
Red and Black is a film directed by French director Jean-Pierre Melville, based on the novel of the same name by Stuart Robinson. The film is based on nineteenth-century France

author:The solitary pavilion is deep

Red and Black is a film directed by French director Jean-Pierre Melville, based on the novel of the same name by Stuart Robinson. Set in nineteenth-century France, the film depicts the setbacks and growth experienced by Julian Sorel, the son of a low-class peasant, in his quest for social status, love and happiness.

After watching this movie, I was deeply moved. This article will explore it from the following aspects.

First, the portrayal of the character image

The protagonist of the film, Julian Sorel, is a young man with strong ambition and yearning for social status, who is not willing to spend his life in rural poverty, and has always longed to be able to pursue a better future. However, under the blow of social reality, he had to constantly adjust his plans and ideas, and paid the price. Especially in his relationship with Mariana, he eventually lost his true love because of his short-sightedness, and at the same time lost himself. In addition, the portrayal of other characters in the film is also very delicate, with distinct personalities, which is unforgettable.

Second, the revelation of social reality

The injustice and cruelty of the feudal hierarchy in nineteenth-century French society shown in the film is undoubtedly a kind of exposure to the social reality at that time. Under such a system, simple and kind people are often excluded, while those who secretly intrigue and conspire can obtain more power and benefits. At the same time, this system has also led to social differentiation and widening of the gap between the rich and the poor, making the people at the bottom increasingly feel the pressure to survive. Through a realistic and profound depiction of Julian Sorel's experience, the film allows the audience to understand more deeply the cruelty and injustice of this social reality.

3. Reflection on morality and human nature

In the film, Julian does not hesitate to be hypocritical, deceitful and even murderous in order to achieve his goals, and his behavior can be described as immoral. But at the same time, he also shows a strong desire for life and love, and the courage to constantly strive for happiness. This contradictory performance allows the audience to not only reflect on the greed and desire in human nature, but also to understand that everyone has their own way of living and values. The film does not give a clear moral judgment, but makes the audience think deeply about it during the viewing process.

4. The artistic presentation of photography and music

In addition to the wonderful portrayal of the storyline and characters, the film also shows a very high artistic standard in photography and music. Director Melville uses visual effects and color changes to express the contradictions and struggles in the heart of the protagonist Julian, the most classic scene is Julian's self-reflection in the mirror in the church, the picture uses mysterious shots and gray colors, allowing the audience to feel the loneliness and helplessness of the protagonist. In addition, the music in the film is also very good, and the melodious melody with various plot changes makes the film more atmospheric and dramatic.

"Red and Black" is a very good film work, which not only shows the profound portrayal of the characters, reveals the social reality under the feudal hierarchy, but also triggers people's deep reflection on morality and human nature. The photography and music were also excellent, which added a lot to the whole film'


Stendhal. (1830). The Red and the Black.

Film Reference. (n.d.). Jean-Pierre Melville Biography. Retrieved

Roger Ebert. (2004, May 7). The Criterion Collection: Red and Black. Retrieved

Red and Black is a film directed by French director Jean-Pierre Melville, based on the novel of the same name by Stuart Robinson. The film is based on nineteenth-century France
Red and Black is a film directed by French director Jean-Pierre Melville, based on the novel of the same name by Stuart Robinson. The film is based on nineteenth-century France
Red and Black is a film directed by French director Jean-Pierre Melville, based on the novel of the same name by Stuart Robinson. The film is based on nineteenth-century France

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