
This strange creature is preparing to make a move on the two young dragons below. When it came close and saw Hart's teeth like a light, he immediately turned on reverse mode and fled. Hart looked hidden

author:Xiaoya Kaiying

This strange creature is preparing to make a move on the two young dragons below. When it came close and saw Hart's teeth like a light, he immediately turned on reverse mode and fled. Hart looked hidden, and his brother Wright thought it was because he looked like a Tyrannosaurus rex, with a rugged body and jagged teeth.

It turned out that not long ago, this female dragon found an abandoned dinosaur egg in the river. In order to prevent it from being eaten by other dinosaurs, he brought it back to Egg Mountain and raised it with his children. But vegetarian dinosaurs were the weaklings of that era.

On this day, a group of oviraptorosaurs attacked Egg Mountain, and the only two eggs left under the desperate protection of the dragon mother broke their shells healthily. The elder brother's name is Wright, and the younger brother named Hart who picked it up. But everyone found that Little Hart's teeth and body were obviously a carnivorous dinosaur. In order to ensure the safety of the clan, the patriarch decided to solve Hart, but the kind dragon mother fought to protect the patriarch and had to make concessions. Ask Mother Dragon to discard Little Hart.

Mother Dragon placed Hart in a place overgrown with red berries so that he could have plenty of food. But as soon as she was about to turn and leave, Hart's miserable cry came from behind. In the end, Mother Long resolutely decided to leave the group and live alone with her two children.

At this time, Hart did not know that he was a Tyrannosaurus rex, and he only found that he had many differences from his brother, such as that he did not like to eat leaves and acorns, but preferred to have a gecko's tail and chase small animals. He accidentally fell off a cliff while chasing a small squirrel. It was here that the brothers first heard about the ferocity and cruelty of the Tyrannosaurus rex, and were so frightened that they hugged each other and shivered, and it was the bag at the beginning.

Hearing his brother Wright's explanation, Hart immediately suspected that Long Sheng cried, and then threw himself into his mother's arms. Seeing this, her mother warned Wright not to say such things again. On this day, Hart felt full of vitality, as if he had endless strength, he desperately chased small animals, and finally rushed out of the forest to the plain area ruled by the Tyrannosaurus rex.

Here he witnessed the bloody scene of several Tyrannosaurus rex preying on their prey, and Hart was suddenly frightened to the point of weakness. Before they could escape, they were stopped by several Tyrannosaurus rex, as they smelled the herbivorous dragon on Hart. Just as Hart collapsed to the ground in fright, Buck, King of the Plains, appeared and saw Hart's appearance. Buck was stunned for a few seconds, and after asking Hart about his origins, he let him go, telling him to be careful on the way. Hart finally crawls through the woods and meets his brother who is looking for him.

Who knew that a Tyrannosaurus rex named Inuzo secretly followed behind. Inuzo jerks Wright to the ground and tells him a cruel truth. Hart was a carnivorous dinosaur like himself.

Stimulated, Hart could not accept this reality, and his extreme anger awakened his bloodline and directly bit on the tail of the dog. No matter how much Inuzo flicked, he refused to let go until he bit off his tail, and then swallowed it directly into his stomach. This was the first time Hart tasted the deliciousness of meat.

Now he could no longer control his body, and threw himself at his brother on the side, almost biting his brother. Frightened by his bloodthirsty nature, he feared that he would eat his brother and mother uncontrollably, and the panicked Hart ran away alone and chose to run away from home.

He traveled all the way to the plains and forced himself to become a self-disciplined Tyrannosaurus rex. As a child, Hart was always vegetarian and never beat his brother by breaking his wrists. Now he starts exercising every day, crossing push-ups, licking his head and crushing boulders, and climbing with his bare hands, just to become the strongest Tyrannosaurus rex. Hart knew that he was born to eat meat, so he singled out dinosaurs who were old and sick, and from time to time ran to Inuzo's territory to hunt, laughing at his short and thin tail by the way.

But on this day, Hart found a lost dinosaur egg, he tapped it with his finger, and a small ankylosaurus that was cute enough to vomit blood broke out of its shell. The Tyrannosaurus rex couldn't help but say: You look as if it's delicious. Then Zhang Sheng took a big bite and prepared to eat this little guy. Daddy Dad.

This strange creature is preparing to make a move on the two young dragons below. When it came close and saw Hart's teeth like a light, he immediately turned on reverse mode and fled. Hart looked hidden
This strange creature is preparing to make a move on the two young dragons below. When it came close and saw Hart's teeth like a light, he immediately turned on reverse mode and fled. Hart looked hidden
This strange creature is preparing to make a move on the two young dragons below. When it came close and saw Hart's teeth like a light, he immediately turned on reverse mode and fled. Hart looked hidden
This strange creature is preparing to make a move on the two young dragons below. When it came close and saw Hart's teeth like a light, he immediately turned on reverse mode and fled. Hart looked hidden
This strange creature is preparing to make a move on the two young dragons below. When it came close and saw Hart's teeth like a light, he immediately turned on reverse mode and fled. Hart looked hidden
This strange creature is preparing to make a move on the two young dragons below. When it came close and saw Hart's teeth like a light, he immediately turned on reverse mode and fled. Hart looked hidden
This strange creature is preparing to make a move on the two young dragons below. When it came close and saw Hart's teeth like a light, he immediately turned on reverse mode and fled. Hart looked hidden

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