
#Spring plowing is underway #African violets bloom so colorful, do you like it? African violets are evergreen flowers that bloom all year round in the right environment

author:The sun loves flowers and plants 54483801

#Spring plowing is underway #African violets bloom so colorful, do you like it?

African violet is an evergreen flower, in the right environment it can bloom all year round, and the flowers are colorful and very beautiful!

African violets are concentrated in the center of the plant, the flowers are many and beautiful, and a pot is kept on the balcony, and the temperature is maintained between 15 and 28 degrees to ensure that it blooms all year round.

However, this flower likes a warm, semi-shaded environment, summer can not be exposed to strong light, in winter the temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees, stems and leaves will be frost damage, it is best to move to indoor rearing.

Moreover, African violets like moisture and waterlogging, and daily watering keeps the potting soil moist, avoiding stagnant water that causes stem and leaf rot and affects flowering.

If you want it to bloom, the temperature is low and the sun is more, and the high temperature gives a semi-shaded and ventilated environment, and the African violet can bloom and be beautiful. #在头条看见彼此 #

#Spring plowing is underway #African violets bloom so colorful, do you like it? African violets are evergreen flowers that bloom all year round in the right environment
#Spring plowing is underway #African violets bloom so colorful, do you like it? African violets are evergreen flowers that bloom all year round in the right environment
#Spring plowing is underway #African violets bloom so colorful, do you like it? African violets are evergreen flowers that bloom all year round in the right environment
#Spring plowing is underway #African violets bloom so colorful, do you like it? African violets are evergreen flowers that bloom all year round in the right environment
#Spring plowing is underway #African violets bloom so colorful, do you like it? African violets are evergreen flowers that bloom all year round in the right environment
#Spring plowing is underway #African violets bloom so colorful, do you like it? African violets are evergreen flowers that bloom all year round in the right environment
#Spring plowing is underway #African violets bloom so colorful, do you like it? African violets are evergreen flowers that bloom all year round in the right environment
#Spring plowing is underway #African violets bloom so colorful, do you like it? African violets are evergreen flowers that bloom all year round in the right environment
#Spring plowing is underway #African violets bloom so colorful, do you like it? African violets are evergreen flowers that bloom all year round in the right environment

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