
Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

author:Xiaoli Institute
Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

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In today's complex entertainment industry, there is an actress who has entered the 41st year of her life - Jiang Xin, her outstanding talent is unmatched, but because of her too direct and frank personality, she is often labeled as "no one dares to marry".

This former bright and dazzling star is now like a legacy of independence, lonely and hopeless.

Back to more than 20 years ago, Jiang Xin successfully created a group of indelible screen classic characters with her extraordinary acting skills and charming appearance.

She once played the role of the beautiful "Mu Wanqing" in the costume masterpiece "New Huanzhu Gege", she was only 20 years old at the time, like a suffocating little fairy with suffocating beauty, which made countless audiences obsessed and intoxicated.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

Time flies, time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Jiang Xin has entered the age of 28. In the popular TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan", which swept the country that year, she perfectly interpreted the domineering and arrogant villain role of "Concubine Hua" with her superb acting skills.

Her acting skills have won high praise from director Zheng Xiaolong, and she is known as one of the most outstanding actresses in the play, and even Sun Li, the star of the same play, has to be convinced when she plays against her.

"Her acting skills really surpassed me, and that's a fact I have to admit." Liu Tao, a powerful actor who has had in-depth cooperation with Jiang Xin, also has to sigh that her acting skills are far more subtle than herself.

However, such a powerful actor seems out of place in the entertainment industry and is regarded as an "outlier" by everyone. Former friends have cut off contact with her, and even her boyfriend, who has been with her for many years, chose to leave her.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

Today's Jiang Xin still sticks to her dreams and struggles alone, but she has neither a close friend nor a partner to rely on.

The evaluation of her on the Internet that "no one dares to marry" also seems to hint at the predicament she is in. Many criticized her outspoken personality, believing that she was "to blame."

Looking back on the glorious course of Jiang Xin's acting career, we must look at more than 20 years ago. At that time, she was in the prime of her youth and in her prime, but she had already left an indelible mark on the screen.

In 2005, Jiang Xin participated in the costume fantasy drama "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", in which she played two roles with completely different personalities, "Nuyuan" and "Jiang Waner".

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

In many movies and TV series, there are often two completely different characters - a thousand-year-old fox demon who pursues love, is willing to give everything for it, and burns his life; The other is a girl who is full of energy, curiosity, and immaturity has not faded.

And the actor who perfectly integrates these two images and shows them vividly is the protagonist we are going to introduce today - Jiang Xin.

In the same year, Jiang Xin successfully created the classic "Four Princesses" image in the mythological drama "Seven Fairies of Joy", her innocent, lovely, lively and playful image was deeply imprinted in the hearts of countless audiences and became the childhood goddess in their minds.

Although Jiang Xin was only 22 years old at the time, she was already able to easily handle a variety of different styles of roles and showed extraordinary acting talent.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

With a series of outstanding performances, Jiang Xin has won wide acclaim in the film and television industry. Although she did not come from a traditional drama class, she was amazed by her amazing talent and excellent acting skills.

At the age of 28, Jiang Xin ushered in another peak of her acting career. In the much-watched costume drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan", she interpreted the arrogant and domineering role of "Concubine Hua" with her superb acting skills, which won high praise from the audience and industry insiders.

Her wonderful performance was not only highly recognized by director Zheng Xiaolong, but also brought great pressure to Sun Li, the leading actor in the same play, so that Sun Li had to praise her acting skills convincingly in the rivalry with her.

Even the powerful actor Liu Tao, in the process of cooperating with Jiang Xin, was full of praise for her superb acting skills and did not hide his praise.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

However, it is precisely because of Jiang Xin's outspoken character that it has also brought her a lot of controversy and trouble. In the entertainment industry, she once lost a friend because of an inappropriate remark, and even caused an uproar in the entertainment industry.

In 2015, Jiang Xin and Liu Tao co-starred in the well-known TV series "Ode to Joy", in which the two played close sisters. And in real life, the friendship between them is also all-talking, all-knowing.

Liu Tao's husband even joked: "Why do you never take me when you go out to play?" This shows how intimate their relationship is.

Netizens enthusiastically formed "Taoxin CP" for them, cheering for this deep sisterhood. However, who would have expected that this seemingly indestructible friendship would eventually be destroyed by Jiang Xin himself.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

Authentic, Jiang Xin has always been honest and direct, and sometimes she will anger others just because of her mistakes. There is even a colleague Liu Tao who once expressed his sigh for his emotional and emotional intelligence. However, Jiang Xin didn't care about this, but firmly believed that the two could support each other and make progress together.

However, the tricks of fate have turned this precious friendship upside down. In 2017, the well-known "paparazzi" Zhuo Wei broke out a scandal on the Internet about "married actresses misbehaving".

As soon as this news was released, it immediately caused an uproar in the online world.

Faced with such a tricky situation, Jiang Xin seems to have taken an overly impulsive way of coping. She did not hesitate to stand up and publicly condemn Zhuo Wei's actions on social platforms, as if to defend the dignity of her best friend Liu Tao.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

However, Jiang Xin's actions not only failed to calm the turmoil, but only made the situation more serious. Her rhetoric sparked speculation about whether she was "taking the right seat" and whether she intended to incite strife.

Faced with Jiang Xin's behavior, Liu Tao could only choose to remain silent. She silently canceled her attention to Jiang Xin's social account, and her attitude was resolute and cold, so the friendship between the two broke down, and they were strangers and never crossed paths again.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Jiang Xin has entered the 41-year-old middle-aged life stage. However, the situation of this former high-profile actress is now embarrassing.

Due to the troubles caused by various events in the past and her straightforward personality, Jiang Xin gradually became out of place in the entertainment industry and was regarded as an "outlier" by everyone. Former friends have cut off contact with her, and even her boyfriend, who has been with her for many years, finally chose to leave her.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

Today's Jiang Xin is alone, struggling hard in this competitive circle. By her side, there is no confidant or friend to confide in, and no lover to lean on.

There are rumors circulating on the Internet that "no one dares to marry" her, which seems to hint at her current lonely situation.

Although the pressure of life often makes her feel helpless, Jiang Xin has never given up her enthusiasm and dedication to her career. She once said firmly: "There is no distinction between high and low roles, and I will devote myself wholeheartedly to every role."

It is with this dedication and professionalism to her career, as well as her perseverance, that she has made brilliant achievements step by step on the road of acting.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

When we look back on Jiang Xin's acting career, we have to sigh at her excellence and originality! From the original pure and flawless little white flower "Mu Wanqing", to the charming but domineering "Concubine Hua" later, and even the mysterious and unpredictable character "Heart Moon Flower" recently challenged - every role has been given life by Jiang Xin and has become an unforgettable classic.

Although life has given her endless tempering and made her seem a little lonely, Jiang Xin has always adhered to her own beliefs, moved forward bravely, and struggled to move forward on this road of acting full of hardships and challenges, which can be admired by the world.

As an actor, Jiang Xin showed her incomparable love and awe for her career with practical actions. In the face of loneliness and doubtful eyes, Jiang Xin is still determined to make unremitting efforts to realize her dreams, and her figure is particularly tenacious and independent in this circle.

However, we firmly believe that as long as she does not give up and does not give up, one day she will be able to shine again with her own bright light.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

In addition to her outstanding achievements in her acting career, Jiang Xin is also actively engaged in public welfare and charity, giving back to the society with practical actions, which is undoubtedly another side of her, which also deserves our attention and appreciation.

As early as 2014, the well-known singer Han Hong launched a huge public welfare activity, attracting many celebrities to participate. However, not everyone can actually do it, and some may be superficial and don't put much effort into it.

However, Jiang Xin is an exception, she not only responded positively at the first time, but also took her own responsibilities personally and without complaint. Whether it is distributing medicines or transporting supplies, Jiang Xin always stands up and does her duty.

Even when Han Hong bowed deeply to the donors to thank her, Jiang Xin was the only one at the scene who knelt down to express her gratitude.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

Seeing such a sincere and humble scene, the staff present were all impressed by Jiang Xin's personality charm. Since then, Han Hong's attitude towards Jiang Xin has changed dramatically, and she believes that Jiang Xin is not only generous, but also fully committed to public welfare, which is really valuable.

So, Han Hong affectionately called Jiang Xin a "good buddy" and regarded her as a member of the family.

In fact, Jiang Xin's dedication to public welfare and philanthropy is not the first attempt. Every year since that unforgettable moment, we can see her unwavering dedication to such activities, and her action is admirable! Unlike those celebrities who are high-profile and merely formal, Jiang Xin has always remained humble and low-key, focusing on her public welfare.

She candidly said: "I am committed to the public good because I sincerely want to help people in need, not because I want to pursue personal reputation and profit." Whether at work or in daily life, Jiang Xin is a full of energy, integrity and kindness.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

For example, in 2009, when love came, she did not hesitate to disclose her relationship with her boyfriend Ye Zuxin, and in the days since, she has always maintained an innocent and immaculate image, without any scandals.

Although their relationship ended in regret in 2015, Jiang Xin still firmly defended his ex, publicly stating that he was "definitely not the 'scumbag' circulating on the Internet". A person's moral cultivation undoubtedly determines his reputation and evaluation in all walks of life.

It is this kind of kind and upright quality that makes Jiang Xin win the respect and love of the general public.

Looking back on Jiang Xin's growth in the entertainment industry, we can clearly see that she is an excellent actor with both strength and personality. Her excellent acting skills need no elaboration, however, it is precisely because of her straightforward personality that she sometimes causes controversy in circles.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

From youth idol dramas to costume historical dramas, to serious dramas and villains, Jiang Xin uses her superb acting skills to create a series of unforgettable classic roles for the audience.

As early as 2005, her wonderful performance in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" successfully created two roles with different personalities, "Nuyuan" and "Jiang Waner".

Subsequently, in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", her role as "Concubine Hua" was highly appreciated by director Zheng Xiaolong. Even Sun Li and Liu Tao, who are also powerful actors, praised Jiang Xin's superb acting skills during the cooperation process.

"Her acting skills really surpassed me, this is a fact that I must admit," Liu Tao said with emotion.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

The lifelike characters are precisely because of Jiang Xin's excellent shaping ability. Even in the latest TV series "Flame", she bravely challenged a new mysterious character - "Heart Moon Flower", showing her adventurous and innovative spirit.

However, it is this personality that has the courage to pursue dreams and dare to take responsibility that sometimes attracts some criticism and doubts in the circle. Her overly straightforward personality often causes all kinds of disputes because of her words and deeds.

For example, in the sensational "married actress scandal" incident, her willful behavior not only failed to calm the turmoil, but made the situation further deteriorate and the momentum intensified! Another example is that the deep friendship with Liu Tao broke down because she was too direct and careless in her words, which is proof of this.

However, it is worth expecting that as long as given enough time, Jiang Xin will be able to clear all obstacles with his strong strength and unremitting efforts, so as to make a comeback and regain the trust and love of the public.

Now Jiang Xin, who "no one dares to marry", once again surprised the entertainment industry

As an old proverb says, "Although the grinding pestle is small, it will eventually sink into the pulp" As an actor, Jiang Xin has always interpreted the firm pursuit and admiration of the profession with practical actions.

So let's look forward to seeing if this actress, who has entered the threshold of forty years old, can once again cause a strong storm in the entertainment industry with her superb acting skills, which will attract the attention of the entire circle inside and outside.

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