
Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

author:Delicious kitchen with dog heads

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The spring equinox has just passed, and now leap February begins. The spring rain, which has been waiting for a long time, has finally fallen, and it will not be long before you can eat spring shoots. Spring is the season of recovery, and if children want to grow and develop well, they must work their diet. There are many foods that can be eaten in spring, and eating calcium and iron supplements is very helpful for their growth and development. This time, I will share a delicacy with high iron and calcium content, and it is black sesame seeds. Black sesame seeds have high nutritional value, rich in dietary fiber, nourish the liver and kidneys, and nourish blood and hair, and eating a little often is very good for our body.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

The food shared this time is called black sesame muffin cake, everyone has eaten muffin cake, made of rice and glutinous rice flour, the taste is fluffy, chewing a little gluten, although there is glutinous rice, but not sticky teeth at all. Sesame seeds mixed with rice flour to make a sesame paste in the middle, the taste is sweet, and the unique smell of sesame seeds is very strong, which is very appetizing. Because it is sweet, it is very happy when eating, this is the benefit of sweets, the sweetness is properly controlled, so that it is not easy to get greasy.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

The method is very simple, the materials required are also simple, rice flour, glutinous rice flour, black sesame seeds, white sugar will do. Finally, it is steamed out and is not afraid of fire. This pastry is a very classic rice cake method, because it is a homemade method, so it is relatively simple, can not be compared with traditional craftsmanship, but the taste is great, zero addition no black technology, delicious and nutritious, even novices can easily complete this method. Friends who like pastries should not miss it, purely handmade, no additives. If you are interested, collect it, do it when you have time, and share the detailed production steps below.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

【Required Materials】

300g rice flour/sticky rice flour, 100g glutinous rice flour, 140ml warm water, 60g sugar, 60g black sesame powder, 45g caster sugar.

【Production Steps】

Put 1.300g of rice flour into a basin, add 100g of glutinous rice flour and stir well. Rice flour is also sticky rice flour, and if there is no wall-breaking machine, a little rice flour is milled out.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

2. 140ml warm water, add 60g sugar, stir until the sugar melts.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

3. Then add a small amount to the powder many times, stir while pouring, stir into large particles.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

4. Then rub it into powder with your hands, and after rubbing, grab a ball with your hands, and you can easily hold the ball.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

5. Then sift it again.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

6. Take 180 grams of sifted powder, add 60 grams of crushed black sesame powder and 45 grams of caster sugar. Stir well and set aside. White sugar is not fine, you can also use a wall breaker to grind it.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

7. Prepare a steamer with grease paper or steamer cloth on the bottom. Pour half of the remaining rice flour into it. Gently scrape well with a spatula. Do not push too hard, gently, otherwise it will be too firm and not fluffy to eat.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

8. Spread the black sesame powder in the middle, also scraped flat.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

9. Finally, puff up the remaining rice flour. Scrape flat.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

10. Sprinkle black sesame seeds on the surface to garnish it. Boil water in a pot over cold water and steam over medium heat for 30 minutes. The bottom of the steamer should be breathable, do not use a basin to make it, otherwise the bottom will be hard.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it

11. Take it out when the time is up, and you can cut it without burning your hands.

Eat more black sesame muffins in spring, handmade homemade, delicious and nutritious, novices can also make it


1. The amount of white sugar can be increased or decreased according to personal preference.

2. Glutinous rice flour is a must, otherwise it is difficult to form. It tastes bad to eat.

3. The filling in the middle can be replaced with other ones you like. For example, peanut sesame filling.

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