
Buy New Year goods Buy less peanuts and melon seeds, teach you 8 homemade snacks Simple and easy to make Gaga is delicious

author:Little dream chats about food

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Introduction: The taste of the year is getting stronger and stronger, of course, the purchase of New Year goods is indispensable to melon seeds, peanuts, candies these relatively simple single snacks, then learn the following small snacks to entertain relatives and friends will definitely make you have face. All kinds of colors, each with its own characteristics, and the selection of models with closed eyes is delicious!

1. Oreo pastry

Buy New Year goods Buy less peanuts and melon seeds, teach you 8 homemade snacks Simple and easy to make Gaga is delicious

★ Ingredients: 200g marshmallow, 200g Oreo, 40g dried strawberries, 40g milk powder, 45g nuts, 40g butter.


(1) Put Oreo in a plastic bag and pound it into fine pieces for later use.

(2) Put butter in a pot to heat and melt, then pour in marshmallows, stir-fry and melt, then pour in milk powder and stir well.

(3) Then pour in all the ingredients and stir well, put in a baking tray, arrange and flatten, and sprinkle with chopped Oreo on both sides. Let cool and cut into chunks.

2. Egg rolls

Buy New Year goods Buy less peanuts and melon seeds, teach you 8 homemade snacks Simple and easy to make Gaga is delicious

★ Ingredients: 2 eggs, 100g corn oil, 240g milk, 70g caster sugar, 200g gluten flour, 10g black sesame seeds.


(1) Stir the eggs with caster sugar, then add milk, corn oil and mix well.

(2) Sift in low-gluten flour and stir well, then sifted and add black sesame seeds and mix well.

(3) Scoop in a spoonful of batter and fry it for about 1 minute and 30 seconds, and then roll it with chopsticks while the surface is hot.

(4) After cooling, pack it in a bag and tie it out tightly.

3. Preserved pork

Buy New Year goods Buy less peanuts and melon seeds, teach you 8 homemade snacks Simple and easy to make Gaga is delicious



(1) First prepare some lean pork and beat all into meat puree. Add 10 grams of sugar, 2 grams of salt, 10 grams of light soy sauce to the meat puree, and then pour an appropriate amount of cooking wine to remove the fishiness, and add a little red yeast powder to make the color of the meat more rosy. After adding a little black pepper, use chopsticks to stir in one direction to let the meat absorb the flavor of the seasoning, and stir until the meat puree is a strong ball.

(2) Then take out a piece of oil-absorbing paper, dig out the meat puree, spread evenly on the oil-absorbing paper, cover it with another oil-absorbing paper after spreading, roll it out with a rolling pin, flatten the meat puree and then take down the oil-absorbing paper above, push the meat puree with a thin edge to avoid baking the paste, evenly brush a layer of honey water on top of the meat puree, and sprinkle a layer of white sesame seeds.

(3) After the oven is preheated, put in the prepared meat puree, bake it for 15 minutes on 180 degrees of upper heat, then take it out, turn the meat puree over, brush a layer of honey water and bake it in the oven for another 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, the pork is grilled. Cut it into small pieces, serve it on a plate, or leave it to dry for a day for a more chewy meal.

4. Black sesame peanut nougat

Buy New Year goods Buy less peanuts and melon seeds, teach you 8 homemade snacks Simple and easy to make Gaga is delicious

★ Ingredients: Peanuts, black sesame seeds, white sesame seeds, butter, marshmallows, milk powder.


(1) Prepare 140g of peanuts, put them in the oven and bake them at 150 degrees for about 25 minutes, take them out and let them cool and peel, then pour them into a sealed bag and crush them.

(2) 20g of black sesame seeds + 10g of white sesame seeds mix well and set aside.

(3) Put 30g of butter in a pot and heat it on minimum heat until melted, then pour 150g of marshmallows, stir until it is about to melt, then pour 80g of milk powder and continue to fry until you can huddle and turn off the heat, then pour in crushed peanuts and black sesame seeds, mix well, pour into the baking pot for quick shaping and cooling and cut into strips.

5. Apple auxiliary

Buy New Year goods Buy less peanuts and melon seeds, teach you 8 homemade snacks Simple and easy to make Gaga is delicious

★ Ingredients: Apple


(1) Wash the apple, peel and core it, cut it into almost small pieces, do not cut too thin, try to be evenly sized.

(2) Put a small amount of water in the pot to start cooking apples, it is best not to use an iron pan, it is better to use a non-stick pan.

(3) Wait for the water to boil over low heat, change the apple out of the water to medium heat, and pay attention to stirring and boiling until the apple is soft and collapsed.

(4) Put it in a ventilated sun to dry for half a day, then put it in the oven at 80 degrees for two hours, put it in the oven at 100 degrees for two hours the next day, and finally take the test at 120 degrees for eight minutes to color, and dry for half a day.

6. Milk dates

Buy New Year goods Buy less peanuts and melon seeds, teach you 8 homemade snacks Simple and easy to make Gaga is delicious

★ Ingredients: dates, almonds, marshmallows, powdered milk, butter.


(1) Ingredients: Prepare a large bowl of 60, 60 large almonds, 250g of marshmallows, 38g of milk powder, 30g of butter.

(2) Pit the dates and stuff them with large almonds.

(3) Put butter in a pot over low heat to melt, then pour the marshmallows into the pot and melt slowly, stir-frying until completely melted.

(4) Add milk powder and stir until completely integrated, turn off the heat, put the dates in the pot and stir well with the marshmallows.

(5) Let it cool for a while, wear disposable gloves, pull out the dates separately, put them in the milk powder evenly wrapped in milk powder, and pack them after cooling.

7. Jiangmi noodles

Buy New Year goods Buy less peanuts and melon seeds, teach you 8 homemade snacks Simple and easy to make Gaga is delicious



(1) Prepare a small pot, pour 100 grams of glutinous rice and 20 grams of vegetable oil, add boiling water and stir into a paste; Then pour in 100g of glutinous rice flour, with cool boiled water and noodles; First mix into dough and then knead into a smooth dough.

(2) Sprinkle a little flour on the board, roll out the glutinous rice dough into 0.5 cm thick pieces, cut into thick strips one by one with a knife, and sprinkle with dry flour to prevent sticking. Heat oil in the pot, add glutinous rice strips when the oil surface is slightly smoked, and gently push with a spoon to prevent glutinous rice strips from sticking. Wait until the sticky rice strips float up and the skin turns slightly yellowish and remove the oil.

(3) Add an appropriate amount of water to a small hot pot, pour 20 grams of sugar into the water after boiling, and stir constantly with a spoon. When the white sugar bubble turns into a small bubble and the color turns caramelized, pour in the fried glutinous rice strips and quickly stir-fry, sprinkle with black sesame seeds and white sesame seeds and stir-fry quickly.

8. Cat ears

Buy New Year goods Buy less peanuts and melon seeds, teach you 8 homemade snacks Simple and easy to make Gaga is delicious

★ Ingredients: 1 egg, 1 bowl of brown sugar water, cooking oil, flour.


(1) Put flour in a basin, add 1/2 egg liquid, then add water and stir into flocculence, then put in a little cooking oil and knead into a smooth dough.

Put flour in 2 basins, then pour in the remaining egg liquid, then pour brown sugar water and stir into flocculent, pour in a little cooking oil, brown sugar dough.

(3) Wrap the two doughs in plastic wrap and let rise for half an hour.

(4) Roll out the dough into sheets with a rolling pin, spread some water with your hands to make the two pieces superimposed, then tightly turn them into strips, put them in the refrigerator and freeze them for an hour, take them out and cut into thin slices.

(5) Pour oil into the pan and start frying after heating the oil, and you can get out of the pan after a slight discoloration, and it will be crispy after cooling.

The above are the 8 homemade snacks for the New Year compiled by Xiaomeng for everyone, each with its own characteristics, the models are delicious, the New Year is used to entertain relatives and friends absolutely have face, hurry up and collect! Show your hands in front of your family!

+ Follow! The next issue will share more exciting!

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