
The last day of the eldest grandson Wuji: Li Ke's dying curse sounded in his ears, and he remembered his sister's deathbed admonition

author:Tang Feng Song Yue

In the fourth year of Emperor Gaozong of Tang 's reign ( 659 ) , in the eighth month of July , Qianzhou ( present-day Yushan Town , Pengshui County , Chongqing ) , the rain had been falling for more than a month, and the hearts of the people under them were like twenty-five cats, and their claws were scratching their hearts. The 73-year-old eldest grandson lives in a narrow, simple, damp and cold place, with white hair and old age. Since he was deposed and exiled in March, his thoughts have also been like a bumpy and tortuous downward journey, with ups and downs.

In the sixteenth year of Emperor Wen of Sui's reign (597), The eldest son Wuji was born in the family of Guan LongGui, and his father was named Changsun Sheng, who was then a general on the ZuoXun guard. In the fifth year of the Sui Dynasty (609), Changsun Sheng died, leaving behind the 12-year-old Eldest Sun Wuji and the 8-year-old Changsun Clan. Changsun Sheng's eldest son, Changsun Anye, inherited the title and family property, so he drove the mother and son out of the house, and the three defected to Gao Shilian, Gao Shilian's brother. The eldest grandson and Li Yuan's second son, Li Shimin, had already had a marriage contract, but unfortunately they could not get married at the age of 8, so they have been living in Gaofu. 11-year-old Li Shimin often comes to Gaofu to see his fiancée, and plays with his brother-in-law, Eldest Sun Wuji, who is only one year older.

In the first month of the ninth year of Daye (613), the eldest son was 13 years old, just after the end of the year, Gao Shilian and the eldest son Wuji arranged for her to marry Li Shimin, and since then the eldest son Wuji and Li Shimin have become one, and the two have formed a very solid friendship, and this juvenile friendship determines all the trust that Li Shimin has in the future for the eldest son Wujie. In the thirteenth year of Daye (617), Li Yuan led an army to attack Chang'an City, and all the heroes defected, and the eldest son Wuji became a confidant of Li Shimin, the king of Qin, without any suspense, and worshiped as a marching sign for Weibei Province.

The canon is also called the pawn signature, which began in the Southern Dynasty, and was set up by the imperial court to monitor the kings of Fang Zhen, most of which were filled with the close attendants of the Son of Heaven, called the pawns, but in fact monitored the actions of the kings, because of their great power, they were called signs. Li Yuan sent his eldest son Wujie to pawn Li Shimin, which shows his absolute trust in Li Shimin.

The last day of the eldest grandson Wuji: Li Ke's dying curse sounded in his ears, and he remembered his sister's deathbed admonition

Li Shimin's eastern expedition to the west, the eldest grandson Wuji has been responsible for the drafting of confidential documents, and his partners are Fang Xuanling and Du Ruyi. In the world, Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng competed for the position of crown prince, and the eldest grandson Wuji and Fang Xuanling Du Ruyi were the main think tanks. In the ninth year of WuDe (626), Li Jiancheng invited Li Shimin to dinner, Li Shimin was poisoned and vomited blood, and Fang Xuanling told the eldest son Wuji that the two brothers had already tried to see each other poorly, and they must die one. Hurry up and let the King of Qin learn from Zhou Gong and take care of Cai. The eldest son Wuji then entered the palace for advice, Li Shimin did not agree, and the eldest son Wuji said that Emperor Shun's filial piety was almost killed by the blind father and unscrupulous brother. If he is killed, can he still inherit The Ambition of Emperor Yao and establish a great cause? When the interruption is continuous and the opposite is chaotic, you have to think twice.

Li Shimin listened, so he summoned Fang Du to plot, launched the Xuanwumen Rebellion, killed Jiancheng Yuanji, forced Li Yuan to abdicate, and established himself as emperor. Afterwards, on the reward of merit, the eldest grandson Wuji was designated as the first meritorious man, the Duke of Qi, and the food was sealed with 1,300 households.

Fang Xuanling is known as Li Shimin's Xiao He, and li Shimin has nothing to talk about, why doesn't he dare to go directly to the advice, but instead needs to be conveyed by the eldest grandson? This is what the ancients called "alienation". At that time, Liu Bei got Zhuge Liang, like a fish in the water, the angry Guan Zhang blew his beard and stared at his eyes, Liu Bei saw that his son Liu Chan was incompetent, and the fake son Liu Feng Yingwu was like me, so he wanted Liu Feng to inherit the throne, asked Zhuge Liang, but Zhuge Liang said, This is His Majesty's family affair, ask Guan Zhang Keye. Guan Yu was Liu Bei's brother and said, "Your Majesty has his own parents, so why use a borer."

Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng seized power and also consulted Li Jing and Li Ji's opinions, but Li Jing was silent, and Li Ji said that this was His Majesty's family affair, and it was inconvenient for outsiders to talk about it. Fang Xuanling also means this, Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng brothers in the wall, this is the Li family's "family affairs", only the family can solve, they are outsiders. Wei Zheng, who was by Li Jiancheng's side, did not regard himself as an outsider, and advised Li Jiancheng to act strongly first and kill Li Shimin, and later Li Shimin scolded him and asked him, Why did you provoke our brotherly relationship? The great talent Wang Bo wrote a "Cockfighting Fu" to Li Zhi's son Li Xian, the King of England, and Li Zhi was furious, why did you provoke the brotherhood between King Li Xian and Prince Li Xian? Dismissal from public office.

The eldest grandson Wuji is Li Shimin's brother-in-law and is a family member, so only he can tell Li Shimin, kill your brother, let's eat delicious and drink spicy. No one else is qualified.

In fact, the eldest son, Wu Ji, spent his whole life dealing with Li Shimin's "family affairs" and finally died in this matter.

The crown prince Li Chengqian was deposed for rebellion, and Li Shimin became entangled in the issue of heirs. From the perspective of Li Shimin's own tendencies, he wanted to establish Li Tai. Because Li Tai was old and self-like, Li Zhi was young and cowardly, and Li Shimin was afraid that he would not be able to shoulder the heavy burden of the Tang Dynasty. At that time, the eldest grandson Chu Suiliang and others supported Li Zhi the King of Jin, and Liu Bocen WenMa Zhou and others supported Li Tai the Prince of Wei. In fact, Fang Xuanling also supported Li Tai, the King of Wei, because Fang Xuanling's son Fang Yi'ai fought with Li Tai. If Fang Xuanling did not look favorably on Li Tai, he would not condone his son Hu Lai. It's just that Fang Xuanling is cautious and has not been explicitly involved in this kind of dispute.

At this time, the eldest grandson played a key role. Eldest Sun Wuji said that Renxiao, the King of Jin, was a shoucheng king, and when he became emperor, he would not do anything to his brothers. This sentence hit Li Shimin's soft underbelly. Li Shimin has lived in the shadow of killing his brother and forcing his father all his life, and he does not want his sons to repeat the same mistakes. Just at this time, Li Tai was overwhelmed and told Li Shimin that after I died, I would kill my son and pass the throne to Li Zhi. This kind of open-mouth lie completely defeated Li Shimin's only thoughts about him. Tiger poison is still not eating children, if a person even kills his own son, can he be expected to be kind to others? Later, Wu Zetian killed several of his own sons and daughters, and it was reasonable to set off a bloody rain.

The last day of the eldest grandson Wuji: Li Ke's dying curse sounded in his ears, and he remembered his sister's deathbed admonition

There is another reason why the eldest grandson wujie has the support of the rich family. However, what supports Li Tai is the small door valve, the Li Tang Dynasty Wugong Group relies on Shandong Haojie, and the Wenzhi Group still relies on guan longxun gui and other gate valves, which are accumulated since the Northern Wei Dynasty for more than 600 years of history, and cannot be changed overnight. In fact, until the death of Tang, these gate valve forces were still very strong.

Li Shimin held a meeting in the court to discuss the establishment of the reserve, the crowd debated fiercely, unresolved, after retiring from the dynasty, leaving the eldest grandson Wujie, Fang Xuanling, and Li Ji alone, said, My three sons, I don't know who to set up, I am so bored. After pulling out a knife to commit suicide, the crowd quickly stopped and asked Li Shimin, who do you really want to set up? Li Shimin said that he wanted to establish a King of Jin. The eldest grandson said, "Respectfully obey the commandment, and those who dissent will be cut off!" Li Shimin said, you have a heart with me, others don't know how to look at it. Eldest Sun Wuji said that the outside world also commented on the Style of the Jin Dynasty very well. If it's not good, I'm going to die. So Li Zhi was fixed.

After a few days, Li Shimin regretted it and wanted to establish Li Ke, the King of Wu. Li Ke was the second son of Li Shimin, and his mother, Consort Yang, was the daughter of the Sui Emperor, who was highly respected and foreign, but was not a concubine. Since ancient times, it has been the inheritance system of the eldest son, first concubine and then eldest, so this matter is very difficult. Therefore, the eldest grandson Wuji said that if everything is uncertain, it will be defeated, and the next chess piece must be decided and moved, let alone Li Chu. You are so capricious that you are only afraid of giving birth to great chaos. Li Shimin said, do you think that you are not Uncle Li Ke, and think that he will be unfavorable to you in the future, so you prevent me from establishing Li Ke. I think that when Li Ke becomes emperor in the future, he will not treat you like this. Eldest Sun Wuji said, King Renxiao of Jin, I am thinking about the Tang Dynasty, and I have no selfish distractions.

Many people read this period of history and wonder, Li Shimin's generation of Ming Jun, why do you want to listen to the eldest grandson, do you have no idea? In fact, this is what was said above, and there is no mutual affection. Although Li Chu is a state affair, it is also a family affair of the Li family, and only a family like the eldest son Wuji has a weighty voice, and no one else dares to interject casually. In fact, it also proves that Fang Xuanling, Li Ji and others who stayed out of the matter have all received a good death, while Hou Junji Liu Bocen and others who participated in it did not have a good end.

When Li Shimin was dying, he entrusted the lonely eldest grandson wu jie, and told Chu Suiliang, I have the world, and there is no taboo. Help him well, and do not harm the slanderers. In fact, the eldest son Wuji did not have any merit in Li Shimin's arduous entrepreneurship, Li Shimin fought the world, Wen relied on Fang Du and other courtiers, Wu relied on Wei Chi Gong Li Ji and other tough generals, and his greatest merit was to urge Li Shimin to make up his mind when launching the Xuanwumen Revolution. Li Shimin created the prosperity of Zhenguan, relying on Fang Du and Wei Zheng and others, and there was no eldest grandson to do anything. At this point, empress dowager Changsun looked at a door qing, she said, the eldest grandson has no ability, "disciples of foreign relatives to see lucky", so she has repeatedly warned the eldest grandson wujie not to interfere in state affairs, just be a rich and idle person. However, the eldest grandson Wuji did not recognize this, thinking that he was very good, which was the root cause of his future demise.

The last day of the eldest grandson Wuji: Li Ke's dying curse sounded in his ears, and he remembered his sister's deathbed admonition

Li Zhi ascended the throne, and in order to consolidate his position, the eldest son Wuji began to gradually eliminate the forces affecting his power. The first person to deal with it was Li Ji. Li Shimin's dying layout was that the civilian-official clique relied on Guan Longxungui, who was the eldest grandson, and the Wujun clique relied on Li Ji's Shandong Haojie, and the two restrained each other and assisted Li Zhi in growing up together. However, the eldest grandson Wuji quickly let Li Ji sit on the cold bench and monopolize his own power. Li Ji was also very knowledgeable, obediently relinquished the right to send troops, and went home to idle. Then the eldest grandson was dealing with Fang Xuanling. Although Fang Xuanling died, he was the prime minister for nineteen years, and his protégés and former officials were all over the country, and Yu Yin was still there.

It just so happened that Fang's beloved wife, Princess Gaoyang, sued Fang Forcing incivility, and Li Zhi sent Changsun Wuji to personally try the case, and Changsun Wuji made a peach-colored scandal into a major case of rebellion, and Li Ke, the king of Wu, was also innocently implicated. Li Ke cursed on his deathbed, the eldest grandson unscrupulously mistook power to mislead the country, if there is a spirit in the society, he will soon destroy the clan.

At this time, the eldest grandson was unscrupulous and had already gone farther and farther.

Although Li Zhi was cowardly, he was not confused. Now some people are overcorrected, thinking that Li Zhi is not cowardly, and it is too late to play a pig and eat a tiger. Everyone's growth needs a process, Li Zhi was only 14 years old when he was the prince, he has always been pampered, not in the world, indecisive in case of things, and it is also reasonable. But after he experienced the great prison of the eldest son Wujie, he saw that his brothers and sisters were ruthlessly killed one by one when he was a child, but he was powerless, crying and asking for the eldest son Wujie, but he was ruthlessly rejected, and he slowly grew up, understanding that the uncle who was "single-mindedly for his own good" was the biggest enemy, and he had to turn his uncle over in order to become an emperor who really had the final say, otherwise he would be a puppet, or even be abolished, and the end would be worse than his brothers and sisters.

As a result, Wu Meiniang was pushed to the forefront and became a sharp weapon for Li Zhi and the eldest grandson to fight without scruples. Empress Wang did not have children, and Li Zhi took this as a breakthrough and demanded that after the abolition, Wu Zhaoyi be made empress. Empress Wang and Concubine Xiao Shu were both born in the gate valve, but Wu Zhaoyi's father was a businessman, and their struggle was actually a disguised manifestation of Li Tai and Li Zhi's struggle to seize the concubine. That is, who does the emperor need to assist him? Is it the aggressive giants, or the eager micro-doors? Compared with the emperor, the rich clan was more threatening, disobedient, and could not be absolutely trusted. The micro-gate clan has a shallow foundation, so it is easy to call and clean up.

The two sides have been tug-of-war for more than a year, and Li Ji has played a key role. Li Zhi asked Li Ji, I want to change my wife, what do you think. Li Ji still said that this is His Majesty's family affair, why ask outsiders. In fact, this sentence is aimed at the eldest grandson Wujie. The eldest grandson Wu Ji had always been a member of Li Shimin's family before, helping Li Shimin deal with family affairs, and now that Li Zhi married his daughter-in-law, he had also become an "outsider". Because the ancients married their daughters-in-law, they paid attention to "the fate of their parents and the words of the matchmaker.". Parents are listening to their parents, and if their parents are not there, they can decide for themselves, and I have not heard that whoever marries a daughter-in-law has to listen to her uncle. On the issue of marrying a daughter-in-law, the uncle is also an outsider.

Since the eldest grandson is not a family member, but an outsider, then the problem is easy to deal with. There is nothing to be polite to outsiders. Soon, Xu Jingzong instructed Li Fengjie, a native of Luoyang, to tell Changsun Wujie of plotting rebellion, Li Zhi did not believe it, and Xu Jingzong said, The evidence is conclusive, what do you not believe. Li Zhi cried, my sister Princess Gaoyang plotted against me, my brother Li Ke plotted against me, and now my uncle is plotting again. Xu Jingzong said, your sister is a girl, even if she rebels, what can she do? The eldest son Wuji is a traitor like Cao Cao, the power is in the sky, who sees who is afraid, he is going to rebel, you do it. Don't you know how Emperor Yang Jian of Sui usurped the throne from his nephew Emperor Jing of Zhou?

Li Zhi cried even harder. But he was my uncle, and I couldn't bear to kill him. Xu Jingzong said that Emperor Wen of Han killed his uncle Bo Zhao, which was passed down as a good story throughout the ages. The eldest grandson Wuji had already disobeyed the instructions of the former emperor and become a traitor, a hundred times more hateful than Bo Zhao. When the break continues, it is chaotic. Take the opportunity to do urgently, slow will change. Unscrupulous and the former emperor to seek the world, the world under the wisdom of qi, Wang Mang, Sima Yi and the like. Now that the rebels admit themselves, why should they doubt and not decide?

The last day of the eldest grandson Wuji: Li Ke's dying curse sounded in his ears, and he remembered his sister's deathbed admonition

Li Zhiyi decided to depose the eldest son wu jie from all his positions and demote him to Qianzhou in Qianzhong Province, where he was placed under residential surveillance. In July of the fourth year of Xianqing (659), Li Ji and Xu Jingzong were asked to retry the case, and Xu Jingzong ordered Yuan Gongyu( Yuan Gongyu, a scholar, to go to Qianzhou and force the eldest son to hang himself. Before the eldest grandson hanged himself, Li Ke's dying curse sounded in his ears, as if he heard his sister Empress Eldest Sun say, Fourth brother, I bitterly advised you to take a step back and be a rich and idle person, you did not listen, and now that the building has collapsed, how can you regret it?

Li Shimin's xuanwu gate was accomplished, and he gave the eldest son Wuji a "Wei Feng Fu", which included "The end of the period is in one death, and the original is ruthless in flying again." Fortunately, the gentleman, to rely on the sentence of "yi yi gong", which means that when I fought with Li Jiancheng, I was already discouraged and lazy, I didn't want to fight anymore, I just wanted to die, and it was you who gave me the courage to fight.

In other words, the eldest grandson Wuji also did one thing in his lifetime, that is, to persuade Li Shimin to launch the Xuanwumen Revolution.

The Tang Dynasty was a turning point in the inheritance of Chinese civilization in the past and the opening up of the future, and it was also a turning point in the leisurely culture of the Chinese nation, after the Tang Dynasty, the Chinese civilization turned from external to introverted, and began to live a small life behind closed doors. However, Sheng Tang's broad and powerful momentum of accommodating the whole world, vast and all directions, told us how not to think of him.

Tang Dynasty men were brave and heroic, and their ambitions soared; Tang Dynasty women dared to love and dare to hate, and did not let their eyebrows be raised. They straddled their three-foot swords, raised a glass to invite Mingyue, and shouted "Why don't boys take Wu hooks and collect Guanshan Fifty Prefectures"; they wear men's clothes, draw thick eyebrows, play polo, drink spirits, and shout "When the flowers can be folded, they must be folded, and there is no need to fold the branches without flowers."

Huanghuang history, redundant and noisy. There is a positive history, there is a wild history. The main historical records are lost to the desire to say that they are still hugh, and the wild history records are lost to hearsay. Many historical figures are limited by knowledge and cannot read through the New Book of Tang and the Old Book of Tang, so that they cannot understand the vivid and real Tang Dynasty, which cannot be said to be a pity.

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