
Why can geckos become one of the "five poisons"? It seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but urine causes trouble

author:Good food, good taste, one plus one

Editor丨Chen Muyu Dictation丨Li Feifei Picture丨Network picture

Why can geckos become one of the "five poisons"? It seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but urine causes trouble

# Why can geckos become one of the "five poisons"? It seems harmless to humans and animals, but urine causes trouble

In traditional Chinese culture, the term "five poisons" is often used to refer to five common poisonous animals, including scorpions, snakes, centipedes, toads, and geckos. Although geckos are seen as harmless critters in everyday life and even as a symbol of good luck in some cultures, they are still included in the "five poisons". So, why is the gecko one of the "five poisons"? The answer may be related to its urine.

Why can geckos become one of the "five poisons"? It seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but urine causes trouble

## Gecko's Urine: A Powerful Insect Repellent

Why can geckos become one of the "five poisons"? It seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but urine causes trouble

Geckos' urine contains some special chemicals that have a strong repellent effect on many parasites. Studies have found that these chemicals in gecko's urine can effectively kill or repel a variety of pests such as mosquitoes, flies, ants, and more. This natural insect repellent effect makes geckos ecologically valuable in their natural environment.

However, this potent deworming effect of gecko urine can be harmful to humans and other animals. When gecko's urine comes into contact with human skin, it may cause skin inflammation such as redness, swelling, itching, etc. In some extreme cases, gecko urine can also cause allergic reactions and may even trigger more serious health problems.

Why can geckos become one of the "five poisons"? It seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but urine causes trouble

## Other potential hazards of gecko urine

Why can geckos become one of the "five poisons"? It seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but urine causes trouble

In addition to its possible effects on human skin, gecko urine can be potentially harmful to other animals and the environment. For example, some studies have found that chemicals in gecko's urine may negatively affect bees and other beneficial insects. This may be because geckos, in the process of preying on insects, will spray urine on their prey, thus preventing the prey from escaping and resisting.

Why can geckos become one of the "five poisons"? It seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but urine causes trouble

In addition, the chemicals in the gecko's urine can also have an impact on the environment. Some studies have found that some chemicals in gecko's urine may have a negative impact on soil microbes and plant growth. This may be because the chemicals in the gecko's urine can alter the chemistry of the soil, which can affect the survival and activity of soil microorganisms. At the same time, these chemicals can also have a negative impact on plant growth and development.

Why can geckos become one of the "five poisons"? It seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but urine causes trouble

## How to Safely Deal with Gecko Urine Problems

Why can geckos become one of the "five poisons"? It seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but urine causes trouble

Despite the potential hazards associated with gecko urine, in most cases, people do not need to come into direct contact with gecko urine. However, if you find a gecko in your home, or need to dispose of a gecko carcass, then there are a few things you need to do to prevent gecko urine from harming you and your family.

First, try to avoid direct contact with gecko urine. If contact must be made, it is recommended to wear gloves and a mask to reduce skin and respiratory exposure to gecko urine. At the same time, the skin and eyes should be rinsed with plenty of water immediately after contact.

Secondly, if you find geckos in your home, you can try using some non-toxic insect repellent or catching equipment to control the gecko population. At the same time, you can also consider asking a professional pest control company to deal with it.

Finally, if you need to dispose of a gecko carcass, you should first wear gloves and a mask, and then use a tool to place the gecko carcass in a plastic bag and seal it. After that, the gecko carcass can be taken outdoors to a trash can for disposal. Direct contact with the gecko carcass and its body fluids should be avoided throughout the procedure.

## Conclusion: Respect for life and understand ecology

Although gecko urine is somewhat harmful, this does not negate the important role of geckos in the ecosystem. As a member of the ecosystem, geckos help maintain ecological balance by preying on pests. Therefore, when we deal with the gecko problem, we should not only consider our own safety, but also minimize the damage to the gecko as much as possible, and respect the value of every life.

At the same time, we should also have a deeper understanding and study of the ecological Xi and physiological mechanisms of geckos and other animals in order to better understand and protect our ecological environment. Only in this way can we go further on the road of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Overall, the main reason why geckos are one of the "five poisons" is because of the powerful anthelmintic chemicals contained in their urine. While these chemicals are harmful to humans and other animals, geckos themselves have gained an important place in the ecosystem. Therefore, when we face the gecko problem, we must not only protect our own safety, but also respect and understand the role of the gecko in the ecosystem.

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