
The green roe that "cannot be raised" can live in theory, but this "key point" must be known

author:Raising flowers, fishing, fighting clams

For the decoration of the environment there is nothing more convincing than a pot of green plants, green plants can make the environment appear warm and vibrant, when raising green plants, you can choose worry-free and labor-saving varieties, for example, you can raise a few pots of green roses, maintenance and management is very easy, no need for daily care can also be vibrant, but some people raise green roses but find that green roses will slowly shrink and even yellow leaves, what's going on?

The green roe that "cannot be raised" can live in theory, but this "key point" must be known

What aspects should be paid attention to in the maintenance of green rose?

1. Lighting conditions

When maintaining potted green roses, we must pay attention to the light can not be exposed to the sun, green roses are a very shade-tolerant plant, in the light to show scattered light conditions can grow well, so it can be bred indoors, and scattered light is through the window into the indoor sunlight, not directly irradiated on the green rose, then you can raise it in such an environment, but it does not need sunlight, if it is a north-facing house or perennial no light, green rose is likely to grow longer and shrink or yellow leaves.

The green roe that "cannot be raised" can live in theory, but this "key point" must be known

2. Reasonable watering

Green rose is very resistant to drought, generally watering once a week or so, watering does not have a specific time, everyone can master the specific time, here teach you a good way, that is, when you find that the leaves of the green apple pull down, it means that it has been short of water, this time watering through, but do not soak the green apple in water, watering can not be watered more, more will lead to rotten roots of green rose, it is generally not watered for half a month will not die, so to reasonably control the amount of water.

The green roe that "cannot be raised" can live in theory, but this "key point" must be known

3. Cultivation substrate

When cultivating green roses, it is safer to choose nutrient soil, because the nutrient soil is very loose and breathable, such a soil environment green rose can effectively take root, in addition, if the green rose grows vigorously, must regularly cut off its virtual roots, if the green rose grows very vigorously, it means that its roots also reproduce very fast, at this time, if the dense root system is not cut off in time, its root system will be entrenched in the entire pot, and the lack of nutrition will make it grow thinner and thinner.

The green roe that "cannot be raised" can live in theory, but this "key point" must be known

4. Nutritional supplementation

Green rose is a very worry-free green plant, as long as you take time to sort it out, you can survive, but it does not mean that this green plant can be left alone, in the growth of vigorous also need to apply some nutrient solution, or artificial adjustment of acid and alkali value, such as nowadays home breeding plants are watered by tap water, but tap water is alkaline, so daily to provide some ferrous sulfate with water to water flowers, which can ensure that the acidic components are enough, to ensure that the green rose grows more vigorously.

The green roe that "cannot be raised" can live in theory, but this "key point" must be known


Before raising green roses, it is necessary to clearly select whether the green rose is a hydroponic variety or a soil cultivated variety, and it is no problem for hydroponic varieties to be raised in water, because its root system is aquatic roots, which can breathe in water, but soil cultivation must be planted in the soil, not aquaculture.

(Original article, some pictures from the Internet, infringement please contact, like attention, help forward)

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