
US tech giant promises to 'watermark' AI-generated content

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On the 21st local time, the White House issued an announcement that it has reached an agreement with large technology companies to set more "guardrails" for the development of artificial intelligence, including the development of watermarking systems, etc., to prevent the spread of false information and other risks.

US tech giant promises to 'watermark' AI-generated content

The White House said that seven major AI companies, including OpenAI and its partner, Microsoft, and Google's parent company Alphabet and Meta have pledged to take a series of self-regulatory measures, including a joint development of a watermarking system to mark content in various forms, including text, images, audio, etc., to help users distinguish whether the content is generated by artificial intelligence.

US tech giant promises to 'watermark' AI-generated content

The companies also promised that as AI technology evolves, they will focus on protecting user privacy and ensuring that the technology is unbiased and not used to discriminate against vulnerable groups.

US tech giant promises to 'watermark' AI-generated content

Since the US artificial intelligence company OpenAI launched ChatGPT in November last year, artificial intelligence content automatic generation technology has set off a boom, but it has also brought risks such as academic fraud, technology abuse, and public opinion security. In June, the European Parliament agreed on a draft regulation of artificial intelligence that would require ChatGPT-like systems to disclose what content is generated by AI, helping to distinguish between real images and so-called "deepfake" images, while ensuring protection against illegal content. The U.S. lags behind the EU in regulating AI. The Biden administration is currently working on an executive order to address the risks posed by artificial intelligence.

(Intern Editor: Gu Zhekai)

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