
The lyrics are obviously very "vulgar", but they were a mess back then, and the more I listen to these songs, the more wrong they become

author:Worry-free history

A strong depiction of the vulgar phenomenon in the current Chinese music scene

Under the reflection of the broad stage of the Chinese music scene, we can clearly see the various chaos and problems in today's society. Music is supposed to be a powerful force that carries national emotions and nourishes the soul, but in recent years, the Chinese music scene has been filled with a large number of low-level and vulgar works.

Walking in the bustling streets and alleys, you may hear those "saliva songs" with straightforward lyrics and monotonous melodies at any time. Singers are no longer committed to improving their singing skills, and lyricists are no longer delving into beautiful words, and the whole music scene seems to be caught in a vicious circle of blind pursuit of traffic and quick success.

The lyrics are obviously very "vulgar", but they were a mess back then, and the more I listen to these songs, the more wrong they become

For the sake of a short-term surge in popularity, they did not hesitate to abandon the moral bottom line and artistic principles, and flattered the audience with lyrics that wantonly exaggerated lust and catered to low-grade tastes. These works even unwittingly distort people's understanding of love and mislead the public with false values.

The vulgarization of the music scene has reached an eye-popping level. Whether it is the malicious ugliness of the female image, or the indulgence and beautification of cheating behavior, or the naked depiction of lust, it makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Looking back at the golden age of music ten years ago

The lyrics are obviously very "vulgar", but they were a mess back then, and the more I listen to these songs, the more wrong they become

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it was ten years ago, when the Chinese music scene was in a glorious period of bright stars and a hundred flowers. The musicians of that era pursued not only the excellence of their skills, but also the in-depth excavation of the connotation of their works.

The theme of the song is mostly derived from the moments of life, depicting the mixed tastes of family, friendship, and love, and expressing the various states of the world. Whether it is songwriting or interpretation and singing, they are all full of enthusiasm and passion of musicians.

Master-level works emerge in an endless stream and are deeply loved by a wide range of listeners. As soon as the record came out, it quickly became popular all over the country, and the streets and alleys echoed with people's voices. At that time, music truly achieved the supreme realm of "elegance and common appreciation".

The lyrics are obviously very "vulgar", but they were a mess back then, and the more I listen to these songs, the more wrong they become

Explore the profound meaning of "appreciation of elegance and vulgarity".

The ancients had a saying: "Appreciation of elegance and vulgarity", as long as it is a work rich in connotation and can express the true meaning of human nature, it will definitely be recognized and praised by the general public. However, many of today's songs have long since deviated from this ancient teaching, and have been completely reduced to slaves to commercial interests and tools of consumption.

Take "Perfume Poisonous" as an example to analyze the flaws of the female image in it

The lyrics are obviously very "vulgar", but they were a mess back then, and the more I listen to these songs, the more wrong they become

When we go back to the Chinese music scene ten years ago, "Perfume is Poisonous" sung by Hu Yanglin must be a classic masterpiece that is enough to deafen and resonate with thousands of people! Since the day the song was released, it has been like a pearl of torrents and stars, quickly igniting the entire Chinese music market and becoming a legend that will forever be recorded in history.

Just the melodious melody is enough to make countless listeners fall in love with it, revel in it, and feel like they are in a wonderful musical feast. However, when we dig deeper into the connotation of the lyrics, it is not difficult to find that there are some debatable points hidden in them.

The whole song depicts the tragic situation and helplessness of a woman when she is betrayed by her partner: "You have the smell of her perfume, wipe everything and sleep with you".

The lyrics are obviously very "vulgar", but they were a mess back then, and the more I listen to these songs, the more wrong they become

Whether it is as a "main room" who has been hurt, or a "third party" who is full of guilt, the image of this woman in the lyrics is so humble and helpless, and her dignity is gone.

She puts herself in a desperate situation, disregards her self-dignity, and even chooses to humiliate herself to accept the betrayal of a scumbag (insert narrative: compare with other songs of the same period depicting the infidelity of the opposite sex, such as "Overheat").

The works that also have this kind of bottom-line failure include Zhang Xinzhe's "Overheating": "Let you go crazy and let you indulge, thinking that you will be moved one day", "How can I bear to blame you for making mistakes, I gave you freedom and went too far".

The lyrics are obviously very "vulgar", but they were a mess back then, and the more I listen to these songs, the more wrong they become

Both songs condone and condone each other's betrayals, portraying themselves as undignified "licking dogs".

The main reason why these kinds of lyrics are controversial is that they blur the public's basic understanding of the relationship between men and women, and instill a false value orientation in the audience.

Fourth, tell the story behind "Hiroshima Love" and reveal its problem of glorifying extramarital affairs.

The lyrics are obviously very "vulgar", but they were a mess back then, and the more I listen to these songs, the more wrong they become

Among the many hilarious "thunder songs", how can you ignore the "Hiroshima Love" that once swept the country? The reason why this song is known as the "Breakup Divine Comedy" is precisely because it comes from a real event that makes people sigh.

Just when she was already heartbroken by the loss of her beloved, fate played a cruel joke again. The Frenchwoman went on to become a professional actress and has built a happy family of her own.

Although both parties now have their own families, they are still unable to suppress their emotional impulses in the face of the sudden appearance of their former lovers, and finally "cross the moral boundary" and become a couple who only last 24 hours.

The lyrics are obviously very "vulgar", but they were a mess back then, and the more I listen to these songs, the more wrong they become

After a night of passionate and indulgent pleasures, they quickly "woke up" and returned to their own life. (Insertion note: Dig into the contradiction between the lyrics and the MV, such as the song "Courage").

It's unbelievable that there are still people who use such obscene and vulgar methods to beautify extramarital affairs, which is really hilarious! What's even more ironic is that some excellent works that originally aimed to convey positive energy, such as Liang Jingru's classic "Courage", have a very different MV content from the lyrics, misleading the younger generation about the correct understanding of "courage".

Comment on some straightforward, provocative lyrics

The lyrics are obviously very "vulgar", but they were a mess back then, and the more I listen to these songs, the more wrong they become

In addition to those coquettish and obscene words that "can't hurt", in recent years, many works that depict lust vividly and ambiguously have emerged. For example, Huang Ling's "Itch", the delicate panting voice of "mmmmmm

The lyricist, however, argues that this is merely describing the itchy sensation of being bitten by a mosquito. However, sensible listeners are not buying it, and the explicit words in these lyrics have clearly gone beyond the mere "tickling" feeling.

This kind of unscrupulous provocative erotic behavior can't help but make people deeply doubt the quality and professional ethics of the creator. Overly direct sexual innuendo is not only a desecration of the nobility of art, but also confuses the audience's perception of the relationship between the sexes.

The lyrics are obviously very "vulgar", but they were a mess back then, and the more I listen to these songs, the more wrong they become

Expect music to stand the test of time.

As an ideological art form, music should keep up with the pace of the times and constantly innovate and change. However, even in order to adapt to the needs of a fast-paced society, we must not indulge in low-grade tastes, be swayed by personal desires, and forget the original purpose of music.

A true masterpiece is one that can transcend time and never go out of style. They are by no means superficial descriptions of lust, but contain profound connotations that can nourish people's hearts.

The lyrics are obviously very "vulgar", but they were a mess back then, and the more I listen to these songs, the more wrong they become

Only such works can withstand the precipitation and test of time.

Summarize and summarize and advocate songs to convey positive energy

Looking back on the Chinese music scene ten years ago, despite the bright stars and frequent masterpieces, it is still difficult to escape the trouble of flaws. For example, issues such as dwarfing the image of women and beautifying cheating behaviors were all unavoidable flaws in the songs at that time.

The lyrics are obviously very "vulgar", but they were a mess back then, and the more I listen to these songs, the more wrong they become

However, despite the regrets, those outstanding musicians still adhere to a firm belief - to actively transmit positive energy and cultivate noble sentiments! Their artistic creations originate from the depths of life, are deeply rooted in human nature, and diligently strive to convey all things in the world and inspire people's endless pursuit of beautiful things.

However, it is a pity that in today's seemingly prosperous music scene, there are many hideous and terrifying phenomena full of anger and obscenity. Those low-grade and interesting works that have been cut off from the flesh have spread like a virus, and the unscrupulous depiction of lust is even more wanton.

Once this kind of "vulgar" trend prevails, it will undoubtedly erode our hearts like moths and cause endless harm!