
Tender and delicious lemon pulled chicken, simple 3 steps to make, delicious and nutritious, good parenting food

author:Yang Dad Parenting Sutra


Tender and delicious lemon pulled chicken, simple 3 steps to make, delicious and nutritious, good parenting food

Tender and delicious lemon pulled chicken, simple 3 steps to make, delicious and nutritious, good parenting food

Tender and delicious lemon pulled chicken, simple 3 steps to make, delicious and nutritious, good parenting food

Now the weather is getting hotter and hotter, not to mention children, even adults will occasionally reduce appetite, and for five or six-year-old children, it is now summer vacation, young and naughty, from time to time will go out to run, move, these are routine operations, and for parents, instead of worrying about whether they will have physical fatigue due to excessive play and sweating, it is better to consider more about supplementing their body's consumption needs from diet.

In fact, in the equipment of parenting dishes, five or six-year-old children are already relatively familiar with normal meat and vegetarian recipes, basically what adults eat, children can eat, as long as it is not extremely spicy food, in fact, they are generally not refused.

Tender and delicious lemon pulled chicken, simple 3 steps to make, delicious and nutritious, good parenting food

Especially for the unique flavor of meat deliciousness, they are heavily affected in the system of parenting cuisine, and for the lemon pulled chicken shared today, it not only has the highest quality protein among meat delicacy, but also has a low fat content, compared to the children's body supplements, chicken is more in line with their nutritional needs.

And the next three-step practical method to share is about the simple operation of lemon pulled chicken, tender and delicious while increasing acidity, so that children's appetite is greatly improved, if you are also very interested in this parenting delicacy, you may wish to look down and like more.

Tender and delicious lemon pulled chicken, simple 3 steps to make, delicious and nutritious, good parenting food

Lemon pulled chicken


Four large chicken thighs for pistols, one fresh lemon, two millet spicy sticks (you can also choose not to add it), two spoons of balsamic vinegar, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a spoonful of light soy sauce, 4g of sugar, 1g of salt and chicken essence, a spoonful of sesame oil, an appropriate amount of green onion, ginger and garlic, 25g of chopped coriander, 3 spoons of cooking wine.

【Cooking steps】

1. First clean the pistol and large chicken thighs, put them directly into a 400ml pot of water, add 3 slices of ginger, 1 green onion, 3 spoons of cooking wine, first boil over high heat, take out the foam on the side of the pot, then cover and turn to low heat, continue to simmer for ten minutes, take out and put 350ml ice water bowl with ice cubes in the middle control cooling, take out and put on disposable gloves, tear into chicken strips for later.

Tender and delicious lemon pulled chicken, simple 3 steps to make, delicious and nutritious, good parenting food

2. Prepare a slightly larger stainless steel bowl, add the chili millet cut into rings, sliced lemon, sugar, salt, chicken essence, sesame oil, balsamic vinegar, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, chopped coriander and a little minced garlic, stir well and then evenly pour in 40ml of the soup that just cooked the chicken thighs, try to filter with a strainer to remove the foam residue, stir well.

3. Finally, cover the bowl with a layer of plastic wrap, refrigerate and marinate for 30 minutes, let the chicken taste and control the cold, then you can take it out and put it on a plate to serve the child's meal.

Tender and delicious lemon pulled chicken, simple 3 steps to make, delicious and nutritious, good parenting food

Here is Father Yang's parenting scripture, sharing useful and practical knowledge is my original intention.

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