
Helen Keller, the miracle of money – knowledge and insight are all based on money

author:Blue Diamond Villa

Helen Keller's story has inspired countless people.

A deaf, mute and blind woman who graduated from Harvard, could speak for five Chinese, and wrote N books.

These achievements have made countless normal people ashamed of themselves. Compared with her, those of us who are blind, deaf, talk, or stutter are basically waste.

First of all, I want to admire her talent and perseverance, because learning these things is really not easy. Lack of talent, lack of perseverance, normal people have to learn to cry to death, let alone a disabled person.

However, external conditions are the key to her success. Maybe everyone is too busy and then forgets the capital of Helen Keller's success.

According to China's current prices, simply calculate an account. Sullivan teacher 20,000 a month, not much. Special education is more expensive than normal education, and it is also a home-based teacher.

Sullivan's job is to educate, and he accompanies Helen Keller all day, and it is impossible to do the nanny thing like buying vegetables, washing and cooking, so there is also a special aunt to do these chores.

Auntie wants 4,000 a month.

Coupled with the cost of living, Helen Keller's cost of a month is nearly thirty thousand.

If her family conditions are not good, her parents are not able to ask for a tutor, and she does not have the money to buy special supplies for the blind, will she still have a chance to be an inspirational role model?

Think of China's middle and high school children who are normal in all aspects of their health, and the mere tuition fee has already made working-class parents miserable.

Money made Helen Keller, a miracle of money accumulation, the darling of American upper class.

So before we worship Helen Keller, let's worship her parents.

Helen Keller, the miracle of money – knowledge and insight are all based on money

2 Helen Keller's father, Colonel Kate Keller, was a prominent family from the American South, the owner and editor-in-chief of a newspaper, and a well-known person.

Her mother was also born into a prominent family, twenty years younger than her father, and was his second wife, and Helen Keller's mother was a famous local beauty.

So Helen Keller's family knew many celebrities and aristocrats, and she had the power and resources to go anywhere.

Because of the wealth and power, her parents were able to invite Sullivan from the famous Perkins College for the Blind to serve as Helen Keller's teacher.

Teacher Sullivan was the best deaf-mute teacher at that time.

Helen Keller has many friends of status and culture.

She has exchanged ideas with the literary master Mark Twain and discussed life with the famous judge Holmes.

Tagore encouraged her, and the President of the United States at the time supported her with kindness.

She also had dinner with the arrogant Edison and became close friends with Dale Carnegie.

She can meet so many celebrities, partly the result of her own efforts, and part of it should be her family's network.

Helen Keller, the miracle of money – knowledge and insight are all based on money

3 If Helen Keller had been born into an ordinary family, she would not have these top resources or even the financial means to receive a special education.

She may just be an ordinary student at a school for the deaf and dumb, and after graduation she will do a job with an ordinary disabled person.

The story of Helen Keller tells us a simple and vulgar truth - people must have a father and family background that can be relied on, which is a reality in the long river of human history.

When I was young, I didn't understand these truths, thinking that my efforts would get ahead. Now I understand that the effort will only be a little better than before.

The end of your dreams, people naturally have it as soon as they are born.

Helen Keller, the miracle of money – knowledge and insight are all based on money

4 There was once a boy who went to the Repin Academy of Fine Arts, one of the world's four famous academies of fine arts, and was really admitted.

When he showed his friend the acceptance letter, his friend only said that you should not go to the exam at all, because the boy's family could not afford to let him go to Repin to study. In the end, the boy just mixed with a junior college in The country.

Just imagine, if his family is not an ordinary family, will he still nest in the country and mix with a junior college? Will there still be a top art academy instead of going?

When you're still using the Chinese Marley pencil, people use cherry blossom Mitsubishi, when you use horse's head paint, people use Klot Windsor Newton.

Helen Keller, the miracle of money – knowledge and insight are all based on money

Ordinary families are really difficult to get out of the elite, behind the elite is the accumulation of financial and material resources and even power.

From ancient times to the present, few elites have come out of ordinary families. But where there is success in a certain aspect, it is basically based on the basis of food and clothing.

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