
This ginseng goji berry pork liver soup in warm winter warms the stomach and warms the heart

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
This ginseng goji berry pork liver soup in warm winter warms the stomach and warms the heart

This is a home-made tonic soup, and it is a fast soup Oh ~ just need to "roll" the slightly pickled pork liver in the soup, delicious and fast.

By Mummy Mom


Pork liver 200 g

Astragalus 15 g

Party ginseng 10 g

Goji berries 5 g

Corn starch 10 g

1 scoop of cooking wine

1 scoop of light soy sauce

A pinch of salt

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

This ginseng goji berry pork liver soup in warm winter warms the stomach and warms the heart

1: Wash the pork liver, remove the fascia part, soak in taomi water for about 20 minutes, fish it out and rinse it with clean water, drain the water and cut into thin slices.

This ginseng goji berry pork liver soup in warm winter warms the stomach and warms the heart

2: Put the cut pork liver into a bowl, add corn starch, cooking wine, raw soy sauce evenly, and marinate for 5 minutes.

This ginseng goji berry pork liver soup in warm winter warms the stomach and warms the heart

3. Rinse the astragalus, ginseng and goji berries with water, and cut the ginseng into short sections.

This ginseng goji berry pork liver soup in warm winter warms the stomach and warms the heart

4: Put the astragalus and ginseng into a casserole dish, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil on high heat, reduce heat and cook for 20 minutes.

This ginseng goji berry pork liver soup in warm winter warms the stomach and warms the heart

5: Turn to medium heat, add washed goji berries and cook for 3 minutes, then add pork liver, bring to a boil over high heat, and season with salt.


To roll out a delicious pork liver soup, first of all, the ingredients must be fresh, and secondly, they must be freshly made. Because the fresh pork liver is cut and left for a long time, the juice will flow out, not only losing nutrients, but also greatly reducing the taste.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of pork liver</h2>

Pig liver taste sweet, bitter, warm, return to the liver meridian; has the effect of tonifying the liver, blindness, blood nourishment; used for blood deficiency and yellowing, night blindness, red eyes, edema, athlete's foot and other diseases.

1. Blindness

Pork liver is rich in vitamin A, which can protect the eyes, maintain normal vision, prevent dry eyes, fatigue, maintain a healthy skin tone, and is of great significance to the bodybuilding of the skin.

2. Blood replenishment

Pig liver is rich in iron, is the most commonly used food in blood tonic food, eating pig liver can regulate and improve the physiological function of the hematopoietic system in anemia patients.

3. Remove toxins

Regular consumption of animal liver can also supplement vitamin B2, which is an important coenzyme supplement for the body and completes the detoxification of some toxic components.

4. Enhance human immunity

Pig liver in the diet and health with the general meat food does not contain vitamin C and trace elements selenium, can enhance the body's immune response, antioxidant, anti-aging, and can inhibit the production of tumor cells, but also can treat acute infectious hepatitis.

<h2>Dietary contraindications to pork liver</h2>

Pork liver should not be eaten with fish, finches, buckwheat, cauliflower, soybeans, tofu, quail meat, pheasant; should not be eaten with bean sprouts, tomatoes, peppers, edamame, hawthorn and other foods rich in vitamin C; animal liver should not be eaten with vitamin C, anticoagulant drugs, levodopa, unimpedil and phenyl ethylhydrazine and other drugs.

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