
Osmanthus glutinous rice wine egg sweet soup

author:Guangzhou Daily
Osmanthus glutinous rice wine egg sweet soup

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Recommendation: Department of Clinical Nutrition, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Main effect: Warms the spleen and stomach

Recommended reason: Chongyang soup water

Ingredients: 30g glutinous rice, 500ml glutinous rice wine (adjust according to personal preference), 1 corn, 3 to 4 eggs, 2g berries, dried osmanthus flowers and rock sugar (3 to 4 people portions).

Preparation Method: Soak glutinous rice in advance. Wash the corn, take the kernels and slightly hammer it. Eggs are washed and boiled and peeled. Add 800ml of water to the pot, add glutinous rice, corn crushed, boil and then change to simmer until the glutinous rice is soft and rotten, add glutinous rice wine and eggs to continue to cook for 15 minutes, and finally add berries, osmanthus flowers, rock sugar, stir and boil.

Soup review: In the middle of October, it is the Chongyang Festival again.

Following the custom of drinking flower wine and eating flower cakes during the festival, let's get a sweet soup with osmanthus flowers. This soup to glutinous rice, glutinous rice wine-based, sweet and warm glutinous rice has the effect of warming the spleen and stomach, anti-sweating, made of glutinous rice wine, under the impetus of wine, warm, qi, blood effect strengthened, the temperature in the north of mid-to-late October is a little low, drink some glutinous rice soup to warm the lower body is still good. Finally, add some osmanthus flowers, one to meet the scene, two to refresh the aroma, three to the warm osmanthus can dissolve phlegm, scatter stasis, on the phlegm cough, toothache, bad breath has an auxiliary therapeutic effect, of course, more appropriate, replaced by chrysanthemums can also be.

Clear the heat, moisten the lungs, nourish the liver

Blood replenishment Calcium appetizing

Blindness, moisturizing, nourishing the stomach, coughing

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