
Table of Contents 8: Hibiscus Plant, Mallowaceae, Hibiscus Plant, Science Popularization China| This entry is written and applied by the "Popular Science China" scientific encyclopedia, and the project review expert Zhang Yan Hibiscus is a member of the mallow family

author:Cheerful noodle PU



Hibiscus tree

Hibiscus in the mallow family

Popular Science China | This entry was reviewed by the "Popular Science China" scientific encyclopedia entry writing and application work project

Review expert Zhang Yan

Hibiscus is a deciduous shrub in the genus Hibiscus [4] of the mallow family. Its leaves are alternate, ovate or rhomboid ovate, often with irregular three lobes, and serrated edges; The flowers are red, white, purple, pink and other colors, and the axils of solitary leaves; Round capsules; Flowering takes place in July. [5]

Hibiscus is native to central China and is now cultivated in all provinces and regions south of the southeastern part of the northeast. Hibiscus tree loves light, slightly shade tolerant, cold resistant, can withstand minus 20 degrees Celsius low temperature, resistant to pruning, smoke and dust, anti-pollution. Hibiscus cuttings are very easy to survive and can also be sown and propagated. [6]

Hibiscus blooms in summer and autumn, with a long flowering period, many changes in flower color and flower type, and is the main flowering shrub in summer and autumn in the north. [7] Hibiscus tree uses flowers (hibiscus flowers) as medicine, sweet, bitter, cool, has the effect of clearing heat and moisture, cooling blood and detoxification; Hibiscus bark is used in medicine, sweet and bitter, slightly cold has the effect of clearing heat and moisture, killing insects and relieving itching; The fruit is medicated (hibiscus), which has the effect of clearing the lungs and dissolving phlegm and stopping headaches. [8] Hibiscus has soft branches that can be woven as a hedge. [9]

Chinese name

Hibiscus tree


Hibiscus trees, hedge flowers

Table of Contents 8: Hibiscus Plant, Mallowaceae, Hibiscus Plant, Science Popularization China| This entry is written and applied by the "Popular Science China" scientific encyclopedia, and the project review expert Zhang Yan Hibiscus is a member of the mallow family
Table of Contents 8: Hibiscus Plant, Mallowaceae, Hibiscus Plant, Science Popularization China| This entry is written and applied by the "Popular Science China" scientific encyclopedia, and the project review expert Zhang Yan Hibiscus is a member of the mallow family
Table of Contents 8: Hibiscus Plant, Mallowaceae, Hibiscus Plant, Science Popularization China| This entry is written and applied by the "Popular Science China" scientific encyclopedia, and the project review expert Zhang Yan Hibiscus is a member of the mallow family
Table of Contents 8: Hibiscus Plant, Mallowaceae, Hibiscus Plant, Science Popularization China| This entry is written and applied by the "Popular Science China" scientific encyclopedia, and the project review expert Zhang Yan Hibiscus is a member of the mallow family
Table of Contents 8: Hibiscus Plant, Mallowaceae, Hibiscus Plant, Science Popularization China| This entry is written and applied by the "Popular Science China" scientific encyclopedia, and the project review expert Zhang Yan Hibiscus is a member of the mallow family
Table of Contents 8: Hibiscus Plant, Mallowaceae, Hibiscus Plant, Science Popularization China| This entry is written and applied by the "Popular Science China" scientific encyclopedia, and the project review expert Zhang Yan Hibiscus is a member of the mallow family
Table of Contents 8: Hibiscus Plant, Mallowaceae, Hibiscus Plant, Science Popularization China| This entry is written and applied by the "Popular Science China" scientific encyclopedia, and the project review expert Zhang Yan Hibiscus is a member of the mallow family
Table of Contents 8: Hibiscus Plant, Mallowaceae, Hibiscus Plant, Science Popularization China| This entry is written and applied by the "Popular Science China" scientific encyclopedia, and the project review expert Zhang Yan Hibiscus is a member of the mallow family

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