
The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

author:Historical micro-guides

In 1949, Zeng Xisheng, the secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, received a telegram and opened it to see that it was liang Mingde, an old comrade-in-arms, who had entrusted him to look for his son who had been lost for fourteen years.

Liang Mingde said in the telegram that after inquiring from many sources, he learned that his son worked in the Anhui Provincial Youth League and hoped that Zeng Xisheng could help him find his son.

After receiving the telegram, Zeng Xisheng attached great importance to Liang Mingde's request, so he found Xiang Nan, the secretary of the Anhui Youth League Committee, and entrusted the matter to him, and he was to find it.

But as time passed, Xiang Nan did not find Liang Mingde's son. Because although there are many members of the youth league with the surname Liang, none of them meet the conditions. In this way, the search for a plan reached an impasse.

Zeng Xisheng, who learned of this situation, was helpless for a while, and he did not know how to reply to his old comrades-in-arms.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Item with young people in photos

Just when everyone thought that Liang Mingde's son was impossible to find (in fact, everyone thought that his son was no longer alive at that time), a casual conversation made Zeng Xisheng discover that Xiang Nan, whom he had entrusted to look for people, was actually the son Liang Mingde was looking for.

What's going on here? Xiang Nan and Liang Mingde are not the same surname, how can they be father and son? If it is really father and son, then what is the reason why they have not seen each other for fourteen years?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8">. "Comrades engaged in intelligence."</h1>

In fact, Liang Mingde's real name is Xiang and Nian. Speaking of the name Xiang and Nian, it was absolutely well-known in the party at that time. Because it was precisely because he and Mo Xiong cooperated to spread the top-secret information of Chiang Kai-shek's implementation of the "Iron Barrel Plan" against the Red Army in advance, he avoided the doom of the Red Army being encircled and suppressed.

At the end of September 1934, Chiang Kai-shek held a meeting in Lushan Andeling to jointly deploy the so-called "suppression of the Communists" policy with the military commanders of Hubei and Shandong, Jiangxi, and Henan provinces in Hunan. Since Mo Xiong was the security commander of the De'an Special Zone at that time, he was also included in the meeting.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Elderly Mo Xiong

At this meeting of "suppressing the Communists," Chiang Kai-shek adopted the opinions of the German military adviser Seckett and planned to use the "Iron Barrel Plan" to encircle and suppress all the Red Army and completely destroy the revolutionary base areas of the Central Red Army.

At that time, the plan was quite well planned, and the documents distributed to the participants alone weighed about three or four pounds. After attending this meeting, Mo Xiong revealed this "encirclement and suppression" plan to Xiang Henian. (Although Mo Xiong is a member of the Kuomintang, he has always been very supportive of our party's work.)

After Xiang Younian saw this encirclement and suppression plan, he only felt that his scalp was numb. Because it can be seen from this plan that Chiang Kai-shek attempted to gradually consume the red army's troops and materials through the bunker tactics of protracted war and step-by-step battalions, and then gradually shrink the encirclement, and finally fight a decisive battle with the remaining Red Army troops, and then completely eliminate the Red Army!

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Chiang Kai-shek and the men were plotting the Iron Barrel Project

The meticulousness and fierceness of this plan made Xiang Andnian realize that it must be immediately submitted to the Party Central Committee, otherwise it would be a disaster for the revolutionary cause.

However, in the face of the enemy's strict defense, how can we smoothly pass out the information? You must know that from De'an to Ruijin, you have to go through eight counties and cities, not to mention crossing mountains and mountains, but also through the heavy checkpoints guarded by the Kuomintang, and if you are not careful, you may die. At that time, the sacrifice is small, if you can't pass on the information in time and then delay the transfer of the Red Army, you will really be a sinner for eternity!

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Item with year

But despite this, Xiang Henian still did not hesitate in the slightest. After finding four student dictionaries and writing the information on them, he took the dictionary and rushed to the central location- Ruijin.

Along the way, Xiang and Nian both dressed up as Mr. Teaching, carrying four dictionaries. Sometimes because the checkpoints are too strict, he does not dare to rush during the day, so he has to walk at night.

But the day after he left, he was in trouble when he was about to arrive in Nanchang. The local Nationalist army offered to search his bag.

Since the dictionary was in the bag, for a time, the item and the year were very anxious. But he did not panic, and when he handed the bag to the soldier, he suddenly covered his mouth and said indistinctly:

"Boss, toothache, it hurts all the way, let me find a toothache to light up."

So, while pretending to look for toothache in the bag, he very sharply took out the dictionary in the bag and turned it over:

"I'm a poor teacher, and there's really nothing in this bag except two dictionaries for class."

When several enemy soldiers saw him like this, they kicked him impatiently and said, "Get out, get out!" ”

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Road map for the fourth anti-encirclement and suppression campaign

In this way, Xiang and Nian can be regarded as having a thrilling pass. But when he arrived at the De'an Administration's office in Nanchang, the increasingly strict searches along the way made him feel that the closer he got to Ruijin, the more searches like today's, and it was difficult to ensure that the information hidden in the dictionary would not be discovered.

Finally, he abbreviated the information and secretly recorded it on several thin sheets of paper, then hid the information in the mezzanine of the sole of his shoe, and when it was dark, he rushed to Ruijin all night.

Xiang Younian, as an intelligence veteran, was very cautious and astute, and in addition to changing the place where the information was hidden, he also changed his own clothes.

Judging from the situation of the interrogation along the way, Xiang Younian knew that Mr. Teaching's dress was not very secure, and it was really difficult to fool some serious nationalist soldiers, but it was better to directly dress up as a beggar, so it would not attract attention.

In order to make his beggar's appearance more vivid and realistic, Xiang Younian picked up a brick on the side of the road, smashed it according to his front teeth, and finally knocked out his four front teeth, because it was too painful, he even passed out at one point. But after waking up, he couldn't care about the pain in his mouth and hurried to hurry again!

On the way to Ruijin, he nibbled on the dry food he carried with him when he was hungry, got some water to drink by the river when he was thirsty, and took a nap on the tree stump when he was tired. He knew very well that if he arrived in Ruijin one day earlier, the Central Red Army would have one more day to transfer.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

In this way, The ragged and withered Xiang Younian escaped countless searches along the way with the image of a beggar, and finally successfully passed this information to the hands of the Central Red Army in Ruijin in a timely manner.

The central authorities, on the other hand, synthesized various aspects of intelligence, and then made a timely decision to evacuate the base areas on the basis of this information sent by Xiang and Nian at the risk of death.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Items related to the year of the biography

On October 16, less than a week after Chiang Kai-shek convened the Muling Conference, the Central Workers' and Peasants' Red Army withdrew from the revolutionary base areas and began a twenty-five-thousand-mile long march.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

During the Long March, someone asked Mao Zedong why he was so anxious to leave the central base area, and Chairman Mao replied approvingly: "Comrades who are engaged in intelligence have made meritorious contributions. ”

And the "comrade engaged in intelligence" here refers to the xiang and nian who risked death to go to Ruijin.

So how could Xiang and Nian, who were willing to protect intelligence by self-harm, become agents of the Kuomintang?

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" >2. Member National Party</h1>

Xiang Younian was originally from Fujian and was born in 1896 to a peasant family in Liancheng, Fujian Province. There are six boys in the Xiang family, and Xiang ranks fourth in the year.

When he was 9 years old, because the family was really difficult, in order to provide for the third brother Xiang Tingjue to study, his parents passed Xiang Younian and his child adoptive daughter-in-law (the old society married his daughter-in-law due to poverty in the mountains, and had the habit of raising a child bride, and when Xiang he was seven years old, his mother raised a poor girl named Wang Cunyu for him) to his childless cousin Xiang Shijie.

Xiang Younian's cousin Xiang Shijie was the head of the Xiucai case in the late Qingzhou Xiufu, and was highly knowledgeable and artistically accomplished. In order to make a living, he opened a pharmacy called Yongjitang, and the conditions at home were not bad.

When I first arrived at my uncle's house, my cousin and aunt were very kind to him because they wanted to raise him as a son. Not only did he have a good life, but he was also sent to private school. And Xiang and the young talent, learning and hard work, is very popular with the teaching gentlemen.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Unfortunately, because his cousin gave birth to a boy, because he was worried that Xiang would compete with his own son for the family property, his attitude towards him also changed a lot.

Therefore, in order to become independent as soon as possible, at the age of 15, Xiang and Nian were married to Wang Cunyu. One night, Xiang Younian told his wife that the eldest husband was sitting upright, and he did not want to stay in his uncle's house to suffer from such a nest, and planned to go out and break in.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Wang Cunyu didn't say anything, because there was no culture, and she had no opinion in her heart. But she knew one thing, and that was that she was supportive of what her husband was going to do.

So, the next day, Xiang and Nian set off. But he was penniless when he hurried out, how could he have a place to stay?

After thinking about it, he finally decided to go to Beiping to join his third brother Xiang Tingjue. Xiang Tingjue was serving in the military circles at that time and was a progressive young man with revolutionary ideals.

However, after he arrived in Beiping, because he could not be assigned a position for him temporarily, Xiang Tingjue gave Xiang Younian a lot of books on progressive ideas for him to study. In this way, Xiang and Nian came into contact with revolutionary ideas for the first time.

Later, as Xiang Tingjue was transferred to Nanjing and Shanghai, Xiang and Nian went with him.

In Shanghai, Xiang Younian witnessed the May Fourth Patriotic Movement, and the patriotic blood in his heart gradually boiled.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Xiang Younian was deeply inspired and inspired by the huge anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement, which was the first time he realized the greatness of the people's power and felt that The hope of China was in the people.

After that, he began to study Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Three People's Principles, constantly understood the ideas of revolution, and hoped that one day he could devote himself to the democratic revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

Soon, in the spring of 1920, Xiang and Nian were looking forward to the opportunity to participate in the revolution.

Chen Jiongming, commander-in-chief of the Guangdong Army aiding Fujian, occupied more than 20 counties and towns in western Fujian centered on Zhangzhou and Longyan, and began a large-scale recruitment of troops.

Xiang Andnian's third brother Xiang Tingjue was invited by Li Zili to work in the Yue Army, so Xiang and Nian set out with Xiang Tingjue.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

At the beginning, Li Zili looked down on Xiang and Nian, in his opinion, Xiang and Nian were a countryman, who had never seen the world, let alone had no experience in marching and fighting. Even if such a person arrives in Guangzhou, there will be no suitable position for him.

Just because of Xiang Tingjue's face, Li Zili did not say it explicitly. But Xiang Andian was very astute on the way to Guangzhou, and this change made Li Zili, who came to Guangzhou, change his view of him and feel that Xiang Andnian was a very capable person.

Sure enough, Sun Yat-sen was very satisfied with them and encouraged them to continue their efforts. He also appointed Li Zili as the commander of the First Echelon Regiment of the Second Army of the Guangdong Army, Xiang Tingjue as the secretary, and Xiang Younian as an aide-de-camp, and a year later, Xiang Henian joined the Chinese Kuomintang.

He thought that he could follow the footsteps of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and contribute to the Chinese revolution like the third brother Xiang Tingjue.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Sun Yat-sen

But things are changeable, and in 1922, Chen Jiongming actually rebelled.

It wasn't long before Sun Yat-sen ordered Xu Chongzhi and Huang Dawei to begin a crusade against Chen Jiongming.

In this battle, Huang Dawei's army went all the way to Changting. However, due to the shortage of firearms in the troops led by Huang Dawei, he forced Li Zili in Changting to surrender all the arms of more than a hundred people under his leadership.

However, there is a war ahead, and Li Zili's troops must also use guns and hand over their guns, is this not to let his people go to the battlefield to die? However, his arm could not twist his thigh, and Li Zili, who recognized the reality, had no choice but to abandon his troops and leave in anger.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Chen Jiongming and Sun Yat-sen

The two brothers Xiang Tingjue and Xiang Younian were unwilling to leave this unit, so they came to Zhangzhou with this unarmed unit.

Later, after many efforts, they were absorbed by Zhang Zhen's independent group of thieves. But Zhang Zhen is not a kind of person, not only narrow-minded, but also scheming. Under his calculations and exclusion, the Xiang brothers finally returned to Shanghai helplessly, and Xiang Tingjue died of illness in Shanghai under the sadness and anger.

Xiang Tingjue's departure made Xiang Younian lost and despaired. Xiang Tingjue was the leader of his revolutionary road, and now that the guiding light was extinguished, he felt that his life had become gray for a while.

So, can Xiang and Nian still cheer up again?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" >3. The fire of revolution is lit again</h1>

In the following four years, as a loyal follower of Sun Yat-sen, Xiang Henian suffered setbacks, not only politically excluded, but also escaped on the battlefield.

Gradually, he realized that most Kuomintang officials only focused on accumulating wealth and pleasure, and could not lead China out of its predicament.

So he began looking for an organization that could lead China to a real stand. Finally, in 1925, under the introduction of Xuan Zhonghua and He Chihua (both of whom were members of the Communist Party and had examined Xiang Andnian for a period of time), he joined the Communist Party of China after a rekindled revolutionary fighting spirit and was determined to dedicate everything he had to the struggle for the realization of the cause of communism.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

In the early period of the Northern Expedition, the organization entrusted Xiang and Nian to carry out the workers' movement in Nanyang generation in order to gain the strong support of overseas compatriots.

At this time, Xiang Andian and Wang Cunyu's son Xiang Dechong was already eight years old.

At that time, the little guy only knew that his father was a businessman, and he went abroad to do business.

As for the fact that his father was a red agent, he had no idea.

In 1927, Xiang led workers to launch a workers' movement in Nanyang, which was later deported by the local colonial powers.

Not long after he returned home, relations between the Kuomintang and the Communists broke down, and the Kuomintang wantonly captured and killed Communists.

Under such circumstances, Xiang Younian was arranged by the party organization to work in the central special section. So he led his wife and children to Shanghai, settled near the Eight Immortals Bridge, and still said to his family that he had come to Shanghai to do business. Years of struggle have made Xiang and Nian know that for his wife and son, the less they know, the safer they are.

In 1931, due to the rebellion of Gu Shunzhang, the central special branch, the Communist Party organs in Shanghai had to be quickly transferred.

Xiang Henian, who was in charge of the secret contact point of the Central Military Commission, was approved to stay in Shanghai and lurk with loyalty to the party and a calm character.

In March 1934, at the invitation of Mo Xiong, Xiang Younian went to De'an, Jiangxi Province, to serve as an intelligence staff officer of the Security Command of the Fourth Military Region of Jiangxi. It was precisely because of this that Xiang Younian had the opportunity to contact the "Tietong Plan" and successfully delivered the information to the Party Central Committee in Ruijin.

However, after this incident, the identity of Xiang and Nian was also exposed. In order to ensure his safety, he was sent to Hong Kong organizationally to continue his intelligence work. In order to hide, he changed his name to Liang Mingde.

After Xiang Henian arrived in Hong Kong, for the safety of his wife and children, his contact with his family was broken. He knew nothing about the life and death of his wife and children.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Mo Xiong and Xiang with Nian

But in fact, just two years after he arrived in Hong Kong, his son Xiang Dechong also joined the Chinese Communist Party and changed his name to Xiang Nan.

At the beginning of 1949, the Central Committee held a meeting of the Chinese New Democratic Youth League in Beiping, and Tan Zhenlin assigned Xiang Nan to lead the East China Youth Delegation to attend.

At this meeting, Xiang Nan met Zeng Xisheng, who was then the party secretary of the northern Anhui district. Zeng Xisheng was very optimistic about this young man, so he persuaded Xiang Nan to go to the northern Anhui region to start the work of the youth league.

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Tan Zhenlin photo

After Zeng Xisheng first received Liang Mingde's letter, he gave this task to Xiang Nan. At that time, Zeng Xisheng did not know that Xiang Nan was Xiang Younian's son, but why did he discover that Xiang Nan was Xiang Younian's son shortly after this? How exactly did Zeng Xisheng confirm that Xiang Nan was Xiang Younian's son?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="27">4. Father and son recognize each other</h1>

It turned out that at that time, Xiang Nan told Zeng Xisheng that he had not found a suitable young man surnamed Liang among the young cadres, and asked Zeng Xisheng if there was any other important information to provide.

Speaking of this, Zeng Xishengcai said: "Liang Mingde is a native of Fujian, and later went to Shanghai to settle in the 1930s, when he lived near the Eight Immortals Bridge. ”

As soon as Xiang Nan heard this, he answered, "Coincidentally, my hometown is also from Fujian." Eight Immortals Bridge, I know, I also lived near there when I was a child, I am still quite familiar. ”

Xiang Nan's words surprised Zeng Xisheng, who hurriedly asked, "What do you do in your house?" Where do you live in the Eight Immortals Bridge? ”

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Xiang Nan recalled: "Living at No. 24 Vermont Ludrunn in the French Concession, my father was in business, but he left home when I was very young, so I didn't have any impression of him, and my father didn't seem to care much about the family, otherwise he wouldn't have heard from him for fourteen years." ”

When Zeng Xisheng heard xiang Nan say the place, his eyes widened. Because The No. 24 Derunli in Xiangnan's mouth was not an ordinary place, it was the liaison point of the Central Special Branch at that time (at that time, in order to avoid the pursuit of the Kuomintang, the contact point was set up in Xiang Younian's home)!

For a moment, Zeng Xisheng stared at Xiang Nan in front of him, and this handsome, young face began to gradually coincide with the Xiang and Nian in his memory...

He calmed his mind and asked Xiang Nan, "Did you ever see a bearded uncle when you were a child?" ”

Xiang Nan was stunned, when he was a child, he did often see one of his father's friends, uncle bearded. At this time, he looked at Zeng Xisheng in front of him more carefully, and couldn't help but exclaim, "You are Uncle Bearded?" ”

At this point, Zeng Xisheng was completely sure, he excitedly grabbed Xiang Nan's hand and said excitedly: "Child, your father asked me to find you, I am still blaming myself for not being able to help, where to think that you are in front of my eyes, this is really stepping on the iron shoes nowhere to find, it takes no effort at all!" ”

Father? Xiang Nan was stunned for a moment and immediately understood that this Liang Mingde was his father Xiang Younian!

The father disappeared for 14 years, and in 1949 the son was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee to talk: the father was a secret agent. "Comrades engaged in intelligence" II. Joined kuomintang III. The fire of revolution ignited four again. Father and son recognize each other

Item and Anniversary Memorial

Seeing Xiang Nan, who was full of doubts and indignant, Zeng Xisheng realized that the fourteen years of separation had made Xiang Nan feel angry about his father in his heart. So he told Xiang Nan about these years and deeds one by one.

At this time, Xiang Nan knew that it turned out that his father had to leave home as a last resort, and he made a difficult choice to give up his small family for everyone for the revolution!

For a moment, all resentment towards his father vanished, and all that remained was adoration and respect.

In 1978, the 84-year-old Xiang and Nian passed away, as a son Xiang Nan wept so much at the memorial service that he fainted several times, and the love between father and son was deep, which can be seen.

Looking back, although Xiang Andnian and Xiangnan father and son have been separated for fourteen years, we still have to understand that Xiang Nan is lucky, at least he and his father finally found each other and got reunited. But there are many revolutionary predecessors who have not been able to find their lost relatives until their deaths.

How many families have been destroyed and killed by the war, and how many wives and children have been separated. But for the sake of the revolution, for the sake of victory, they still have no remorse.

The heroes of the struggle on the intelligence front were even more arduous; although they did not inflict heavy damage on the battlefield, they used their courage and wisdom to swim on the tip of the sword and escort the victory of the Chinese revolution. We should remember them in our hearts, and their exploits will be immortalized!

I would like to use this document to those predecessors who struggled in the underground intelligence work in the revolutionary years, just like Xiang and Nian!


"Hidden Front Spring and Autumn Book Series Biography Volume Long Mountain Road and Year's Revolutionary Career"

"Xiang and Nian: Dressed as an Intelligence Officer Named Hanako"

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