
Many people don't know that the rusty mandarin ducks on festive supplies are actually two brothers. And in the mandarin duck, the male mandarin duck is a typical flower-hearted scumbag, everyone knows, why is this? This is going to

author:Misty Jane

Many people don't know that the rusty mandarin ducks on festive supplies are actually two brothers. And in the mandarin duck, the male mandarin duck is a typical flower-hearted scumbag, everyone knows, why is this?

This starts with the appearance of the mandarin duck: the mandarin duck is divided into male and female, the male is the mandarin, and the female is the duck. The male mandarin is very beautiful, it has several beautiful colored feathers on its head, even the two eye bags are white, with its red mouth, both beautiful and eye-catching. And the female duck, the hair on the body is brown, there is no multi-color feathers on the head, the mouth is black how to look, are not outstanding, so wedding supplies, usually rust two beautiful mandarin ducks swimming in the water, in fact, are two male mandarins, so two male mandarins, can only be regarded as brothers, not husband and wife.

As early as the Wei and Jin dynasties, the literati said that mandarin ducks are brothers, for example, in the "Poem of Giving Brothers to Show Cai to Enter the Army", Wei Ren Ji Kang wrote: "Mandarin ducks fly and supreme their feathers." Traveling towards the plateau, staying in Lanzhu at sunset. Yong Yong and Ming, Gu Xiao and his wife. Generous and generous. ”

In this poem, the "mandarin duck" is used as a metaphor for brotherly harmony and friendship.

There is also Su Wu, who also wrote in a poem when he was on an envoy to the Xiongnu: "In the past, it was a mandarin and a duck, and now it is a participant chen." It is also the metaphor of the Mandarin duck to brothers.

So as early as ancient times, Mandarin ducks were brothers.

Why did Mandarin duck later become synonymous with beautiful and loyal love, and a good couple?

Here I have to mention the Tang Dynasty poet Lu Zhaolin, in his poem "Chang'an Ancient Yi", the most typical sentence "willing to be a mandarin duck does not envy the immortal", in order to praise the beautiful love between husband and wife.

When the literati followed suit, the mandarin duck gradually changed from brother to synonymous with husband and wife.

The great poet of the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai, once wrote: "Seventy purple mandarin ducks, double drama pavilion seclusion", Du Fu also wrote: "When the dusk is still known, the mandarin ducks do not live alone", Meng Jiao also wrote that "Wutong holds each other old, the mandarin ducks will die twice", Du Mu also wrote "all day without clouds to see the light rain, the mandarin ducks are relatively bathed in red clothes", Su Xiang is not willing to lag behind, and also wrote "belongs to the jade double flying water full of ponds, the depths of the pine pond bathing mandarin ducks"... So since the Tang Dynasty, under the polishing of countless great talents, Mandarin duck has become synonymous with husband and wife from brothers.

Because the mandarin ducks that people see are always a male and a female, both appear at the same time, so they think that they are inseparable, pairs of husband and wife birds, in fact, the reason why male mandarins have always appeared with the duck is just to monitor the female duck not to cheat.

What's more interesting: the mandarin duck in the mandarin duck is precisely the flower-hearted scumbag, it does not allow the female duck to cheat, but it is often with the surrounding ducks, just after mating with the duck, it goes to other ducks, in pairs, loving mating, and the duck with a baby will go alone to nest, incubate eggs, and raise young birds.

Where did the male mandarin go? Usually after mating, they either hide in a hidden place to change their hair, or continue to mate with other ducks to breed offspring.

However, when they appear, they still appear as "good men" that everyone sees, so people only see the appearance of mandarin ducks appearing in pairs. They are said to do so for the continuation and growth of the race.

The ancients always regarded the mandarin duck as a yearning for beautiful and loyal love, and more was the expectation of a lifetime and a couple, so the literati borrowed things as metaphors, which is why many ancient wedding celebrations are embroidered with pairs of mandarin duck patterns.

However, in the animal kingdom, there are still birds that can really achieve a lifetime and a pair of birds, such as swans, such as wild geese.

In swans, if one swan determines that another swan is a partner, it will determine that the other party is the only one, and if the other one has an accident or dies, the remaining one will never find other swans, and some will die of hunger strikes, as well as geese.

I have to say that in the animal kingdom it is also extremely interesting #animal# #在头条看见彼此 #

Many people don't know that the rusty mandarin ducks on festive supplies are actually two brothers. And in the mandarin duck, the male mandarin duck is a typical flower-hearted scumbag, everyone knows, why is this? This is going to
Many people don't know that the rusty mandarin ducks on festive supplies are actually two brothers. And in the mandarin duck, the male mandarin duck is a typical flower-hearted scumbag, everyone knows, why is this? This is going to
Many people don't know that the rusty mandarin ducks on festive supplies are actually two brothers. And in the mandarin duck, the male mandarin duck is a typical flower-hearted scumbag, everyone knows, why is this? This is going to
Many people don't know that the rusty mandarin ducks on festive supplies are actually two brothers. And in the mandarin duck, the male mandarin duck is a typical flower-hearted scumbag, everyone knows, why is this? This is going to
Many people don't know that the rusty mandarin ducks on festive supplies are actually two brothers. And in the mandarin duck, the male mandarin duck is a typical flower-hearted scumbag, everyone knows, why is this? This is going to
Many people don't know that the rusty mandarin ducks on festive supplies are actually two brothers. And in the mandarin duck, the male mandarin duck is a typical flower-hearted scumbag, everyone knows, why is this? This is going to
Many people don't know that the rusty mandarin ducks on festive supplies are actually two brothers. And in the mandarin duck, the male mandarin duck is a typical flower-hearted scumbag, everyone knows, why is this? This is going to
Many people don't know that the rusty mandarin ducks on festive supplies are actually two brothers. And in the mandarin duck, the male mandarin duck is a typical flower-hearted scumbag, everyone knows, why is this? This is going to
Many people don't know that the rusty mandarin ducks on festive supplies are actually two brothers. And in the mandarin duck, the male mandarin duck is a typical flower-hearted scumbag, everyone knows, why is this? This is going to

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