégé of Jin Tielin, a famous singer and music educator in the mainland, thus opening a new chapter in her journey to the palace of art.

Since then, this girl from the countryside has ushered in a glorious turning point in her life.

Singer Song Zuying: Separated from her husband for 8 years, she gave birth at the age of 39 at high risk, and her figure at the age of 57 still looks like a girl

2. Crossing the turning point of your life and spending the rest of your life hand in hand with your husband

While Song Zuying firmly regarded music as her life's work, she also knew that she might never be able to completely break free from the shackles of her family. As the eldest daughter in the family, most of the income from her hard work must be sent back to her hometown to support her mother and deaf brother.

This inner worry once made her hesitate in the long-distance love run with Luo Hao. Luo Hao is a brilliant director and producer, and Song Zuying is afraid that he will find it difficult to understand and accept that he comes from a financially difficult family environment.

Singer Song Zuying: Separated from her husband for 8 years, she gave birth at the age of 39 at high risk, and her figure at the age of 57 still looks like a girl

However, Luo Hao's unwavering and persistent love finally melted Song Zuying's worries, and when he learned about her family situation, he unabashedly expressed his impassioned promise: "From now on, I will bear the expenses of your family, you just need to enjoy life with peace of mind!" This sincere and powerful sentence moved Song Zuying to tears.

So, in 1992, they entered a new stage of their lives hand in hand and became a happy couple. After marriage, Song Zuying was transferred to the Song and Dance Troupe of the Political Department of the Navy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and her career also entered a new period of rapid development.

A song called "Little Back Basket" was born, which instantly won her enthusiastic popularity from the audience; Subsequent works such as "Good Day", "Hot Girl" and "Love My China" have promoted her unique voice and excellent stage charm to all parts of the country, making her name popular all over the country.

Singer Song Zuying: Separated from her husband for 8 years, she gave birth at the age of 39 at high risk, and her figure at the age of 57 still looks like a girl

However, the success of the career did not happen overnight. In order to continue to meet the needs of various commercial performances and TV program recordings, Song Zuying often had to go to other places and lived separately from her husband Luo Hao for a long time for 8 years.

Luo Hao, who is alone at home, not only has to take care of his elderly parents, but also has to take care of the livelihood of the whole family, but despite this, he has never complained about his wife's absence, but has gone all out to support her in pursuing her artistic ideals.

It is precisely because of this separation experience that Song Zuying was able to devote herself to her work. After making achievements in their careers, the husband and wife came together again and shared the responsibilities and burdens of the family.

Singer Song Zuying: Separated from her husband for 8 years, she gave birth at the age of 39 at high risk, and her figure at the age of 57 still looks like a girl

3. The career is taking off and blooming, and the family is separated in difficult years

Since tying the knot with her husband Luo Hao, Song Zuying's career has been further expanded. In 1992, she was officially transferred to the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy Political Department Song and Dance Troupe, which opened the golden era of her career.

"Good Day", "Hot Girl", "Love My China", ...... One after another, popular classic songs poured out of her mouth, and the singing was as shocking as thunder, spreading to every corner of the motherland.

Singer Song Zuying: Separated from her husband for 8 years, she gave birth at the age of 39 at high risk, and her figure at the age of 57 still looks like a girl

What's even more rare is that she has been on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala for 24 consecutive years, and has presented a visual and auditory feast to the national audience with her exquisite performance skills.

In the process of climbing the peak of her career, Song Zuying and her husband Luo Hao's married life has also entered a unique and extraordinary stage - a long-term separation between the two places. In order to devote herself to the intense and heavy business activities and the production of TV programs, Song Zuying frequently travels to and from various places, and has no time to take care of the trivial matters at home.

However, as a husband, Luo Hao is well aware of his wife's enthusiasm and dedication to her career, and he understands and appreciates her busyness from the bottom of his heart. Because of this, he resolutely took on all the household chores, took care of the daily expenses of the family alone, took care of both parents and other relatives and friends, and never complained about his wife's long absence from home.

Singer Song Zuying: Separated from her husband for 8 years, she gave birth at the age of 39 at high risk, and her figure at the age of 57 still looks like a girl

On the contrary, whenever Song Zuying takes time out of her busy schedule to go home, Luo Hao will always arrange her life and daily life in detail, and do his best to create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere for her, so that she can relax and rest fully.

It is precisely because of her husband's selfless understanding and support that Song Zuying was able to devote herself to the development of her artistic career, and finally made remarkable achievements in the field of music.

During the separation, she won wide acclaim and popularity in her career, while Luo Hao silently supported the whole family for his wife in his own way.

Singer Song Zuying: Separated from her husband for 8 years, she gave birth at the age of 39 at high risk, and her figure at the age of 57 still looks like a girl

Fourth, the old age of childbirth casts life, and we spend ordinary years together

Despite her booming career, Song Zuying has always been a woman with strong traditional concepts, and she is full of endless longing for family life. When she was 39 years old, she decided to leave an eternal memory for herself and her husband, bravely faced the risks of advanced maternal age, and finally welcomed her first child with Luo Hao, a healthy and lovely boy.

In order to welcome the birth of a new life in this family, Song Zuying had to slow down in his career. She gradually reduced her business activities and devoted more time and energy to her family life.

Singer Song Zuying: Separated from her husband for 8 years, she gave birth at the age of 39 at high risk, and her figure at the age of 57 still looks like a girl

The birth of her son undoubtedly became a major turning point in her life, and all her previous pursuits and dreams became more real because of this.

In this way, the former idol who was radiant on the stage and sang movingly, gradually faded out of people's sight, and was replaced by a gentle and virtuous mother figure.

Song Zuying firmly adjusted the focus of her life, no longer obsessed with the hard work in her career, but devoted herself to the warm family life, working hand in hand with her beloved husband Luo Hao, and carefully taking care of the healthy growth of this newborn with great enthusiasm and deep love.

Singer Song Zuying: Separated from her husband for 8 years, she gave birth at the age of 39 at high risk, and her figure at the age of 57 still looks like a girl

Although the pace of life has become much more low-key, Song Zuying has never felt lost or lost because of such a change. From the moment her son was born, she felt a new definition and direction in her life, and her heart was filled with peace and contentment.

Sharing the responsibilities of life with her husband and sharing the joy of family with her son is the greatest ideal and pursuit in her heart.

Singer Song Zuying: Separated from her husband for 8 years, she gave birth at the age of 39 at high risk, and her figure at the age of 57 still looks like a girl

Bidding farewell to the self that was once obsessed with music, Song Zuying ushered in a new chapter of life, lived an ordinary but happy life, and spent the most precious time in her life under the care and companionship of her family.

Those glorious pasts have faded away, and now only more precious family affection and happiness are left.

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