
"Green Onion Series" young and handsome teenager - Beckham 01

author:Football moose

Original link: [Green Onion Series] The handsome teenager who is not confused by the teenager - Beckham 01

There will always be people in this world who coexist in beauty and strength, and David Beckham is a name that will always be remembered by the Red Devils and Real Madrid fans!

Hello, my name is David Beckham

In the East London district of England in 1980, there was a little boy playing outside with friends, playing football with a group of friends in the streets and alleys, the little boy's father Edward was a cook, the usual work was really busy, the mother was a beautician in the London district, and the overall family finances of the little boy were still good

"David, go home for dinner, you look at the mud that got you again today, "Mother Sandra West is a gentle intellectual woman

"This stinky boy is running out to play football again, and it's not good to study so hard," Edward said with a tired look

"It's also good to let my son play football in the future, maybe he can be a star?" Sandra West already said softly

"But it's okay to be a movie star, how many scouts are looking for me today?" After all, my son was so handsome at a young age," said Sandra West proudly

"Look at his own," Edward said somewhat sullenly, thinking to himself, "How good it would be to consider being a chef."

By this time the little boy had returned, washed his face and sat down at the table

"Father and Mother I have something to say to you, I want to go to Bobby Charlton Football School and play football," the little boy said

"Play football? Have you thought about it? David, I decided that I can't easily change it, in fact, there are many choices in life, such as being a Western chef, and making exquisite meals for everyone is also a good choice," Edward said with a serious look at his son

"No, Mr. Edward, I think very clearly, I will be a professional footballer in the future," David said, looking firmly at his father

"Mr. Edward, Ms. Sandra West, I think it is necessary for you two to meet the future world champion, hello, my name is David Beckham"

"Green Onion Series" young and handsome teenager - Beckham 01

Born with a talent for football, a shot from a Manchester United scout

After Xiaobei entered the football school, with systematic football learning, I have to say that Xiaobei is really smart and very likeable, and learns a lot of football knowledge very quickly

When entering the actual battle, Xiaobei can always wear the key ball, and the shooting footwork is also good

In order to train Xiaobei to play football, Edward also chose to go to an amateur team to coach, and Edward, as a chef, learned a lot of football-related knowledge for his son to become a talent

Xiaobei also lived up to expectations and led the team to win the "Fifield" futsal championship, and Xiaobei's playing became more and more mature under edward's careful cultivation

Joining walterham junior team at the age of 11, he has nearly 5 years of football experience, excellent footwork, good physical fitness, super accurate shooting and passing are the evaluations of Edward and many adults at that time

"David, after getting the ball, cut forward, to the bottom line to a high-profile ball in front of the goal, let Klose head the ball" Edward passionately directed his son on the sidelines, completely unaware that there was already a middle-aged man in a black suit who stopped and watched for a long time

The man walked slowly and said, "Hello sir, this handsome blonde kid on the field is very familiar with you," the man asked

"Yeah, he's my son David, and he's playing well!" Edward said proudly, without even turning his head back, and continued to direct his son on the sidelines

The man in black saw that Edward did not look at him at all, looked funny, and directly showed Edward his intentions

"Hello sir, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Malcolm Feguin, I am a professional scout at Manchester United, who specializes in finding young players with potential, I wonder if you are interested in us Manchester United, and whether It is possible for Mr David to go to the Manchester United Academy?" The man in black said politely as he handed over his business card

When Edward heard this, his body shook, obviously he did not expect the middle-aged man who watched his son play football to be so big, and quickly turned back to reply and took the business card with both hands

"I'm very sorry Mr. Malcolm!" Edward said apologetically

"David, come to the sidelines," Edward shouted into the pitch

Beckham trotted over to Edward's side, looking inquiringly at his father

"This is Mr Malcolm! A professional scout at Manchester United, he thinks you have a lot of potential and wants you to go to the Manchester United academy," Edward said seemingly smoothly, but actually felt happy

"Hello, Mr. Malcolm! I'm David Beckham," Little Bey said with a big smile

"Green Onion Series" young and handsome teenager - Beckham 01

"What a handsome boy, it's only 12 years old now," Malcolm Fergine thought to himself

"Does the lad want to go to Manchester, do he want to go to manchester United academy?" Malcolm Feguin said

"Manchester United? I'm afraid I have to discuss with my father before I can decide" Obviously, although XiaoBei had heard of Manchester United at that time, he did not quite understand the significance of Manchester United's youth training for him

"No problem, when Xiaobei finishes his studies, he can go to Manchester," Edward promised, he didn't even care about his job in London, for the sake of Xiaobei's future, he could also go to Manchester to find a job as a Western chef

In this way, on July 8, 1991, XiaoBei came to the Manchester United youth camp and officially started his youth training career

A legendary midfielder at a young age and 19 years old

Two years of academy training, so that Xiaobei's playing more mature, in the entire Manchester United academy Xiaobei is defined as a midfielder role, can play the role of right wing-back and organize the midfield, mainly responsible for the side with the ball under the bottom cross, or the middle of the road straight through, corner and set the ball main penalty

"Green Onion Series" young and handsome teenager - Beckham 01

The great advantage of Xiaobei is that the passing is excellent, the set-pieces and corners are very accurate, and the 18-year-old's breakthrough speed on the side is also very good, which is the old lord's evaluation of his Xiaobei

After a period of ups and downs, David Beckham finally scored his first goal for United in the Champions League in November 1994 at the age of 19, and the name David Beckham resounded throughout Old Trafford stadium from the beginning

Every Red Devils fan finally began to shout the name of the handsome 19-year-old

"Green Onion Series" young and handsome teenager - Beckham 01

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