
Wang Hongjun: Lanzhou's development should have an unconventional view of space

author:Lanzhou Net, China

Beijing, August 11 (Xinhua Finance) -- Wang Hongjun, deputy director of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Urban Governance and Planning of Shandong University, said at the fourth "Gansu Qilian Mountain Forum" on the 11th that Lanzhou's spatial development and Gansu's rural revitalization must be based on the idea of extraordinary development. From the perspective of historical space, Eurasian space and Chinese space, Lanzhou has an important position, and the spatial development of Lanzhou cannot be viewed with conventional geographical science theories.

Wang Hongjun: Lanzhou's development should have an unconventional view of space

In Wang Hongjun's view, there are currently six major problems in Lanzhou's spatial development: First, the concept of spatial development is backward, which directly leads to a significant reduction in the historical status of Lanzhou city in the country. Second, Lanzhou's current spatial positioning is too low. The idea of conventional spatial development makes Lanzhou's actual position in China far lower than its due status. Third, the small size of Lanzhou's population hinders its large-scale effect of large cities. Fourth, Lanzhou's total economic output is too low. Fifth, the industrial structure is backward. Traditional industries account for half of Lanzhou's industrial structure, and the high-end service industry is seriously backward. Sixth, the loss of high-end talents in Lanzhou is serious, and the senior talents of Lanzhou universities, scientific research institutes, enterprises and institutions are lost to the eastern coast.

Wang Hongjun believes that looking at the development of Lanzhou should have an unconventional view of space. First of all, the spatial development of Lanzhou cannot be viewed with conventional geographical science theories, and the reverse spatial concept of China's gradient sequential development should be practiced. Secondly, no urban development experience and theory can be simply applied to Lanzhou's urban development, and a non-urban scientific and simple development concept should be practiced. Third, Lanzhou's economic development needs to take the road of leapfrog development and practice the concept of economic leapfrog development.

For Lanzhou's spatial development strategy, Wang Hongjun proposed that Lanzhou's development must grasp the two main lines of "ecological environmental protection" and "high-quality development", and adhere to the ecological carrying capacity and fine development strategy. Lanzhou should be based on ecology, based on the carrying capacity of the ecological environment, adhere to scientific development, adhere to fine development, adhere to the development of blank space. In addition, Lanzhou should strive to become a national central city, pay attention to the tilt to senior talents, tilt to the high-end industrial structure, and improve the urban functions of Greater Lanzhou.

It is understood that the forum is jointly sponsored by the China Economic Information Agency of Xinhua News Agency and the Gansu Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and is carried out in the form of "cloud speech dialogue" and carries out all-weather "cloud live broadcast" for the whole world. With the theme of "New Ideas, New Patterns, New Stages and New Gansu", the forum focused on topics such as "Rongzhi Longyuan Green Butterfly Change", "From Poverty Alleviation to Revitalization: New Path for Gansu's High-quality Development", "Innovation and Cluster: Industrial Strengthening Gansu Xing" and other topics, studied and discussed the focus and hot issues in the fields of Gansu's economic development, ecological protection, rural revitalization, industrial upgrading and other fields, showed the new achievements of Gansu's practice of green development in recent years, and sought a new path for Gansu's green and high-quality development under the new situation.

Source: Xinhua Finance Editor: Liu Mingde

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