
Small shade-tolerant plants that bloom all year round, African violets can bloom on the windowsill

author:Flower cultivation exchange

African violets can bloom normally on indoor windowsills or balconies, are relatively shade-tolerant flowering plants, are very classic broccoliaceae, less demand for light, as long as there is an hour or two of scattered light can also bloom normally, especially popular.

Small shade-tolerant plants that bloom all year round, African violets can bloom on the windowsill

It is not difficult to raise a potted African violet, before raising this plant, you must first have a full understanding of it, and if you want to continue to breed it in the later stage, it will become simpler.

1. Pay attention to purchasing

When buying potted African violets at a flower shop, carefully check to see if there is stem and leaf rot at the bottom of the plant, and whether the leaves have disease spots.

Small shade-tolerant plants that bloom all year round, African violets can bloom on the windowsill
Small shade-tolerant plants that bloom all year round, African violets can bloom on the windowsill

If the boss allows, it is best to take the potted African violet upside down and see if its roots are healthy, if the root system is brown and black, it is definitely unhealthy, if there are many white new roots, it is especially healthy.

2. Location of maintenance (light and ventilation)

Most of the potted African violets do not bloom, usually due to insufficient light, they like sufficient scattered light, if the temperature is relatively low in winter and spring, the light is relatively soft, especially below the temperature of 24 degrees below you can try to bask in the sun and bask in the sun.

If there is not enough light, they will not be able to bear properly, and the flowers will only grow leaves.

Small shade-tolerant plants that bloom all year round, African violets can bloom on the windowsill

African violet does not like strong direct light, especially in summer and autumn, when the temperature is relatively high, the temperature is higher than 28 degrees, must pay attention to the proper shade at noon and afternoon, strong light will burn its leaves. It can be kept on an east- or north-facing windowsill or balcony.

Maintain African violets with proper ventilation, and if it is in a cold place in winter, do not place it too close to the glass in winter.

Potted African violets are kept on windowsills or balconies, and the pot can be turned 180 degrees every other week so that all its leaves receive uniform light and keep it in good shape.

3. Warm environment

African violets are very fond of warm environments and are especially afraid of the cold. The temperature during the day is 18~25 degrees, and the temperature at night is 15~20 degrees, and within such a temperature range, the growth of African violets is the best.

Small shade-tolerant plants that bloom all year round, African violets can bloom on the windowsill

The minimum maintenance temperature in winter is best kept above 7 degrees, and the water should be properly controlled at low temperatures, and if the temperature can continue to stabilize above 10 degrees, frostbite can be completely avoided.

4. Watering

Watering potted African violets is very particular, to avoid frequent watering on leaves and flowers, its leaves can not often retain moisture, its leaves are villi, its stems and petioles are also rich in water, if the leaves often have water, it is easy to rot. If the ventilation is poor or the potting soil is constantly damp, it will cause the rhizome to rot.

Before watering potted African violets each time, check that the soil is completely dry.

Small shade-tolerant plants that bloom all year round, African violets can bloom on the windowsill

The safest way is to soak the pot from the bottom of the pot, wait for the soil to dry out, and then prepare a small pot of water, put the potted African violet in the water basin, let the potted plant slowly absorb water from the bottom, soak for about 30 minutes, and then pick it up and drain the water. The stagnant water on the tray must be drained after an hour, and do not let the standing water on the tray for a long time.

Many people don't know when to water it, the easiest way is to pick the topsoil by hand, dry it particularly badly, and then water, you can also weigh the weight of the potting soil, after watering it, the potting soil is very heavy, if the potting soil is very light, it is definitely time to water.

5. Apply fertilizer regularly

Maintain potted African violet must pay attention to frequent fertilization, its barren tolerance is relatively poor, after all, is a flowering plant, during the growth period, especially the temperature is 18 ~ 28 degrees, can be supplemented every two or three weeks fertilizer, can be used alternately with universal fertilizer and flower fertilizer, the concentration is half of the usual on it. For example, spraying alternately with Huaduoduo No. 1 and Huaduoduo No. 2.

Small shade-tolerant plants that bloom all year round, African violets can bloom on the windowsill

Stop fertilization at low temperatures (below 15 degrees Celsius) or high temperatures (above 33 degrees Celsius).

6. Potting soil and changing pots

Maintain potted African violets do not need to change pots frequently, just bought if it is with buds, must be changed after flowering, in addition, if it is in the indoor planting environment ventilation and light, not super good, then do not use too large pots, each time only need to change to a larger size pot than before.

Small shade-tolerant plants that bloom all year round, African violets can bloom on the windowsill

The root system of African violets should be fully covered with potting soil, and only consider bringing soil to change pots when the potting soil is not dry, African violets generally change pots every one or two years is enough.

African violet likes loose and well-drained slightly acidic soil, to have more humus and appropriate fertility, the soil should have a certain water retention capacity, but drainage, air permeability must be good.

Small shade-tolerant plants that bloom all year round, African violets can bloom on the windowsill

In terms of potting soil, you can use common universal nutrient soil, it is best to mix more coarse coconut shell, pine scales or perlite in the potting soil to increase its air permeability, and also pay attention to mixing a little slow-release fertilizer or sheep manure into the soil to increase fertility.

If you mix your own soil, you can use common peat soil and perlite, mix it in a ratio of 4:1, and then mix a little slow-release fertilizer appropriately.

To plant African violet pots, it is best to use a well-breathable root control pot or red terracotta pot, or you can choose other pots with good drainage and drainage, pay attention not to choose too deep containers, it is a shallow root plant after all.

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