
Helen Keller's eyes, Sullivan Teacher's world

author:A book, a world, a shadow, a life

Helen Keller's autobiography, If You Give Me Three Days of Light. Let people see the desire of the young shoots under the stone for life. From the very beginning of their coming into this world, they have suffered unimaginable difficulties for ordinary people.

Helen Keller's eyes, Sullivan Teacher's world

Permanent blindness in both eyes and deafness in the ears. It's as if God "joked" with her that your world can only be silent and dark forever. I can't imagine a person being able to spend a lifetime in a world of darkness and silence, let alone fill it with colors and sounds.

But it all became a possibility with the arrival of Mr. Sullivan.

Flying against the light became Helen Keller's only hope, countless hard years, Helen Heller only to regain the eyes and ears that should belong to God, so she tried to overcome all the difficulties and was admitted to Harvard University, just to prove to the world that I am like you.

Helen Keller's eyes, Sullivan Teacher's world

If Helen Heller is in the dark in reality, then where Sullivan's teacher comes from, no one can understand the world in the dark better than Sullivan.

God does not burn out on anyone or favor anyone.

Even if a person is born with a golden key, I believe that his life may not be how wonderful, or intoxicated in the illusory world of paper drunk gold fans, scribbled life, and the difference between the dead night?

Helen Keller's eyes, Sullivan Teacher's world

Helen Keller's father was a lieutenant in the Confederate Army during the Civil War, and his family was well-off, coupled with her parents' pampering of Helen Heller, and the care of people around her. If it weren't for the fact that she had been blind and deaf since she was a child, she would have been a powerful lady.

Helen Keller's eyes, Sullivan Teacher's world

annie. Teacher Sullivan grew up poor, and suffered from eye diseases at the age of three, because the family did not have the money to find a private doctor for him to diagnose and treat, and she had to wait for the doctors of the welfare institutions to take her to see her that day.

"Sandye prefers slums and prefers to distribute in dirty places."

The blindness of her parents rushing to the doctor aggravated Anne's eye disease.

My mother suffered from tuberculosis one after another, and her body was emaciated and she coughed every day.

Anne's younger brother also inherited his mother's constitution and developed a large tuberculosis on his hip.

The arrival of the third child on Christmas Day was the last straw that broke the poor family.

Father Thomas said dismissively

"Good a cumbersome Christmas present"

Alice's tuberculosis, brother Jimmy's tuberculosis, Anne's trachoma.

Life is not a movie, in real life, fate gives you a slap, you think it will give you a candy next, but often it is a series of slaps.

Suffocates you, makes you give up resistance and succumb to it.

Thomas began to fall, drinking all day to numb himself.

If there is one disease in the world, it is the disease of poverty.

After Alice gave birth to her little sister Mary, she felt that her family status was threatened, so she began to scatter wild and smash things. Even knocked down the sleeping Mary in the cradle.

His temper also began to deteriorate, smashing the glass of the house.

It is really a leak in the house that rains overnight, and the ship is late and meets the head wind,

Angry, Thomas poured all his anger on Annie

"You broomstick star, bring bad luck..... It's been 7 years."

These few simple words, like a sharp knife, scraped off Anne's heart little by little, and accompanied Anne's nightmare night.

In the days that followed, Anne became a scapegoat for her father's grievances. The object of a murmured curse.

The father who used to carry her to the bustling neighborhood to buy a hat, and personally put it on for her, gently touching her forehead, is long gone.

The irony is that when Anne was born, everything was the most beautiful and happy.

Poor but happy. Anne began to babble, and her father always held her in his lap and told the story of "Little Red Riding Hood", humming songs for her, coaxing her to sleep, and holding her high to make her happy.

And always said loudly to Anne

"My little Anne, how lucky my Sullivan family is, how blessed I have Irish good luck, who dares to bully us."

Helen Keller's eyes, Sullivan Teacher's world

Reality is not a TV series, no miracles will happen, and no noble people will meet to fund them.

It's like a doctor's verdict in a hospital.

Pale and feeble, but very real.

It didn't take long to live on the help of relatives

The top beam column collapsed

Shortly after Alice left, the relatives held a decent family meeting to discuss the future survival of the three children.

Relatives blamed each other at the meeting

Everyone coaxed cousin Sudashi, who opened the tobacco factory, to adopt them.

Although Sudashib shouted injustice, he could not shirk his moral responsibility.

Reluctantly agreed to adopt Mary and her brother, but Anne did not dare to adopt because of her personality.

Afraid of not being able to get by, the cousin reluctantly took Annie in, but she hated Annie very much.

Not long after, the cousin could not bear the high cost of treatment for Jimmy's tuberculosis, and decided to send his sisters and brothers to the slumhouse to fend for themselves, raising Mary alone.

Helen Keller's eyes, Sullivan Teacher's world

On the day she left, Anne knew she was leaving

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I don't know where home is."

Follow a stranger in a carriage and a train,

Finally, "Black Mary" came to the "famous" Texas Fort Massachusetts Almshouse.

Here "Black Mary" refers to a prison cart dedicated to drunks, thieves, murderers.

Anne was less than 10 years old and was living in a slum with her brother, who had a tuberculosis on her buttocks.

At least, it was not starving. Nor can it be said to be a bad thing.

Anne and Jimmy are with the elderly woman at the poverty relief home.

Have fun with rats in a spooky morgue.

Compared with the outside world, Anne was not afraid of the silence and gloom of the almshouse.

Taste the impermanence and bitterness of the world, what is the difference between the living and the dead? What is there to be afraid of?

The sisters and brothers used the morgue as a playground and searched everywhere for fresh things.

At this time, Anne's eye disease was already very serious, almost semi-blind. He lived in darkness for a long time. I couldn't see things clearly.

Jimmy's buttocks were also getting bigger and bigger, and he walked limping back and forth.

"Jimmy's ability to walk shouldn't be a problem"

Anne always comforted herself in this way.

But Jimmy's condition has deteriorated, and he can't leave bed every day, screaming in pain.

The noise all night made the old woman next door unable to sleep and scolded

"You little devil wants to give you a slap"

It didn't take long for the doctor to come to see Jimmy and say that she would prepare Anne mentally, and that her brother would not have much time.

Anne's eyes were hollow, and a cold shiver extended from her back to a pain in her spine. She couldn't help but hoarsely growl. Fists kept pounding the doctor. Until someone ran over and pulled her away.

In the days that followed, Anne stayed with Jimmy, took care of him, helped him get dressed, fed him food, told him fairy tales, never left a step, did not even dare to fall asleep.

He was afraid that the dark night would be full of dangers, and death would silently take Jimmy away, and she would have to be awake and fight with all her strength.

While Jimmy is pushed into the morgue, Anne falls asleep.

She didn't survive death

On this day, Anne lost everything. It's really all lost. She was so miserable.

Helen Keller's eyes, Sullivan Teacher's world

When she woke up, Anne groped her brother's bed in the dark, but she couldn't find any trace of her brother, and her screams and cries kept coming to the almshouse.

The kind old woman couldn't look at it, hugged Anne, touched Anne's head and murmured pityingly, "Cry as much as you want, baby, tears can dilute the sorrow of life, please believe me, cry, people will always die." ”

After Jimmy's death, leaving the Texaco Almshouse was Anne's only hope.

Without dependence, she didn't want to spend her whole life in this dark hell.

She began to study Braille desperately, seizing every opportunity to leave Texark, and despite being coldly looked at and ridiculed, she never gave up on the ideals in her heart.

Once when a delegation came to Inspect Texasburg, Anne cheekily approached the inspection leader to reflect on her situation.

"I'm blind, I'm going to school for the blind," Said Anne.

The supervisor forcibly pulled her away and apologized to the leader, saying, "She may be crazy, don't pay attention to her." ”

But her voice was indeed heard.

Soon after the first arrival of Lady Luck, she was named by the leaders of the last inspection to attend the school for the blind.

It also laid a solid foundation in Braille for her to become Helen Keller's teacher.

After Anne was blind, there were many people who wanted to help him, and there were many people who helped him.

The godfather whom Desburg knew took her to the operation, but it failed, aggravated the condition, and there were several useless works in the future.

In the end, she relied on friends to help her recover her vision through surgery.

She herself came into the darkness, she knew how terrible the night and the silence were, fortunately the tribulations of life did not take her to the extreme, she was kind-hearted, and with love took Helen Keller out of the endless darkness.

He did not copy his tragic life to the next generation, she suffered humiliation and ridicule from those around her, and those who could not be killed would only make her stronger.

annie. Sullivan was to Helen Keller, her eyes and ears.

She is the person who has made Helen Kelly's silent contribution, and you must be clear that helen Keller put a lot of effort into college, and Sullivan wanted to be Helen Keller's translator.

Read with her every day.

Learning some abstract mathematical and physical ideas would have taken a lot of effort for Sullivan, who had only attended school for the blind.

Because they share a common destiny, but they all achieve backlight flight.

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