
A bite of cheesecake

author:Gentleman's baking
A bite of cheesecake

This little cake is a substitute for when I want to eat cheesecake and don't want to make cheesecake.

On the one hand, it's easy to make and bakes quickly, not as strenuous as a big cake (and doesn't require a water bath). On the other hand, it is small in size, eating one or two at a time will not exceed the calorie standard, you can deceive yourself into wanting to reduce calorie intake of me ~ ~

A bite of cheesecake

Reference components: 24 pcs

Cheese batter

Cream cheese 200 g, caster sugar 50 g, egg 1 (about 50 g after shelling), milk 60 g

Sponge cake batter

1 egg (about 50 g after hulling), 25 g caster sugar, 30 g low gluten flour

※ Cream cheese, also known as cream cheese, English name cream cheese, is the cheese most commonly used to make cheesecake.

Production process

A bite of cheesecake

Start by making the cheese batter.

After the cream cheese has softened at room temperature, add castellar and whisk with an electric whisk until smooth and particle-free. After that, add 1 egg and continue to whip well with an electric whisk.

A bite of cheesecake

Then add the milk and whisk again to form the cheese batter. Let the finished cheese batter sit and set aside.

A bite of cheesecake

The production of cheese batter, as long as all the ingredients are added in order and beaten evenly, is it simple?

A bite of cheesecake
A bite of cheesecake

Then make the sponge cake batter.

The process is exactly the same as making finger cookies (actually that's the batter for finger cookies). So you can click here directly to view the finger cookie video.

The yolk of the egg is separated from the egg white. Egg whites are beaten with fine granulated sugar and whisked with an electric whisk until they can pull out the upright sharp corners.

A bite of cheesecake

Then beat the egg yolks in another bowl. After the egg yolk is whisked, it will become significantly larger, fluffy and lighter in color. Pour the beaten egg yolks into the egg whites and quickly stir well with a spatula.

A bite of cheesecake

Then sift the low gluten flour into the mixed egg mixture. Then continue mixing with a spatula, here to pay attention, quickly, largely mix, as soon as possible to mix the flour and egg liquid, avoid defoaming. You end up with a very thick and delicate batter.

Regarding the techniques of egg beating and mixing, it is strongly recommended that you click here to view the video of finger biscuits, which has a very clear demonstration.

A bite of cheesecake

Squeeze the prepared sponge cake batter into a small cake mold (the mold is coated with a layer of oil to prevent sticking) in a framed bag, and squeeze a thin layer on the bottom (picture left). After squeezing, shake the mold on the countertop to flatten the batter (right).

I use a very small size of 12 small cake molds (4 .6cm in diameter on the top, 3 cm in diameter on the bottom), which can probably make 2 plates of molds and have some batter left, for reference.

A bite of cheesecake

Preheat the oven to 180°C, put the mold into the oven, the middle layer, bake for about 10 minutes, until the cake is completely puffed and set, and the surface is light yellow before it can be baked.

Note ha, the cake will swell when baking, the batter only needs to squeeze a thin layer, if you squeeze too much, baking when the expansion is too high, there is no place to put cheese batter!

A bite of cheesecake

Pour the cheese batter into the mold, pour it over the sponge cake, and fill it so that the batter fills the mold.

Reduce the oven temperature to 150 °C on top and bottom heat, continue to the middle layer of the oven and bake for about 15 minutes. Bake until the batter is fully drummed up. When cooled, the cheesecake retracts and dents, forming a groove in the surface. This is a normal phenomenon.

Cool to warm and then release the mold (use a release knife to make a circle along the edges and pry the cake up). Do not wait for the mold to cool completely before releasing the mold, so that the cake does not stick to the mold.

Small cakes should not be eaten immediately, but are more delicious when refrigerated in the refrigerator (4 °C) overnight.


1, the temperature of baking the cake is very critical, the time temperature used in the recipe is for reference only (I use the Jun baking oven), which should be adjusted according to the temper of the oven. Especially in the cheese batter part, if the baking temperature is too high, the surface cracks, the color is too dark, and the explosive head will become a blow.

2. After the cake is cooled, a groove will form on the surface. You can eat it directly, or you can fill the grooves with jam, sour cream and other ingredients to eat, which is beautiful and delicious.

3, even if the anti-stick mold, it is recommended to wipe a layer of oil to strengthen the anti-stick effect, otherwise the release of the sponge cake will still be more difficult!

A bite of cheesecake

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