
Small Theater Drama: Lin Zhaohua's Version of "Hamlet" New Solution and Re-creation (End)


Third, excavate the hidden humanity and theme

Lin Zhaohua's new interpretation of "Hamlet" and the requirements for actors and stages will deepen the new themes derived. The uncertainty of each actor's identity allows him to examine himself on stage from the perspective of other characters. The three most shocking people in the play complain about "survival or destruction", using an analytical way of thinking, "a single person is divided into multiple characters, each representing his personality". The three represent different sides of human nature, Hamlet is justice and heroism, Claudius's greed, Polonius is despicable, very different people, personalities, poles collide, and finally coincide. Claudius is stabbed to the ground by Hamlet's poisonous sword, but it is Hamlet who falls, and Claudius instantly becomes a prince, and before dying, he asks Horassy to transfer his story. Life and death, not only Hamlet is pondering, the king's hands are stained with the blood and sin of killing his brother, he is afraid of death, worried about Hamlet's revenge, and also faces such a choice. Whoever falls, they are all destroyed people, Hamlet in the hand blade of the enemy, after the transformation of identity, he also carried out self-destruction, the entire era and society are immersed in the choice of contradictions torn apart.

Small Theater Drama: Lin Zhaohua's Version of "Hamlet" New Solution and Re-creation (End)

The three of them complained about survival or destruction

The superimposed effect is more philosophical than the original ending, and I am also experiencing the suffering of others, and you have me between the characters, and I am also you. As it is said in the play, maggots gnaw on corpses, kings and beggars are essentially the same, "two different dishes on a table", the kingdom in charge of Qiankun is also a lowly beggar, we are all a drop in the crowd, and Hamlet, the representative of the humanist hero, is no different from ordinary people. Hamlet chose revenge because of his father's ghost, and the ghost of the Forest version had no physical presence, only a voice accusing this heinous evil deed. There is also the plot treatment of the death of the king and Hamlet at the end, and the Lin version reflects the illogical nature of the absurdist drama's setting of the situation, and also pushes the absurdity to the peak. Freud's psychoanalysis proposed the concepts of the id, the ego, and the superego. The id is governed by the principle of pleasure, which ignores any social moral, external norms of behavior, and pursues self-satisfaction without restraint and ignores any consequences. Hamlet's and uncle's identities change, which is his hidden desire, and he is jealous of his uncle's possession of his mother. The superego represents the ideal part of the personality structure, representing the conscience, social norms and self-ideals of the person. Just as the actor "sees" himself on stage with a "superego" eye, the king transforms into Hamlet, looking at that part of the perfectionist superego in the same identity. It is not black and white, neither good nor evil, and many aspects of human nature are mixed together. What is the meaning of survival? It is the prince and others in the drama, the pursuit of this multitude, but also the problem of our thinking outside, is hamlet in everyone's heart metaphor.

Small Theater Drama: Lin Zhaohua's Version of "Hamlet" New Solution and Re-creation (End)

The two duel and the prince takes revenge

Small Theater Drama: Lin Zhaohua's Version of "Hamlet" New Solution and Re-creation (End)

Tragedy is tragic but not tragic, with a magnificent and magnificent temperament, "the value of what is valuable is tragically destroyed is that the behavior of the tragic protagonist may not necessarily become something that the audience imitates, but when he strives and fights for it, it is valuable to continue", Hamlet pursues the beautiful ideal of humanism. Lin Zhaohua's version of Hamlet reinterprets the original work, "The correct performance of any Shakespeare script depends on imaginative understanding in order to reproduce its humanity." The humanists of the position of the Crown Prince and the philosophy of wisdom tear off the label of Hamlet's previous interpretation, he is no longer a hero in the epic, such a perspective allows the actor's nature to be fully released. In Ophelia's eyes, Hamlet, who is similar to the perfect person, such a giant of the times, the image on the stage has become ordinary, the structure of the script and the dislocation of the role interpretation have made the complexity of the glory of people and society clear, and the audience has felt the extreme pain of his spirit and the inner struggle, showing the absurd color of tragedy. The minimalist design of the stage enriches and deepens the theme, the freedom of the space is given to the actors, and the nakedness of the stage stirs up emotions, simple and powerful. There are no absolutes in the swamp of human nature, and Hamlet's revenge indirectly leads Ophelia to death, and no one can jump out of the moral judgment. The Lin version of Hamlet illustrates the new image of the prince, breaking through layer by layer, and completing the experimental re-creation.

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