
The Yanqing Court has achieved full coverage of the Great Wall, the World Garden, and the Winter Olympics Law Popularization Station

author:Beijing-France Internet Affairs
The Yanqing Court has achieved full coverage of the Great Wall, the World Garden, and the Winter Olympics Law Popularization Station

In order to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, practice Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, and implement the requirements of the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" for law popularization, on the occasion of the "5.19 China Tourism Day", the Yanqing Court listed the "Haituo Ice and Snow" Law Popularization Station at the National Alpine Skiing Center and signed the "Farong Cultural Tourism" co-construction agreement. Hong Wei, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Yanqing District Culture and Tourism Bureau, Zhang Jing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director, Lu Chengjun, Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the District Justice Bureau, Fu Liansheng, Secretary of the Party Branch and Chairman of the National Alpine Skiing Center Co., Ltd., Yu Lijiang, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the District Court, Dong Xiaojun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Vice President of the District Court, and others attended the event. So far, the hospital has realized the full coverage of the three "golden business cards" of the Great Wall, the World Garden, and the Winter Olympics Yanqing.

The Yanqing Court has achieved full coverage of the Great Wall, the World Garden, and the Winter Olympics Law Popularization Station
The Yanqing Court has achieved full coverage of the Great Wall, the World Garden, and the Winter Olympics Law Popularization Station
The Yanqing Court has achieved full coverage of the Great Wall, the World Garden, and the Winter Olympics Law Popularization Station
The Yanqing Court has achieved full coverage of the Great Wall, the World Garden, and the Winter Olympics Law Popularization Station

During the event, Fu Liansheng first led everyone to visit the Yanqing Exhibition Center of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics to help everyone further understand the operation and spatial layout of the park. After the visit, everyone came to the Goddess Square to carry out legal popularization activities, distribute legal popularization materials to tourists and staff in the park, and provide legal consulting services.

The Yanqing Court has achieved full coverage of the Great Wall, the World Garden, and the Winter Olympics Law Popularization Station
The Yanqing Court has achieved full coverage of the Great Wall, the World Garden, and the Winter Olympics Law Popularization Station
The Yanqing Court has achieved full coverage of the Great Wall, the World Garden, and the Winter Olympics Law Popularization Station

Subsequently, the leaders came to the conference room of the Xuejin Hall of the Winter Olympic Village to hold a symposium, which was presided over by Zhang Jing. At the meeting, Lu Chengjun presented law books to the National Gaoshan Company, Dong Xiaojun and Zhang Jing jointly unveiled the "Haituo Ice and Snow" Law Popularization Station, and Yu Lijiang and Hong Wei jointly signed the "Farong Cultural Tourism" cooperation and co-construction agreement.

The Yanqing Court has achieved full coverage of the Great Wall, the World Garden, and the Winter Olympics Law Popularization Station

Fu Liansheng said that since the Yanqing Olympic Park was transferred from the competition area to the park, with the continuous increase in passenger flow, the legal needs in the operation of the park have become more and more intense. For example, in contract disputes, labor disputes, consumer rights protection, tort disputes, land use rights disputes, etc., there is an urgent need for professional legal knowledge. The establishment of the "Haituo Ice and Snow" Law Popularization Station provides us with a platform for continuous learning of legal knowledge and improving legal awareness, and also provides strong legal support for the standardized operation of our park. In the future, we will continue to abide by the law and operate with integrity, and make greater contributions to the sustainable use of the Winter Olympics legacy, the construction of the rule of law in the park, and the prosperity and development of the tourism industry in the jurisdiction.

The Yanqing Court has achieved full coverage of the Great Wall, the World Garden, and the Winter Olympics Law Popularization Station

Hong Wei said that the District Bureau of Culture and Tourism has always adhered to the problem-oriented, explored a new model of rule of law cultural tourism, and carried out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of law. We hope that through the establishment of the "Haituo Ice and Snow" Law Popularization Station, we will further stimulate the enthusiasm of the cultural and tourism industry's legal popularization and publicity, and promote "passive publicity" to "active service", "waiting for door-to-door consultation", and "flood irrigation" to "precise drip irrigation", so as to effectively enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of legal publicity and education. In the next step, we will build a team of "legal experts" in the cultural and tourism industry, and invite professionals to regularly carry out training and explanation of legal knowledge in the "Law Popularization Station", so as to truly make the rule of law within reach and effectively serve enterprises and tourists.

The Yanqing Court has achieved full coverage of the Great Wall, the World Garden, and the Winter Olympics Law Popularization Station

Yu Lijiang said that as one of the three "golden business cards" of the Great Wall, the World Garden and the Winter Olympics, the Yanqing Olympic Park is an important platform for tourists to enjoy the legacy of the Winter Olympics in the "post-Winter Olympics" period. We should connect the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important reply letter with the important entrustment of "Yanqing belongs to the future", flexibly apply it to the maintenance and utilization of the Winter Olympics venues and the development of cultural tourism, carry forward the spirit of ice and snow sports, make good use of ice and snow resources and the legacy of the Winter Olympics, and drive more people to experience ice and snow tourism and folk culture. The establishment of the "Haituo Ice and Snow" Law Popularization Station is an important measure for the Yanqing Court to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, combine the ice and snow sports boom, and innovate the form of law popularization and publicity.

In the next step, the Yanqing Court will rely on the cooperation and co-construction agreement between the "Haituo Ice and Snow" Law Popularization Station and the "Farong Cultural Tourism", take the "All-for-One Tourism Legal Guarantee Base" as the general traction, closely combine the characteristics and needs of ice and snow sports, continuously innovate the form of legal popularization publicity, improve the effect of legal popularization publicity, and continue to carry out targeted legal popularization publicity activities, so that the "maple" of litigation source governance will blow to the top of Haituo, and let the spirit of the rule of law take root and blossom in the ice and snow world.

Contributed by: Yanqing Court

Editor: Miao Zhengang, Wang Yuyang, Wang Xi

Review: Zhang Zhongtao