
10 little things to make life happier and happier in the new year

10 little things to make life happier and happier in the new year

Text | There is a book · Source | There is a book (ID: youshucc)

Words and fireworks, fireworks every year.

In the past year, some people panicked, some people were anxious, and life was not easy.

Fortunately, no matter how bleak the days were, they have now survived smoothly.

When the bell strikes at midnight, Tiggo has leapt away, the jade rabbit leans in, and we are happy to usher in a new New Year.

All the past is a prologue.

The new year is a new beginning, bringing new hope and giving birth to a new dawn.

Let's start from the beginning, improve day by day, start with 10 small things, and make life better and better.


Let life go "rail" once

I have seen on the Internet that someone has solicited the topic of "deviant life", and many netizens have left messages.

Some people say that as a 985 college medical master, I should have become a doctor and live the "right life" in the eyes of my parents.

But he resolutely chose to write and devoted himself to the creation of his favorite novel.

Some people say that they have always liked cosplay, but they never dare to wear it out.

Until one time when I put on the subway, I found that the passengers around me did not cast strange eyes, and I was no longer afraid.

As Mr. Jiang Xun said:

"Life sometimes deviates, sometimes rules."

Plain days, need embellishment; Boring life, add a little excitement.

If we had missed some opportunities in the past year because we were too disciplined.

In the new year, be brave and let the same life go off track.

"Deviant" is not a rampage, not a willful one.

Instead, dare to break through the comfort zone of life, meet new challenges, and break through new selves.

Dare to try, dare to think and dare to do, life can have less regrets and more brilliance.


Do 2 small things to help others

At the headquarters of Volvo Cars in Sweden, tourists have noticed such a phenomenon.

Faced with more than 2,000 parking spaces, early arrivals always park their cars farther from the office building.

The tourists were puzzled until one of the employees gave an explanation:

"We arrived early and had time to walk a little more.

By leaving parking closer to the office building for colleagues who arrive late, they can avoid being late. ”

The process of giving roses to others, having a lingering fragrance in your hands, and helping others is also a process of improving self-cultivation, and it is also accumulating blessings for yourself.

In the long road of life, there will be many scenes that need to be "handled".

Maybe it's raining and you need to "hold an umbrella" by the way;

Maybe it's a new employee who needs you to "pass on the help";

Maybe it's tight on hand and needs your help with the "turnaround" ...

Do not let good be small, do not do evil small.

If conditions permit, you may wish to do 1-2 small things and good deeds within your ability.

Pass on the love and the world will eventually become a better place.

10 little things to make life happier and happier in the new year


Participate in an in-person event

The Law of Attraction says that what you believe, you will attract, and in the end you will get.

What kind of person you are with largely determines the upper limit of a person's cognition, ability and wealth.

Only by choosing a good place and choosing a neighbor can you have the opportunity to step into a high-level circle, meet like-minded friends, and have a broader vision and pattern.

And if you are always stuck in a small circle of pettiness and intoxicated with the boring gossip around you, it is easy to waste the years and sink.

The circle you are in determines the level of life transition.

If you want to push the boundaries and stand on a higher platform, start by stepping out of your comfort zone and participating in an offline event.

Maybe it's sharing a good book with strangers, maybe it's participating in a walk, maybe it's joining a study group...

As the writer George Bernard Shaw said:

"You have an apple, I have an apple, we exchange each other, each still an apple."

You have a mind, I have a mind, and we exchange each other, and each of us can have two thoughts. ”

Go out boldly and melt in boldly.

Only then will you have the opportunity to break through the circle, meet new people, contact newer ideas, and bring different understandings.


Make good use of the 365-day savings method  

There is a heartfelt question on the Internet:

"How much money have you saved over the past year?"

Touching their pockets, many people have doubts, obviously they have saved money for a year, but why at the end of the year they are empty-handed, where is the money spent?

In fact, firewood, rice, oil and salt, clothing, food, housing, eating, drinking and entertainment...

Life is full of variety, and everything is inseparable from money.

If you want to live a dignified life and live a confident life, you must work hard to save money and continuously increase your ability to resist risks.

In the new year, you may wish to start with the "365 Deposit Law":

Start by drawing 365 forms on paper, then choose a number from 1-365 days, save the corresponding money every day, and tick the form.

In a year, if it can be strictly enforced, it can save a full 66,795 yuan.

Accumulate small into many, gather sand into a tower.

Money is not everything, but without money it is impossible.

Only if you have money in your pocket, can you not panic.

10 little things to make life happier and happier in the new year


Do a big cleaning of your home

There is a saying that says:

"The room you live in is your own refraction; Your room is your future life. ”

The room is full of garbage, which can make people physically and mentally uncomfortable.

The corners are cluttered and can easily cause distraction.

The glass is clean and flawless, the floor is spotless, and the objects are placed in an orderly manner, which can make people feel happy, relax their emotions and calm their minds.

If this past year, because we were busy with chores, we didn't have time to calm down and clean our rooms.

You may wish to take advantage of the holiday to take your family to do a comprehensive cleaning at home and have a "break away".

Cut off unnecessary desires, give up unnecessary burdens, and get rid of the obsession with objects.

Put away the things you can use carefully; What you don't need, grab it and pack it up.

Free up limited space to carry what life really requires.

As the writer Lin Yutang advocated:

"The wisdom of life lies in gradually clarifying and filtering out those unimportant impurities and retaining the most important parts."

The process of cleaning is actually saying goodbye to the past.

Know how to let go, learn to give up, in order to control life and travel lightly.


Choose a field of reading that you love  

Harvard University research found that those who eventually get the favor of fate do not rely mainly on high intelligence, but know how to identify the field and continue to cultivate.

Just like digging a well, if you always dig around, wander around, but do not go deep and persevere, it is often in vain.

Only by anchoring the direction, focusing on the field, and accumulating over time can we finally usher in the gurgling of the clear spring.

The law of mass mutual change has long revealed that only when the accumulation of quantity reaches a certain degree can it be possible to achieve a qualitative leap.

If in the past year, we have not read well for various reasons.

Then start from the new year, select the area of interest as soon as possible, go deeper, study carefully, and continue to cultivate.

The words accumulated over the years, the words of the words, will eventually broaden our horizons and enrich our souls.

Staying focused, always focused, and deeply cultivating a field of reading brings us not only a spiritual refuge, but also a cornerstone to help us become the darling of the times.


Do 30 minutes of exercise every day  

Some people joke that after the change of epidemic prevention policy, the greetings that everyone meets has changed from "have you eaten" to "has the sun passed"?

In the three years of the pandemic, many people have become "Yang Guo", "Yang Kang", and even "Wang Chongyang", resulting in physical damage and great damage to vitality.

Many people suddenly realized that in the face of physical health, money, fame, and lilu are all illusory.

Physical and mental health, no disease and no disaster, is the responsibility for oneself and the family.

If you want to have a healthy body and obtain strong resistance, you must defeat inertia, work and rest regularly, enhance exercise, and strengthen your body.

Then start today, set aside 30 minutes a day to keep exercising, keep your mouth shut, and open your legs.

Running, swimming, playing ball... Every time you sweat, you are producing endorphins.

Not only can it help us lose weight and shape, but also make us physically and mentally happy, and even have more friends who love exercise.

Exercise to become strong; Self-discipline can bring freedom.

In 2023, I hope we will always monitor ourselves, keep exercising, and finally quietly surprise everyone.

10 little things to make life happier and happier in the new year


Make a wish list

There are words in "Li Ji Zhong Ming":

"Everything is predetermined, and if it is not predetermined, it is abolished."

This means that in any job, if you are prepared beforehand, it is easy to succeed, and vice versa.

In the new year, I want to spend time and live up to Shaohua.

It is necessary to plan early and set new goals.

Take out a beautiful piece of letterhead and write down your wishes one stroke at a time.

For example, go all out to pass a difficult qualification exam to give the future more choice;

Or, go out with a few friends to go to windy places and experience a dashing and slow life;

Or work hard to get rid of singles, start a family and have a baby, and let people's lives turn into a new track...

Everyone's New Year's resolutions may have their own focus.

But the ritual written with the heart is a record of the good life.

In the days to come, whenever you complete a goal, you can take out the letterhead and gently scratch it off, and give yourself a little reward.

The galaxy is hot, and the moon is cool.

Under the guidance of New Year's resolutions, every minute and second of the next moment, we will run in love and usher in a better version of ourselves.


Grow up with a little life

In the movie "Loyal Dog Hachiko", such a story is told:

At the town's train station, Professor Parker picks up a lost puppy.

He adopted the puppy and named it "Hachiko".

Every morning, Hachiko would take Professor Parker to the station, and when he left work, he would greet him with his tail wagging.

Later, Professor Parker died of illness.

Unexpectedly, the unaware Hachiko still waited on the edge of the small station day after day, waiting for the return of the master every day.

All things are incarnated, and all things have animism.

Whether it's a flower bone with buds waiting to be placed, or an insignificant little ant...

Every little being in heaven and earth has its own spirituality and magnetic field.

How we treat all things, and how all things treat us.

With time and energy permitting, the new year may wish to start with the growth of a little life to learn how to see the world.

Water a bunch of flowers with your heart, looking forward to the begonia flowers never sleeping; Raise a little white rabbit and become a "shovel officer".

Respect all things, treat all things kindly, and under the nourishment of love, our increasingly dry hearts will also bloom the flowers of life.

10 little things to make life happier and happier in the new year


Give yourself a skill hammer  

In the past year, there have been so many changes, too many shocks, that people often live in uncertainty, full of anxiety and anxiety.

If you want to relieve anxiety and reap peace, you need to constantly break through yourself and work hard to cultivate skills.

The news has reported:

A post-00s guy in Zhejiang won the special gold medal of the 2022 WorldSkills Competition because of the skill of "scraping putty", and was praised by People's Daily.

Three hundred and sixty lines, lines out of the top.

By taking a skill to the extreme, you can have core competitiveness and shine on the stage of life.

To control the future in an uncertain world is not to transform the world, but to adapt to it.

Start by honing a skill in a year, learn to cook, learn to make short videos, know how to program...

Small skills may not be remarkable, but if you have the spirit of craftsmanship and know how to strive for excellence, you can naturally open the gap with ordinary people.

Life is never too late to start.

Don't set limits on life, don't say you don't have enough energy, and don't give up.

Even if you start from scratch, even if you fail repeatedly, as long as you always update yourself and constantly break through yourself.

With the right skills and honing them day by day, we will eventually stand out from the crowd and embrace the vast starry sky.

Mr. Miyazaki said this impressively:

"Life gets better if it's bad enough because it can't get any worse.

After working hard, I knew many things, insisted on perseverance, and came over. ”

In 2022, the epidemic, parting, injuries and illnesses... Each of us wants to flee as soon as possible.

But life has reached a low point and will usher in a rebound.

If there are still some regrets in life, if we still have unfulfilled wishes, then hurry up to empty 2022 and embrace 2023.

One thing is renewed, and everything is renewed.

Shake the spirit, be more patient, persevere, step by step, take every step, and do every little thing well.

10 little things to make life happier and happier in the new year

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10 little things to make life happier and happier in the new year
10 little things to make life happier and happier in the new year

Good class recommended

The powerful brain makes us accustomed to rational thinking and controlling emotions, but excessive suppression makes many people start to be anxious and depressed. The better, the more anxious.

Why, the body becomes a machine that only works? Life becomes like a pool of stagnant water? Why are we no longer full of passion and vitality like the ancients?

Perhaps we should go back to the beginning of life and look at the essence of dance - free expression, free dancing body in the field, and regaining that very simple, special essence of vitality.

A flower does not shy, a tree does not have the puzzle of dancing, we have forgotten ourselves for a long time ...

Then follow the modern dance master Gao Yanjinzi to dance, let go of the standard, let go of the stereotype, let go of all the constraints imposed on us, and express freely.

Rejuvenate and energize your body, this is what you want, and this is what modern dance is after.

Only by letting go of the brain can life fully open up. - Tsuko Gao

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