
Hurry up and dry! Do you want to "soak in the bath" on the weekend? To deal with heavy rainfall disasters, you have to learn this trick!

author:Guangdong Satellite TV is healthy and good
Hurry up and dry! Do you want to "soak in the bath" on the weekend? To deal with heavy rainfall disasters, you have to learn this trick!

The good news: this week has finally come to an end to the continuous rain and rain 雨️️️ that has been going on for some time before

Healthy Jun feels that he is about to be turned into a "hipster", and he urgently needs to "bathe" in the sun to supplement dopamine.

Sunny seems to have heard the call of netizens, and this week released the long-lost sunshine, allowing us to live a big "washing" day as we wished! Everyone, hurry up and dry it!

Hurry up and dry! Do you want to "soak in the bath" on the weekend? To deal with heavy rainfall disasters, you have to learn this trick!

However, Jiankang Jun also received bad news: on Saturday and Sunday, the rain will become heavier again, and it is expected that another weekend will be "lost"

Hurry up and dry! Do you want to "soak in the bath" on the weekend? To deal with heavy rainfall disasters, you have to learn this trick!

Since some time ago, under the combined influence of a number of low troughs and southwest airflows, Guangdong Province has continued to experience heavy rainfall, and many cities have experienced floods of varying degrees.

In many places, there were even disasters such as landslides and mudslides, and Guangzhou also traveled to an extremely rare tornado, which posed a considerable threat to the safety of everyone's life and property.

Hurry up and dry! Do you want to "soak in the bath" on the weekend? To deal with heavy rainfall disasters, you have to learn this trick!

"Personal Disaster Prevention and Self-Rescue Guide"

  • Required Skill (1): Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

The successive heavy rainfalls, breaking rainfall records in many cities, have put transportation services in serious trouble. Water ingress in the subway tunnel caused a man to faint in the carriage, suspected of choking on water, affecting his lungs and causing his heartbeat to stop.

At this critical juncture, a passenger called for AED first aid equipment. With the assistance of other passengers, he quickly turned on the AED device and followed the instructions of the device to give emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the fainted man.

After a few shocks, the man's heartbeat regained regularity and his breathing gradually stabilized.

Hurry up and dry! Do you want to "soak in the bath" on the weekend? To deal with heavy rainfall disasters, you have to learn this trick!

In the event of an emergency, the AED device is our right-hand man, it is easy to use and can provide timely and effective rescue for cardiac arrest patients. So it's an important skill that each of us should have.

Hurry up and dry! Do you want to "soak in the bath" on the weekend? To deal with heavy rainfall disasters, you have to learn this trick!
  • Required skill (2): Rapid hemostasis and bandaging

Heavy rain continued, and there was a traffic accident on Ximen Road. The preliminary investigation showed that when the delivery rider Wu Moumou (male, 32 years old) drove the battery car to the gate of Yida Gate 2, he collided with Zhao's normally driving car because of the slippery road surface and poor visibility. The accident caused damage to the vehicle, and Wu was injured.

Wu's injuries were severe, appearing to have a fractured bone and bleeding. Fortunately, an enthusiastic citizen detected the accident in time and immediately launched a first aid operation. He took out the triangular scarf and skillfully used it to perform an emergency hemostatic bandage.

Through the correct use of the triangular scarf bandaging method, Wu's bleeding was effectively controlled, and his life was temporarily stabilized.

This accident reminds us once again to be extra cautious when driving in bad weather. At the same time, learning proper first aid skills, especially the triangular bandaging method, can save lives at critical moments.

It is a compulsory course to learn basic emergency rescue knowledge and skills and improve self-rescue and mutual rescue capabilities, which is of great significance to grasp the best rescue time and reduce casualties in daily emergencies.

Everyone talks about safety, and everyone will be able to respond to emergencies

From May 11th to 17th, it is the mainland's disaster prevention and mitigation publicity week, and Jiankang Jun has found experts to teach everyone the above-mentioned first-aid self-rescue skills, as well as what emergency supplies should be prepared for an effective home first-aid kit.

At 21:15 today, the program "Healthy and Daodao" will invite Li Shuangming, director of the Guangzhou Emergency Medical Command Center, and Li Hui, director of the emergency department of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, to talk about the "Personal Disaster Prevention and Self-help Guide".

Hurry up and dry! Do you want to "soak in the bath" on the weekend? To deal with heavy rainfall disasters, you have to learn this trick!

1. Learn proper CPR

What is an AED? What does it do? In daily life, how should you find AEDs near you?

2. Learn the wound hemostatic triangle bandaging method

Triangular scarves are a convenient and easy-to-use bandaging material, and can also be used as a splint, dressing, and as a tourniquet substitute, as well as for immobilizing difficult areas such as shoulders, chest, groin, and buttocks.

3. List of home first aid kits

A picture to interpret! What need to be prepared for debridement bandaging + external drugs in the home first aid kit, and the function of each emergency material.

Hurry up and dry! Do you want to "soak in the bath" on the weekend? To deal with heavy rainfall disasters, you have to learn this trick!

Today at 21:15

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