
The "Reading China" activity of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League was held in Beijing, and the painter Wang Hongjun attended and was well received

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[Reported by Li Changzheng, Chen Yongli, Li Wei, and Li Kaihua] The large-scale media integration activity of "Reading China" sponsored by the "Guanghua Public Welfare Book Sea Project" of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League was recently launched in Beijing, and Wang Hongjun, a famous expert in plum blossom seal characters in China, has continuously devoted himself to China's public welfare undertakings for many years because he has responded to the call of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and has donated 100,000 yuan to students in poor mountainous areas in this activity, and his "Plum Blossom Seal Character Love Book House" is about to be listed.

The "Reading China" activity of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League was held in Beijing, and the painter Wang Hongjun attended and was well received
The "Reading China" activity of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League was held in Beijing, and the painter Wang Hongjun attended and was well received
The "Reading China" activity of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League was held in Beijing, and the painter Wang Hongjun attended and was well received

At the scene of the event, Song Shengli, the son of Song Ping, former member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, cordially received Wang Hongjun, hoping that he would continue to work hard to write a 100-meter long scroll of "plum blossom seal characters" to welcome the centenary of the founding of the party, and said that if completed, he would assist Wang Hongjun to display this long scroll of plum blossom seal characters to the people of the world on Qianmen Avenue in Beijing, together with other works of art jointly organized by UNESCO. Wang Hongjun was filled with tears of excitement on the spot, and said that he would certainly live up to his expectations, do his best to fulfill this sacred mission, and present gifts to the party's centennial birthday!

The "Reading China" activity of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League was held in Beijing, and the painter Wang Hongjun attended and was well received
The "Reading China" activity of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League was held in Beijing, and the painter Wang Hongjun attended and was well received
The "Reading China" activity of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League was held in Beijing, and the painter Wang Hongjun attended and was well received