
Just now, on the seashore in the distance of Japan, a white line appeared, and the devil was frightened and turned pale. Because it was a tsunami, by the time they eased up, the tsunami had already rushed ashore and flooded instantly

author:User 4928890193057

Just now, on the seashore in the distance of Japan, a white line appeared, and the devil was frightened and turned pale. Because it was a tsunami, by the time they eased up, the tsunami had already washed ashore and instantly flooded the streets. It turned out that this was because Japan was punished by nature for arbitrarily discharging river wastewater and river leakage.

On this day, a magnitude 9 earthquake struck Japan, triggering a tsunami 40 meters high. The floating island nuclear power plant on the coast failed to withstand the impact of the tsunami, and the huge water tanks were uprooted. Two workers at the nuclear power plant were checking the equipment on a daily basis, and the next second seawater rushed into the machine room, and almost all the electrical appliances were short-circuited. After a while, the sea slowly receded, and the nuclear power plant was already a mess. The controller wanted to restart all this, but found that the backup generator was also broken, so that the nuclear power plant could not supply electricity to the citizens.

But the truth is not so simple, more importantly, the nuclear reactor in the nuclear power plant cannot be shut down, and it cannot be released when the power is cut off. The Tokyo government did not realize this, and was still studying how to explain to the citizens after the power outage, and now the nuclear power plant is completely dark, and all kinds of meters are difficult to use. They decided to get a few car batteries and restore the meter values first.

The Japanese government did not understand the situation of the nuclear power plant, and directly came out to comfort the people, missing the best time to evacuate. The leader sent two workers to check the cooling of the nuclear reactor. But halfway through, the nuclear radiation instrument in his hand suddenly began to sound, and the numerical display had exploded, and the workers pulled their legs and ran in fear. But if you don't turn on the cooling switch, everyone may die. So they changed into protective clothing and entered the plant again from another route, carried the radiation to open the cooling valve, and the car battery was also returned.

The instruments resumed working, but they saw that the coolant level was close to 0, and if the water was gone, it would be burned through, and a nuclear leak would follow. When the Japanese prime minister heard the news, he was too frightened to speak, and it was expected that the cooling water would dry up in 40 minutes, and a nuclear leak would occur in another hour.

The government immediately changed its tune and asked people to evacuate 3 kilometers away, falsely claiming that it was just a precautionary measure. The government coordinated a mobile generator for the nuclear power plant, which was blocked by waste vehicles from the tsunami. They took another road, and when they were about to arrive, they suddenly ran out of road. When they got out of the car and took a closer look, a giant oil pipe by the sea had been washed up on the road, and the workers could only lay the cables manually. One of the workers in the middle suddenly fell and just disappeared out of thin air.

There was a plop in the process of saving people, and someone disappeared again. It turned out that there were deep manholes underwater, and their mission this time was full of hidden attacks. Just a few days ago, Japan officially discharged nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the sea, and in a few decades, the entire sea may be polluted. At the same time, countries around the world will be affected, but Japan does not care, and says that the discharge of river sewage has no impact at all. Such irresponsible behavior was immediately retaliated by nature.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and typhoons all reign in Japan, and Japan is really in trouble. Is everyone supporting Japan and disappearing from nature's disasters?

Just now, on the seashore in the distance of Japan, a white line appeared, and the devil was frightened and turned pale. Because it was a tsunami, by the time they eased up, the tsunami had already rushed ashore and flooded instantly
Just now, on the seashore in the distance of Japan, a white line appeared, and the devil was frightened and turned pale. Because it was a tsunami, by the time they eased up, the tsunami had already rushed ashore and flooded instantly
Just now, on the seashore in the distance of Japan, a white line appeared, and the devil was frightened and turned pale. Because it was a tsunami, by the time they eased up, the tsunami had already rushed ashore and flooded instantly
Just now, on the seashore in the distance of Japan, a white line appeared, and the devil was frightened and turned pale. Because it was a tsunami, by the time they eased up, the tsunami had already rushed ashore and flooded instantly

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