
Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem


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Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem

Yesterday, I saw a question on Weibo: "Is the person who accompanied you to watch "33 Days of Lost Love" still here?" ”

Come to think of it, I'm lucky that the guy who watched the movie with me is still with me, but we just met at the time, but now we've been together for so many years.

I still remember when I first watched this movie, I felt sorry for Huang Xiaoxian for a long time, but I also learned a lot of lessons from it.

Huang Xiaoxian's experience made me understand that love is not eternal, but we must also learn to cherish it, and the words Lu Ran said also made me understand that no one will always be humble.

Of course, Lu Ran's infidelity is definitely not right, and if you don't love it, you can say it generously, first solve the previous relationship, and then start the next paragraph, which is also the bottom line that adults should have.

Overall, "33 Days of Lost Love" is a very revealing movie, not only for people who have lost love, but also for those who have love. So today I will share with you the six truths that I understood after revisiting it.

Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem
Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="215" > love is really not a necessity in life </h1>

Once upon a time, I felt that love was the whole of life, so I who had just lost love would be like Huang Xiaoxian, so sad that I couldn't do anything, no matter what I did, I was thinking about it.

I would stay up all night, go to the other person's social networks, and I wouldn't be able to do anything all day to reminisce about our past.

Of course, I will always fantasize and expect the other party to change their minds, and when I can't wait for the other party, I will also be discouraged and feel that the happiness of my life may end like this.

However, after really surviving that period of time and looking back, I suddenly felt very stupid, love is really not a necessity of life, and it is good to be able to live with the person who wants to be with that person for a lifetime, but if not, in fact, I can go on my own.

Just like the later Huang Xiaoxian, she started a new life, she moved to a new place to live, she met a new person, she looked at that person again, that relationship, although it will be regrettable, but it will also be relieved.

I especially like the passage that the great old king said to Her when he invited Huang Xiaoxian to dinner, "Now the little boys, with a thousand pounds of love and righteousness, are they invincible to the chest of four or two, this is a species that likes the new and hates the old, you are looking for death and life, are you worthy of yourself?" Go home and take a shower, get a good night's sleep, tidy yourself up, and don't make a girl of the right age feel like dumping goods in stock. ”

Not all girls will have such a big old king to say such a thing to you after falling out of love, but I hope you can really understand that life is your own, no matter who comes or who goes, there should not be too much impact, only in this way, you can grasp the initiative of life, in order to have better happiness.

Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem
Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="223" > people who love you again have a bottom line </h1>

After watching "33 Days of Lost Love" for so many years, I always remember the dialogue after Huang Xiaoxian and Lu Ran broke up.

When I first read this passage, I felt that Lu Ran was really a strong word, obviously he loved Huang Xiaoxian so much that he spoiled her like this, but now he uses such words to accuse her, it is really too tasteless.

But later, I also experienced several relationships, I was also cherished in the relationship, but also so willful and wanton, when the last loss of the person I love, I will also be sad, will regret, but also experienced Huang Xiaoxian's mood at that moment.

Although I think that Lu Ran's betrayal of Huang Xiaoxian is really wrong, I also understand that the failure of this relationship is really not Lu Ran's problem alone.

And I think we should understand from it that any feeling needs to be managed, and people who love you have a bottom line, only by cherishing it will not leave regrets in their lives, please remember.

Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem
Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="229" > if you don't love, you have to say goodbye </h1>

In the first scene of the movie, Huang Xiaoxian saw her boyfriend and good girlfriend together, very intimate, she looked at them stupidly, unable to believe it.

They are all girls, and they will definitely understand how such a scene is a blow to us, so I have never been able to forgive Lu Ran, no matter how grandiose his reasons are.

No one stipulates that to love someone must be a lifetime, we must accept the passing of feelings, but if we do not love, we must say goodbye, deal with one relationship and then start the next paragraph, rather than hurting each other in such a vague way.

I have seen too many such people, it can be said that they are very cowardly, you can also say that they are very selfish, they always want to find the next person to separate from the previous person, or use cold violence and other ways to force each other to say break up.

Love is reincarnated, and if you hurt someone like this, then one day in the future you must return it. Don't love, sit down and make it clear, and then separate the two widths, each is fine, don't let the past beauty completely turn into hatred, after all, in this relationship, you must have paid the heart.

Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem
Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="235" > love is OK, losing self-esteem is OK </h1>

Many people say that the saddest part of "33 Days of Lost Love" is that Lu Ran took a taxi to leave, and Huang Xiaoxian felt that he really wanted to lose him, and decided to abandon his self-esteem to recover him.

So proud Huang Xiaoxian, seeing Lu Ran leave suddenly collapsed, she had thought that Lu Ran would come back, but at this moment she understood that this relationship was really going to leave her.

I watched her run and chase cars, as if I saw my former self, so humble and so pitiful.

If Wang Xiaoxian hadn't arrived in time to wake her up, maybe Huang Xiaoxian could really catch up with the car and then whisper and pray for Lu Ran to turn back, but what was the result? obvious.

A person who does not love you will no longer have any pity for you, and at this time, no matter what you do, it is wrong, as Huang Xiaoxian's psychological monologue said: "I can chase after him and scold him, or get on my knees to keep him." However, I was deprived of all the right to resist by my huge self-esteem, and I tried to tell myself that if one day, he no longer loved you, then you as a person, crying is also wrong, silence is also wrong, Chuchu pitiful is also wrong, vitality is also wrong, you and him on a planet with the same fate are wrong, maybe you can die for him? Ha, that was a mistake that made him scold when he dreamed back in the middle of the night. ”

Please remember that people who do not love you will not love you no matter what you do, at this time you can only do to protect yourself and complete each other, excessive persistence will only make yourself hurt more deeply, and stopping the loss in time is the best ending for yourself.

When you realize this problem, stop lowering your self-esteem and try to move forward, maybe in just 33 days, your life will have a new beginning.

Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem
Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="243" > girls must have bottom lines and principles </h1>

I like Huang Xiaoxian's personality, especially after confronting the rich man Wei Still.

Wei is still such a man, in reality often encountered, a little money a little career is also a little fluttery, always think that all women can use money to get it.

Huang Xiaoxian went out with him, ate, chatted, and showed his true disposition. Just when this man thought he was going to succeed, she abruptly stopped and let this man know that there is still a kind of girl in the world, with self-esteem, bottom line and principle.

I really feel very cool to see this, because I have heard too many men say that women are snobbish and love money, but I also know that most girls in this world cannot be bought with money.

Of course, I also want to tell all girls that when you meet such a man, you must be as firm as Huang Xiaoxian, don't think that his rhetoric is love, the man who really loves you will not use such a way to slight you, if you are easily coaxed, then only yourself is lost.

Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem
Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="249" > to learn to cherish </h1>

If you ask me what I feel most about watching "33 Days of Lost Love", I want to tell you that it should be to learn to cherish.

Huang Xiaoxian was hurt because she had not cherished it, and she regretted it, and later she did not notice Wang Xiaoxian who was with her.

This may be human nature, we are always more concerned about what is lost, but we are always unable to pay attention to what we already have around us.

But do you really want to live in regret all the time? If you don't want to, then learn to live in the moment, love the person next to you, communicate with him well, face the difficulties in life together, solve problems in your relationship together, and make happiness more lasting.

If you haven't done it before, it doesn't matter, it's good from now on, just learn to look forward. In short, if you can't hold the sand, remember to lift it, so that you can go light and embrace happiness.

Revisit the movie "33 Days of Lost Love", understand 6 truths about love, learn love together is really not a necessity of life, and then the person who loves you has a bottom line, and if you don't love, you have to say goodbye to lost love, and you can lose self-esteem

I believe you must have heard it, the first time you don't know the song, and then you smell it is already a person in the song. Any song, a film and television drama, listening to and watching at different stages will have different feelings.

If I felt sad when I watched "33 Days of Lost Love" many years ago, maybe I will be more relieved to watch it now. We may not necessarily have Wang Xiaobei in our lives, but most people will experience Lu Ran, but so what, we still survived, didn't we?

People will always grow up, sadness will always pass, everything will get better, but we must also learn to cherish from past experiences, learn to love and be loved.

May you meet the right person, and may you be with the right person for the rest of your life.

I am Xi Yan, columnist, older girl who is not old and not old, likes to write warm words, do emotional programs, has published "The Rest of Your Life, Related to Me", if you have a story, remember to come to me.

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