
What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

author:The literature and history are not fake

A hundred years ago, China was in turmoil, warlords and warlords, and internal and external troubles; a hundred years later, China was prosperous and prosperous. It is all because the Communist Party of China, with full enthusiasm and high morale, has led this country through a history that can be sung and wept.

In the journey of the Communist Party of China in the past hundred years, countless heroes and sons and daughters have emerged, who have bravely shouldered the heavy responsibility of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. And Wang Jiaxiang is undoubtedly one of the representative figures.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

Wang Jiaxiang

Wang Jiaxiang (August 1906 – January 1974), formerly known as Wang Jiaxiang, was a native of Hou'an Village, Xuanchengjing County, Anhui Province. He successively served as secretary general of the Party Newspaper Committee, director of the General Political Department of the Red Army, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Chinese Revolutionary Army, representative to the Communist International, ambassador to the Soviet Union, vice minister of foreign affairs, and director of the Central International Liaison Department. He was a loyal Marxist, an outstanding proletarian revolutionary, theoretician and statesman, and one of the outstanding leaders of the Party and the army.

On August 15, 1906, Wang Jiaxiang was born into a wealthy peasant family in Hou'an Village, Jing County, Anhui Province, with two older sisters. Because his grandfather had died and his father Wang Chengzu had been doing business abroad for many years, the Wang family was headed by his grandmother Wu Zhi.

Although her grandmother, Wu Zhi, was a rural woman, she was extremely good at running the family and was extremely fond of her only grandson. Affected by this, Wang Jiaxiang has been the darling of the family since he was a child, and after going to school, he has become the darling of the school, and his achievements are outstanding.

The father hoped that his son could take over the family business, but Wang Jiaxiang insisted on continuing to study. At the age of sixteen, he was admitted to the Leyu School in Nanling, Anhui Province, and the Shengyage Middle School in Wuhu, during which he quickly accepted new ideas and new theories and became a progressive youth who was enthusiastic about the student movement.

In September 1925, Wang Jiaxiang joined the Communist Youth League in Shanghai and began to follow in the footsteps of the Communist Party. Because of his positive thinking, he soon got the opportunity to go to Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow, the Soviet Union.

With his outstanding learning ability, especially his talent for learning Russian and English, Wang Jiaxiang made rapid progress, and his theoretical attainment and level also increased day by day, becoming the best among the international students at that time and gloriously joining the Communist Party of China. In addition to these gains, he also became acquainted with a large number of ideologically progressive comrades.

During this period, there were many Chinese young people studying in the Soviet Union, such as Wang Ming, Bogu (Qin Bangxian), Luo Fu (Zhang Wentian) and Chen Changhao, who quickly approached because of their similar life experiences and revolutionary ideas, forming the so-called "twenty-eight and a half Bolsheviks". Among them, wang Jiaxiang was also included.

However, this loose group of the so-called "twenty-eight and a half Bolsheviks", although supported by the Comintern, was too idealistic and divorced from reality. In particular, they have deviated from China's actual national conditions and have made obvious "Left" mistakes.

With the "April 12 Counter-Revolutionary Incident," the powerful factions of the Kuomintang, Such as Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei, betrayed the revolution one after another, and also betrayed Sun Yat-sen's three major policies of "uniting with Russia, uniting with the Republic, and supporting peasants and workers." From then on, the Communists were forced to fight back, not only creating the people's army, but also beginning the vigorous Second Civil Revolutionary War.

In 1930, Wang Jiaxiang was ordered to return to China to participate in the revolutionary struggle and lurked in Shanghai as an officer of the Central Propaganda Department. From then on, he gradually discovered that the actual situation in the country was very different from the actual situation in the Soviet Union, and if he only blindly copied the Bolshevik theory mechanically, he was bound to suffer a big loss and would be difficult to succeed.

After Gu Shunzhang was arrested and defected, the HEADQUARTERS of the CPC Central Committee suffered heavy losses and began to gradually move into the Soviet zone for work. With the support of Wang Ming and the Comintern, Wang Jiaxiang became the director of the General Political Department of the Red Army and became acquainted with Mao Zedong and others who did not have the same experience as him.

The first meeting between the two was in the Longgang area of the Soviet Union in 1931, which was the place where the first anti-"encirclement and suppression" war was successful. That year, Wang Jiaxiang was 25 years old and Mao Zedong was 38 years old. He briefed Mao Zedong about his studies in the Soviet Union and his work in Shanghai, while Mao Zedong told him about the establishment and development of the Central Soviet Region in recent years.

At this meeting, both of them left a deep impression on each other.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

Mao Zedong was very appreciative of the thin and polite young man with gold wire glasses in front of him. In particular, he was very sympathetic to his theoretical skills and his criticism of the "Lisan Line", and immediately wrote down two sentences that were widely circulated in the Soviet Union and sent them to the other party:

The enemy advances and retreats, the enemy garrisons us to disturb, the enemy retreats and we advance, the enemy is tired and we fight, and we win the guerrilla war; advance and retreat in a big stride, lure the enemy to go deep, concentrate forces, break through each one, and annihilate the enemy in a mobile battle.

Similarly, Wang Jiaxiang also never forgot Mao Zedong's foresight and majestic atmosphere during his first meeting. According to the Biography of Wang Jiaxiang:

He is very different from the leaders I have met in China and Russia, very unique. The truth he said was both so simple and clear, but also so fresh and convincing.

Because Wang Jiaxiang is good at learning and observing, he is better at independent thinking that combines theory and practice. Therefore, he did not blindly copy the Soviet model, blindly follow Wang Ming's instructions, and blindly despise the guerrilla warfare led by Mao Zedong like other Soviet personnel.

With the victory of the Red Army in the first four anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaigns, Wang Jiaxiang was even more confident in the future of the revolution and did not have the slightest doubt. Even though he was seriously wounded in the fourth anti-"encirclement and suppression" operation, he did not waver in any way.

In April 1933, the Kuomintang launched an air raid in the fourth "encirclement and suppression" campaign, and Wang Jiaxiang was seriously injured by the explosion, and even his intestines were blown through, and his life was in danger. In the face of Chiang Kai-shek's blockade, the Red Army was very short of supplies, and the medical conditions were extremely difficult, and there were not even the minimum painkillers and anesthetics.

In this way, Wang Jiaxiang actually carried through eight hours of surgery without anesthesia, showing extraordinary will, even if "Guan Yu scraped his bones to heal his wounds". Unfortunately, because of the limited conditions, the shrapnel in the body could not be removed, so he had to take conservative treatment, which also laid hidden dangers for his future physical condition.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?


Under the continued exclusion of Bogu and Li De, Mao Zedong was deprived of military command of the Central Red Army and held only the post of chairman of the Provisional Government of the Soviets. Under the erroneous command of the "Left," the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" operation was unsuccessful, and the Jinggangshan base area was no longer able to be preserved, and the central authorities had no choice but to make the decision of the Long March.

At the beginning of the Long March, Bogu and Li De made the mistake of "escapism" again, and paid a painful price when breaking through the Kuomintang blockade line. In particular, in the Battle of the Xiangjiang River, the Red Army suffered a huge military setback, from more than 80,000 people to more than 30,000 people, and it has reached the brink of life and death.

Because Luo Fu, Wang Jiaxiang and Mao Zedong marched together in the column of the Central Military Commission, there were more opportunities for mutual exchanges and discussions. In the face of grim facts, after Mao Zedong's thorough analysis, Wang Jiaxiang obviously changed his position and began to support the readjustment of the leadership of the Red Army.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

Zunyi meeting site

On January 7, 1935, the Red Army successfully occupied the county seat of Zunyi in Guizhou and rested there, and the Central Committee decided to convene an extraordinary meeting to review a series of mistakes since the Fifth Anti-"Encirclement and Suppression" campaign. As the general responsible person of the Central Committee and a member of the "Three-Man Group", Bogu prepared a sufficient speech to attribute all responsibility to objective reasons as much as possible.

When the meeting entered the stage of open discussion, Lob was the first to refute it, pointing out the obvious mistakes of Bogu and others in military command with detailed facts and evidence. For a time, supporters and opponents engaged in fierce debate, with each side holding its own views.

As an alternate member of the Politburo, Wang Jiaxiang saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. Weak and implicit in his communication, he actually stood up and expressed his support for Mao Zedong, righteously pointing out that the mistakes of Bogu and Li De were the main reasons for the passive situation since the defeat of the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign.

At the end of his speech, he also proposed the removal of military command of Bogu and Reed, which was supported by most of the participants. By vote, the Central Committee decided to re-establish Mao Zedong's military command over the Red Army. After that, it was also decided that Bogu would be replaced by Luo Fu as the new general secretary of the Central Committee. As a result, Mao Zedong repeatedly praised Wang Jiaxiang in public for this "key vote."

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

After the Zunyi Conference, Wang Jiaxiang, Mao Zedong, and Zhou Enlai formed a new military three-man group to command the whole army to break through the Kuomintang siege and blockade. Later, the Red Army crossed Chishui four times, crossed Jinsha, flew to Luding, crossed the snowy mountains, and on June 12, 1935, met the Red Fourth Front in the Maogong area of Sichuan.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

Mao Gong Will Master

While crossing the Jiajin Mountain, Wang Jiaxiang's old wounds attacked, his intestines were already severely inflamed and pus, and even roundworms crawled out. Moreover, the harsh natural environment could no longer continue to use the stretcher, and he could only endure severe pain on foot and staggered to persevere.

After the Red Army and the Red Fourth Front met, Zhang Guotao saw that the central authorities were seriously damaged, and his ambitions swelled, and serious differences occurred on the issue of strategic direction. At the Lianghekou meeting, a debate was held on the question of whether the Red Army would "go north" or "move west," and Wang Jiaxiang unequivocally supported the policy of going north and criticized Zhang Guotao's erroneous ideas.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

Mao Zedong and Zhang Guotao

However, Zhang Guotao continued to make small moves, spreading remarks that were not conducive to the unity of the First and Fourth Fronts, with the intention of seducing grass-roots party members and soldiers.

In order to maintain the stability of the Red Army ranks, Wang Jiaxiang, Li Fuchun, Liu Bocheng, and others formed the Central Condolence Group, which went deep into the grassroots of the Red Fourth Front to offer condolences and publicize the central decision. On the advice of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, among others, he had private conversations with Zhang Guotao, which lasted from after dinner until more than 3 a.m. Unfortunately, he still failed to really persuade Zhang Guotao to follow the central government to the north and failed to end the separatist tendency.

After the end of the Long March, Wang Jiaxiang was elected secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee. As his injuries worsened, he was secretly sent to Shanghai for treatment, and later to Moscow for treatment, where he also served as the CCP's representative to the Comintern.

After the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance, the two parties finally abandoned their former suspicions and jointly resisted Japan, and successfully smashed the wild words of Japanese militarism of "eliminating China in three months." In August 1938, Wang Jiaxiang returned to Yan'an from the Soviet Union and served as vice chairman of the Central Military Commission and director of the General Political Department of the Eighth Route Army.

At the same time, he also brought back the latest instructions of the Comintern, the main contents of which included two points:

First, it fully affirmed the achievements of the CPC Central Committee since the Zunyi Conference;

Second, it is proposed that the leading organs of the CPC Central Committee should have Mao Zedong as the core.

According to these two instructions, Wang Ming's power as the "Minister of Chincha" of the Communist International was limited, and it also cleared the way for Mao Zedong to truly become the core of the party's leadership.

At the subsequent Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee, Luo Fu, as the interim general manager, sincerely proposed to give way and elect Mao Zedong as the new chief. However, since the Comintern did not specify specific positions and requirements, Mao Zedong advised Luo Fu to continue to serve as the general manager. According to Li Weihan's memoir "Memories and Research":

The words of Dimitrov of the Comintern played a great role in the meeting. Since then, our party has further clarified Mao Zedong's leadership position and solved the problem of unified leadership.

Although Luo Fu's "initiative to let the sages" was not successful, he took the initiative to entrust important work to Mao Zedong, and he was only responsible for specific matters such as theoretical propaganda and policy research. During this period, Wang Jiaxiang actively assisted Luo Fu in his work.

On July 5, 1943, Wang Jiaxiang wrote an article entitled "The Communist Party of China and the Road of National Liberation in China", which for the first time put forward the scientific concept of "Mao Zedong Thought", which resonated with the whole party. After that, he further explained and propagated this concept, and made outstanding theoretical contributions to the establishment of the "Seventh National Congress" as the guiding ideology of the Party.

On April 23, 1945, the "Seven Congresses" of far-reaching significance in the history of the Party were held in the Central Auditorium of Yangjialing in Yan'an. This congress was the most important meeting to be held at the time of the imminent victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and there were 547 official delegates and 208 alternate delegates attending the congress.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

Seven general assembly sites

At the 50-day congress, Mao Zedong delivered opening and closing speeches, and also delivered a keynote report entitled "On Coalition Government," which concentrated on expounding many of our party's political, military, and cultural views. In the end, the deputies elected 44 members of the Central Committee and 13 members of the Politburo, marking the formal formation of the first generation of central leadership with Mao Zedong as the core.   

As the main merit of the "Seventh Congress", Mao Zedong Thought was established as the guiding ideology of the Party. According to Liu Shaoqi in his "Report on Amending the Party Constitution":

Mao Zedong Thought is the idea of unifying Marxist-Leninist theory with the practice of the Chinese revolution, that is, China's communism, China's Marxism.

However, on the eve of the Seventh National Congress, Wang Jiaxiang's condition deteriorated again, and he had to take leave to rest. Although he was a candidate for the Central Committee nominated by the Presidium, he received only 204 votes and unfortunately lost the election. In this regard, Yang Shangkun also made a special recall in July 1997:

I think there may be two reasons for Wang Jiaxiang's failure to be elected as a member of the Central Committee of the Seventh National Congress: First, he is a relatively withdrawn personality, not very close to the masses, and others mistakenly think that the shelf is very large, but in fact he is a cadre who is full of bookishness; second, the "Seventh Congress" is a meeting to liquidate Wang Ming's line, and he was once an important figure in Wang Ming's line.

  On June 10, 1945, at the 20th session of the Seventh National Congress, Mao Zedong delivered a speech to all the deputies entitled "On the Question of the Election of Alternate Members of the Seventh Central Committee." Among them, he spoke highly of Wang Jiaxiang's series of meritorious deeds since he joined the work, and also talked about his defeat as a member of the Central Committee:

He was not elected for the election of the Central Committee yesterday, so the Presidium made him the first candidate for the alternate Central Committee and hoped that everyone would elect him.

Through Mao Zedong's speech, the deputies deepened their understanding and understanding of Wang Jiaxiang and finally elected him as an alternate member of the Central Committee. However, due to the long years of injuries, he had to give up his work and go to the Soviet Union again for medical treatment.

During his time in the Soviet Union, Wang Jiaxiang searched for He Zizhen's whereabouts and rescued her from a mental hospital. After that, he reported in detail to Chairman Mao on the situation of He Zizhen and his daughter Li Min, and finally promoted the return of the mother and daughter to the motherland.

In May 1947, after returning to China, Wang Jiaxiang served as a member of the Northeast Bureau, concurrently serving as the minister of the Northeast City Work Department and the director of the Propaganda Department, making positive contributions to the liberation of the Northeast.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

At the beginning of 1949, Wang Jiaxiang came to Xibaipo, Hebei Province, to prepare to attend the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. During this period, Chairman Mao took the initiative to ask him to have a long talk on his knees, and also specially solicited his opinion on the location of the future capital of New China:

Today, there is one big thing to ask you. The historical capitals of our country include Xi'an, Kaifeng, Luoyang, Beijing and Nanjing, with rich urban work experience, where do you think our capital will be in the future?

Wang Jiaxiang expressed his views very frankly, first promoting Beijing as the capital of new China. He believed that Beijing was geographically close to the Soviet Union, that its borders were long but without fear of war, and that the Shandong and Liaoning peninsulas could be used to defend against threats from the sea. Moreover, the recent Ming and Qing dynasties also set the capital here, and the people are psychologically easy to accept.

At the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Wang Jiaxiang became a member of the Central Committee and began to participate in the preliminary work of preparing for the construction of a new China. During this period, when talking about the work arrangements after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao deliberately solicited his own opinions:

After the founding of New China, there are two jobs for you to choose from. One is the propaganda minister of the Party Central Committee, and the other is the ambassador to the Soviet Union, see which one you choose?

After a day of consideration, Wang Jiaxiang believed that although he had engaged in theoretical and propaganda work, he was more familiar with the situation in the Soviet Union and was familiar with Russian and English, so he was more suitable to serve as an ambassador to the Soviet Union. It is undeniable that the propaganda minister is at the ministerial level, but the ambassador to the Soviet Union is only at the deputy ministerial level, and he obviously does not care too much about fame and fortune.

On October 6, 1949, shortly after the founding of New China, Premier Zhou Enlai of the State Council signed an order appointing Wang Jiaxiang as the first ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Soviet Union. At the same time, he was appointed First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, directly under the leadership of Zhou Enlai, who was also the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

On October 20, Wang Jiaxiang boarded a train to the Soviet Union and officially went to Moscow. At the same time, the People's Daily also published an editorial entitled "Bringing the Friendship of the Chinese people to the Soviet Union: Sending Ambassador Wang Jiaxiang Away from Beijing for the Soviet Union":

We have full confidence in Ambassador Wang, that he can do a good job in fulfilling the glorious mission given to him by the Government and the people to consolidate and develop Sino-Soviet friendly relations, and that he can best represent the will of the Chinese people.

Before taking office in the Soviet Union, Chairman Mao also entrusted him with a handwritten letter of introduction to Stalin:

In addition to serving as Our ambassador to the Soviet Union and concurrently in charge of general foreign affairs with the new democracies in Eastern Europe as vice minister of foreign affairs, Comrade Wang Jiaxiang also contacted you and the Central Committee of the United Communist Party with you and the Central Committee of the United Communist Party as a representative of the CPC Central Committee on affairs between the two parties. Here, please stand on the stand of your comrade and give him guidance at any time so that his work can achieve more and better results.

On November 10, Zhou Enlai met with Soviet Ambassador to China LuoShen and formally proposed that Mao Zedong prepare to go to Moscow to participate in the celebration of Stalin's 70th birthday and also to pay a state visit to the Soviet Union. Since then, Wang Jiaxiang has devoted himself to intensive contact and support work.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

On December 16, Chairman Mao's special train finally arrived in Moscow and was arranged to stay in Stalin's second villa, which was accorded the highest courtesy by the Soviet side. At 18:00 p.m., the leaders of China and the Soviet Union met formally at the Kremlin, and Stalin personally led all the Politburo members to greet them at the door, which was an exception for Stalin, who never went out to meet guests.

The purpose of Chairman Mao's visit was mainly threefold: to celebrate his birthday, to sign a contract, and to borrow money. After the celebration of Stalin's birthday, Chairman Mao publicly stated in an interview with reporters:

The length of my stay in the USSR was determined in part by the time it took to resolve the problems in question. Among these issues, the first is the sino-Soviet treaty of friendship and alliance.

From this point on, China and the Soviet Union immediately began consultations on the signing of the treaty, and Chairman Mao instructed Zhou Enlai to lead a team to Moscow to follow up the specific work. In this way, Wang Jiaxiang not only directly participated in the talks, but also undertook a lot of translation work, deliberating and repeatedly revising the manuscript word by word.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

Mao Zedong and Stalin

On February 14, 1950, China and the Soviet Union finally signed the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance in the Kremlin. The Leaders present on the Chinese side included Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Chen Boda, and Wang Jiaxiang; the leaders of the Soviet Side included Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, Malinkov, and Khrushchev.

In the historical event of the Sino-Soviet alliance, Wang Jiaxiang, as ambassador to the Soviet Union, undoubtedly played an extremely important role and strongly guaranteed the external environment of New China. In the summer of 1950, his body once again lit up with red lights, and he had to go to the Czech Republic for treatment and recuperation, and the post of ambassador to the Soviet Union was handed over to Lov to take over.

After returning to China, Wang Jiaxiang presided over the work of the Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee and made inter-party diplomatic activities flourish.

In September 1956, the Eighth Congress of our Party was convened, to which representatives of more than sixty fraternal parties were invited. During this period, Wang Jiaxiang has been responsible for receiving more than sixty delegations, and has successfully completed the task, and has also received this evaluation from Premier Zhou:

With the demeanor of a general, the command is determined and extremely meticulous, and the deployment is methodical and orderly.

In 1958, with the beginning of the "Great Leap Forward" and the "pompous style," Wang Jiaxiang, who had served as ambassador to the Soviet Union, repeatedly reminded china not to repeat the lessons of the collapse of the Soviet commune. Under the distortion of some people, his proposal for the "Great Leap Forward" was slandered as an opinion and began to be criticized.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

In the summer of 1959, a worried Peng Dehuai wrote a handwritten letter to Chairman Mao during the "Lushan Conference" to reflect the problem, which was slandered by Kang Sheng and others. Because Luo Fu and Huang Kecheng and others expressed their support for Peng Dehuai's pragmatic move, they were also criticized, and even branded as "Peng, Huang, Zhang, and Zhou anti-party cliques."

  In July 1962, the World Peace Council held a "Peace Conference" in Moscow for general disarmament. The Chinese Government sent a delegation headed by Mao Dun to participate, spoke in accordance with the "low-key policy" agreed in advance, and stressed more of its own position of holding high the banner of peace, and Wang Jiaxiang was responsible for drafting and approving a series of documents.

However, because the words "peace" and "disarmament" were used more often in the speech and the words "anti-American" and "struggle" were used less, the dissatisfaction of the representatives of several Asian and African countries was aroused. They even state:

Is China ignoring them? Isn't China anti-US imperialism anymore?  

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

When the news returned home, Wang Jiaxiang had serious political consequences, with Chairman Mao criticizing him for "breaking away from the left, strengthening the right, and increasing the vacillation of the centrists." According to Wang Li's later recollection:

Chairman Mao snapped his fingers and said: This is to reconcile imperialism, to make peace with revisionism, to reconcile India and the reactionaries of various countries, and to support the national liberation movement less, which is "three and one less."

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

Wang Jiaxiang and his wife Zhu Zhongli

As soon as the "three and one less" was proposed, it was immediately used by Kang Sheng, who had ulterior motives. According to Wang Jiaxiang's wife Zhu Zhongli in the book "Mao Zedong and Wang Jiaxiang: The Wind Knows the Strong Grass":

He fanned the flames everywhere, saying that the mistakes of the Central Liaison Department were all caused by Wang Jiaxiang, and that the crux of the matter was the revisionist line of "three and one less," that is, the right-leaning opportunist diplomatic line.

  By 1966, with the start of the great movement, Although Wang Jiaxiang's party post had not been dismissed, he could no longer participate in the relevant meetings. After his position as director of the Central Liaison Department was replaced by Liu Ningyi, he was also asked to move out of Zhongnanhai and live idly in a residence at the back gate of Beihai, where he was soon criticized and even imprisoned.

In October 1969, Wang Jiaxiang was sent to Xinyang, Henan Province, to undergo labor reform. Due to serious old injuries and complications, he returned to Beijing for medical treatment with the consent of the organization, and his situation changed a lot.

In June 1972, Zhu De visited Wang Jiaxiang on behalf of Chairman Mao and told him:

Chairman Mao has not forgotten you, and we all think that you have meritorious service, that you have made great contributions at critical moments, and that the organization will soon assign you work.

Encouraged by this, Wang Jiaxiang immediately wrote a letter to the CPC Central Committee and Chairman Mao, profoundly reflecting on his many mistakes and expressing his desire to come out again to participate in the work.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

Premier Zhou

In August 1973, Wang Jiaxiang was re-elected as a member of the Central Committee at the Tenth National Congress and continued to assist Premier Zhou in foreign affairs.

However, when he learned that some people were going to launch the "Batch Forest Approval Hole" campaign to mirror Premier Zhou, he had a premonition that the party and the country were about to suffer new disasters, so he became worried. In the early morning of January 25, 1974, Wang Jiaxiang passed away.

What happened to Wang Jiaxiang, who cast a "crucial vote" for Chairman Mao at the Zunyi conference, after the founding of the people's republic?

On the afternoon of January 30, Wang Jiaxiang's memorial service was held in the auditorium of the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, attended by Zhou Enlai and other leaders, and Deng Xiaoping delivered a eulogy: @Wenshi is not false

For decades, under the leadership of Chairman Mao and the CPC Central Committee, in the protracted revolutionary war, in the socialist revolution and socialist construction, Comrade Wang Jiaxiang has actively worked, been conscientiously responsible, served the people, and contributed his life to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people and the cause of communism.

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