
Spring Festival Chinese New Year's Eve rice to make braised fish with salty and umami flavor Suitable for braised fish, sea fish and freshwater fish braised carp

author:Reliable foodie

Braised fish is mainly salty and fresh, slightly sweet. One thing to note is that sugar and salt are increasing or decreasing. After adding sugar, the salty taste will be reduced, and the same braised fish, such as dishes made without sugar, will taste much worse than the taste of sugared dishes. Therefore, adding some sugar to the salty dishes can increase the umami taste, reduce the salty taste, and form a harmonious compound taste.

Spring Festival Chinese New Year's Eve rice to make braised fish with salty and umami flavor Suitable for braised fish, sea fish and freshwater fish braised carp

When making fish, it is mainly to relieve the fishy smell of the fish, and the fishy smell in the fish body is mainly derived from a substance of trimethylamine, which is alkaline. Therefore, when making fish, you must cook some vinegar as an important means to change the fishy taste, and you can also add some cooking wine. The amino acids in cooking wine are combined with other substances to produce aldehyde substances with aromatic flavor, and can increase the fresh flavor of fish, shrimp and meat dishes. Cooking wine also makes the dish work on some bad odor substances when heated, and along with the volatilization of ethanol, the odor is removed together. Traditional braised fish, soy sauce is rarely used,

Spring Festival Chinese New Year's Eve rice to make braised fish with salty and umami flavor Suitable for braised fish, sea fish and freshwater fish braised carp
Spring Festival Chinese New Year's Eve rice to make braised fish with salty and umami flavor Suitable for braised fish, sea fish and freshwater fish braised carp

Yellow croaker: also known as rhubarb flower, large fresh, once one of the primary economic fish in China, but now the catch is small. The body is elongated, flattened, about 40 to 50 cm long; golden yellow; the tail stalk is slender. The meat is loose, garlic cloves, tender and fragrant, with large spines. It is suitable for a variety of cooking methods, such as braised, steamed, dry roasted, sugar, etc., cooked or knife-worked, and can also be processed into light carp. Its maw can be processed into fish maw.

Striped fish: also known as knife fish, crony fish, whip fish, etc., is one of the primary economic fish in China. The side of the body is flattened and band-shaped; the tail is slender and whip-like; it can reach more than 1 m long. Large mouth with sharp teeth. The dorsal fin is long, the pectoral fin is small, there is no ventral fin, the fin strip degenerates into a short spine; the scales degenerate into a silvery-white membrane on the surface of the body. The striped fish is a high-fat fish with tender and fragrant flesh. More fresh food, often using steaming, burning, frying, frying, smoking and other cooking methods.

Cod: Also known as cod, stone intestine, bighead fish, etc., it is the second most abundant fish in the world. The body is elongated, slightly flattened laterally; the head is large and the tail is small; and it can reach more than 50 cm in length. Greyish brown with irregular dark brown spots and markings. The scales are small. The upper and lower jaws and plough bones have fine teeth, and there is a tentacle under the front of the lower jaw. The meat is tender and white, with more moisture, less fat and a high protein content. In cooking, it is mainly used for braised, braised, stewed and so on.

Pomfret: also known as silver pomfret, mirror fish, car fillet fish, for the precious edible economic fish, China's coastal are produced. The body is flattened and tall, ovoid, up to 40 cm long; silvery gray; small head, rounded snout, small mouth, thin teeth. Adult ventral fins disappear. The meat is tender and delicious, high in fat, with few spines and mostly soft spines. It is suitable for braising, braising, steaming, stewing, smoking, frying, etc. Representative dishes such as braised pomfret, drunken pomfret, etc.

Mackerel: A collective term for the fish family, the marine economic fish. The body is elongated, flattened, up to 1 m long, silvery gray, with dark stripes or spots. The snout is pointed, the mouth is large, obliquely lobed, and the teeth are sharp. The scales are small or degenerate. There are two dorsal fins, and the second dorsal fin and the posterior part of the fin have 7 to 9 small fins each. There are many species, such as Scomberomorus sinensis, S. commersoni, S. niphonius, and S. guttatus. The meat is thick, tender, elastic, with few spines and delicious taste. Culinary uses are extensive. Representative dishes such as braised mackerel, mackerel leek dumplings, fish balls and vegetable soup, etc.

Mackerel: Also known as mackerel, oil tube fish, mackerel, etc., it is the main marine economic fish. The body is spindle-shaped, up to 60 cm long, and the tail stalk is thin. The back is cyan , the abdomen is white , and the upper part of the body has dark blue wavy stripes. The second dorsal fin and the fin have 5 small fins behind each, and the caudal fin is forked. The meat is solid but coarse, garlic cloves, high in fat, fat and slightly sour. It is suitable for a variety of cooking methods, such as braised, steamed, dry-fired, etc.

Tongue fish: also known as ox tongue, dragon li, hedgehog, fish tongue fish, a type of flounder. China's coastal production is one of the high-grade economic fish. The side of the body is flattened and asymmetrical, and both eyes are on the left side. The mouth is lower, and the snout is bent like a hook. The dorsal and fins are fully connected to the caudal fins and have no pectoral fins. There are many species, and the common one is the broad-body tongued ray (C. robustus), C. puncticeps, and C. semilaevis. The flesh is firm, tender and fat. Suitable for a variety of cooking methods, representing dishes such as the middle section of the famous braised red sachet board, steamed cod. Since the skin of the fish is easy to fall off and sticks to the pan, it is necessary to hang the paste and fry it before cooking or tear off the skin during initial processing.

Anchovies: also known as shiyu, sanli, fish herring family, for the valuable edible fish. Once abundant in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China, the current output is small, with Zhenjiang as the best, and the most fertile before and after the Dragon Boat Festival. The body is elongated, flattened, up to 70 cm long, the back of the body is gray-black, slightly blue luster, the body side and abdomen are silvery-white; the body is covered with large, thin round scales, and the abdomen has prismatic scales. It usually lives in the sea, enters the estuary during the reproductive period, and goes up the river to breed in tributaries and lakes. When you first enter the river, it is plump and fat, with high fat content, and it is also rich in fat under the scales, and the fat dissolves in the muscle when cooking, increasing the freshness of the meat, so the anchovy does not scale when it is first processed.

Eel: also known as green eel, white eel, river eel, etc., fish eel family, distributed in China, Korea and Japan. The body is long, cylindrical, up to 60 cm long; the dorsal side is grayish brown, the abdomen is white; the dorsal and fins are elongated and connected to the caudal fin, without an abdominal fin; the scales are small and buried under the skin. It usually lives in fresh water and enters the deep sea when laying eggs. The eel has tender flesh, few spines and is rich in fat, making it a high-quality edible fish. There are many ways to use in cooking, suitable for steaming, frying, burning, boiling, roasting, etc., and often processed into silk, strips, slices, blocks, mushrooms. Representative dishes such as braised eel, steamed eel, freshly braised fish shreds, grilled eel and so on.

Bluefish: also known as black mackerel, mackerel, snail green, etc., fish carp, for China's four major freshwater aquaculture fish, to September to October production of the best. The body is sub-cylindrical, bluish-black, with grey-black fins, a broad and flattened head, no beard, and no hard spines on the dorsal fin. Generally weighs 7 to 8 kg, and even more than 50 kg. The meat of the blue fish is thick and fatty, the thorns are less delicious, suitable for a variety of cooking methods and flavor types, can be cut into sections or made of fish fillets, fish velvet, fish strips, etc., can also be dried or waxed, representing dishes such as chrysanthemum bluefish, braised blue fish and so on. Since fish bile is toxic, it should be removed during processing.

Eel: also known as yellow eel, long fish, etc., fishes of the family Zygomatis, China in addition to the northwest plateau, are distributed, summer meat quality is the best. The body is snake-shaped, up to 50 cm long, yellowish brown, with dark spots, no pectoral and ventral fins, low and flat dorsal and fins, connected to the caudal fins, with a large head, a large mouth, and small eyes. The meat has less thick thorns and a unique umami taste, suitable for a variety of cooking methods and seasonings, often cut into sections, silk and strips into cooking. It should be cooked with garlic cloves, and pepper is better after cooking. Representative dishes such as dried sautéed eel shreds, braised eel segments, crispy eels and so on. Because the yellow eel after death contains more histamine and is toxic, it should not be consumed.

Mandarin fish: also known as osmanthus fish, seasonal flower fish, crucian carp, freshwater mouse spots, etc., fish bass, in addition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, widely distributed throughout the country, for one of the valuable freshwater edible fish, February to March is the most fertile. The body is flattened on the sides, the back is raised, up to 60 cm long, bluish yellow, with irregular black patches; the dorsal fin is one, the hard spines are developed; the mouth is large, the jaw is prominent; the scales are small and round. S. closely related species, the big-eyed mandarin fish (S. Kneri) has larger eyes and lower back. The meat is tight and tender, with fewer thorns, delicious taste, suitable for a variety of cooking methods, the most suitable for steaming, sweet and sour, braised, dry cooking; can be cooked whole tail, can also be sliced, representing dishes such as braised mandarin fish, squirrel mandarin fish, mandarin fish with white sauce, etc. Since the dorsal fin of mandarin fish is poisonous, care should be taken when processing.

Sturgeon: also known as wax, armor, etc., for the fish sturgeon, distributed in Europe, Asia and North America, China has northeast sturgeon (Acipenser schrencki), Chinese sturgeon (A. sinensis) and Yangtze River sturgeon (A. dabryanus), etc., has been artificially farmed. The body is sub-cylindrical; bluish yellow, the abdomen is white; the snout is pointed, the mouth is small, and there are two pairs of whiskers in front of the mouth; and the back of the body is dorsal with five longitudinal bone plates, and the rest is exposed. Sturgeon are large fish, generally weighing 5 kg, the large ones can reach 200 to 500 kg, up to 3 m or more. The meat is delicious, less prickly and brittle, and is suitable for a variety of cooking methods or processing.

Spring Festival Chinese New Year's Eve rice to make braised fish with salty and umami flavor Suitable for braised fish, sea fish and freshwater fish braised carp

Tuantou bream: also known as Wuchang fish, Tuantou bream, fish carp, native to Hubei Liangzi Lake, is now reared everywhere. The body is tall and flattened, diamond-shaped, silvery-gray; the ventral surface has a fleshy edge behind the ventral fin; the head is small, the mouth is wide, the scales are of equal size, the base is gray-black, and the edges are lighter, so that several gray-white longitudinal stripes appear on the side of the body. The meat is tender, high in fat content, delicious in taste, and the most suitable for steaming, dry roasting, braised braised, etc., representing dishes such as steamed Wuchang fish, braised Wuchang fish in oil, etc.

Jiangtuan: also known as long-snouted catfish, fat tuo, catfish, fat king fish, etc., fish family of anchovies, mainly produced in China's Yangtze River, Huai River, Pearl River Basin, for valuable edible fish. The body is elongated, the anterior part is flattened, the posterior part is flattened, up to 1 meter long, light gray; the dorsal and fins are both hard spines, the fat fins are low and elongated; the snout is rounded, the ventral position, with four pairs of whiskers; the eyes are small; no scales. The meat is tender, delicious, with fewer thorns, and is most suitable for steaming, braising, steaming, stewing, soup, etc.

Spring Festival Chinese New Year's Eve rice to make braised fish with salty and umami flavor Suitable for braised fish, sea fish and freshwater fish braised carp

Carp: also known as dragon fish, abductors, hairy seeds, etc., fish carp, one of the important edible fish in China, the most fertile from February to March. The body is flattened on the sides, with hard spines on the dorsal and fins, and the trailing edge of the last spine is serrated and the mouth has two pairs of whiskers. There are many varieties of carp, and the famous products are Longmen carp, Huaihe carp, Hehua carp, lotus red carp, Wenqi carp, rock carp and so on. The meat of carp is solid and thick, with few tender thorns, delicious taste, suitable for a variety of cooking methods and seasoning, often into the whole tail into cooking, can also be a variety of knife treatment.

Silver carp: also known as silver carp, flat fish, bitter silver carp, etc., fish carp, one of the four major freshwater cultured fish in China, the best produced in winter. The body is flattened on the sides, silvery grey , and the ventral ventral fins are fleshy fronts and backs. The meat is thin, tender and delicious, and the larger ones have better meat quality, but more small thorns. It is generally suitable for braised, stewed, sweet and sour and fried cooking methods, often used whole, sometimes processed by knife workers, representing dishes such as braised whole fish, watercress fresh fish, etc. Since fish bile is toxic, it should be removed during processing.

Spring Festival Chinese New Year's Eve rice to make braised fish with salty and umami flavor Suitable for braised fish, sea fish and freshwater fish braised carp

<h1>Braised carp</h1>

Ingredients: 1 fresh carp 750 g, hard pork belly 50 g.

Seasoning: cooking oil, green onion, ginger and garlic, large ingredients, cooking wine, fine salt, vinegar, locust noodle sauce, sugar (a little), fresh soup, wet starch.


1, scrape the fish to remove the gills, open the chamber to clean the internal organs and wash, the fish body on both sides of the oblique knife, knife spacing 1.6-2cm, green onion cut, ginger slices, garlic pat loose.

2, from the large oil pot, when the oil is 5-6 into the heat, put the fish into the oil pot and fry it into a golden brown, the original spoon leaves the bottom oil, put in the small seasonings, ingredients and stir-fry, put in the condiments to boil, put the fish into the rapid heat and boil for 3 minutes, skim off the foam, change the slow heat to 12-15 minutes, burn through the flavor, take the fish out, pick out the small condiments, the original juice is hooked, point the oil and stir well, pour the juice on the fish.

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