
The American factory was hacked to extort 1804 bitcoins, what happened to Gou's flying eagle plan?

author:Ichibo said
The American factory was hacked to extort 1804 bitcoins, what happened to Gou's flying eagle plan?

Gou's Hon Hai confirmed that Hon Hai's North American plant was attacked by a cyber ransomware virus, but in response to foreign media reports that the hacker "Lion Opened His Mouth" to redeem 1804 bitcoins from Hon Hai, Hon Hai said that it did not pay any ransom.

Gou's investment in North America has attracted great attention, what is the current situation?

The American factory was hacked to extort 1804 bitcoins, what happened to Gou's flying eagle plan?
The American factory was hacked to extort 1804 bitcoins, what happened to Gou's flying eagle plan?

Hon Hai Americas plant is attacked by a cyber ransomware virus

The American factory was hacked to extort 1804 bitcoins, what happened to Gou's flying eagle plan?

Hon Hai confirmed that the North American plant was attacked by a cyber ransomware virus

On the afternoon of December 8, Hon Hai confirmed that its Americas plant was recently attacked by a network ransomware virus, and the network of the affected plant area gradually returned to normal, which had little impact on the overall operation of the Group.

Earlier, BleepingComputer reported that Hon Hai's Mexican plant in North America was attacked by a doppel Paymer attack during Thanksgiving, and hackers stole some unencrypted information, and some general documents and reports have been publicly exposed on the Internet.

In addition, foreign media reports quoted sources in the field of information security to confirm that Hon Hai Group's server storage equipment and network product research and development center CTBG, located in Ciudad Juarez, a northern border city adjacent to the United States in Mexico, was hacked on about the 29th of last month.

In response to this matter, Hon Hai confirmed that the American plant was recently attacked by a network ransomware virus, and also said that the company's internal information security team has completed the software and operating system security updates, while improving the level of protection.

The American factory was hacked to extort 1804 bitcoins, what happened to Gou's flying eagle plan?

Hon Hai founder Terry Gou (middle)

The report also said that hackers stole about 100GB of unencrypted data and deleted about 20TB to 30TB of backup data. In addition, the hackers extorted Hon Hai Group to pay 1804.0955 bitcoins, about $34.686 million.

In addition to saying that it did not pay any ransom, Hon Hai also said that the affected factories of the attack have gradually returned to normal, and the relevant information has been synchronized with customers and supply chain partners.

Hon Hai's factory in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, was first established in 2005, and the factory mainly assembles and ships electronic products to sell electronic products to the two major markets in South America and North America. More than a decade ago, Gou's overseas market strategy was to export + OEM model, and the investment layout was the closest place to the market.

Hon Hai's Juarez plant was originally based on oem production of computers and mobile phones. On February 19, 2010, during the Chinese New Year in China, there was an arson incident of departing employees in the factory. At that time, it was reported that the cause was that the Hon Hai Mexico factory did not pay overtime pay, and the bus that transported employees to and from work was detained at the military checkpoint, so the employees were asked to stay and work without compensation, so the employees were angry and set fire.

However, Hon Hai said that their company did not require unpaid overtime, and the facts of the investigation were different from the reports. Hon Hai pointed out that the actual situation is that after the late shift employees leave work, there should have been white and green two-line traffic vehicles to the factory area to pull employees off work, but the green line traffic vehicles have not arrived for a long time. At that time, more than 30 waiting employees masked at the scene to encourage and encourage the emotions of other employees and spread false information. In the end, some employees went to the employee activity center to maliciously set fires, but it did not affect the production equipment and warehouse, and it was also handed over to the local police. At that time, Hon Hai still said that it still had considerable confidence in Mexican investment and was not affected by the incident.

The American factory was hacked to extort 1804 bitcoins, what happened to Gou's flying eagle plan?

What happened to Gou's "Flying Eagle Project"?

The American factory was hacked to extort 1804 bitcoins, what happened to Gou's flying eagle plan?

Gou, who presided over the groundbreaking ceremony

Time is the best witness, it can restore all the history of the past.

Suddenly, 2020 is almost over, 3 years ago, Gou entered the White House, Trump mouthed, and made Gou's "unspeakable things" public: the amount of Hon Hai's investment in the United States is not the 10 billion US dollars publicly declared, but the 30 billion US dollars privately agreed!

Despite the so-called private agreement "private, informal, non-public, no record", As a result, Trump still can't help but post it to Twitter, and "secret" instantly became the world's financial headlines.

On August 1, 2017, when Trump attended a small business event in the White House, he took the initiative to mention: "You saw Foxconn last week, they are going to invest $10 billion, but he (Gou) is one of the great businessmen of this era, he told me privately, I think he will invest $30 billion." "Think about it, he'd invest $30 billion, but he told me to 'off the record, privately,' so I promised not to tell anyone." ”

At that time, as soon as the words were finished, the audience burst into laughter. A month earlier, Gou announced at the White House that Foxconn would set up a factory in Wisconsin with an investment of up to $10 billion.

The American factory was hacked to extort 1804 bitcoins, what happened to Gou's flying eagle plan?

Gou announced at the White House that he would set up a factory in Wisconsin, USA

Time flies, and the man who claims to "make America great again" is leaving the White House.

Gou, who was called "a friend" and "the best businessman in the world" by the owner of the White House at the time, also retired for more than a year, hon Hai has handed over the baton, and he has also retired behind the scenes. In just three years, both men left their stage center.

I remember that day, Gou called the U.S. investment plan a "flying eagle", and the first sentence of his speech was: "Mr. President, the eagle is soaring!" ”

The day after the White House meeting, Gou signed a memorandum of cooperation with Wisconsin Gov. Walker, saying that if all goes well, the $10 billion plant will begin construction next year and be operational in 2020. At the time, Wisconsin also gave Gou "three candies" :(1) up to $1.5 billion in income tax relief in job creation; (2) $1.35 billion in capital investment relief. (3) There is a $150 million GST deduction on the purchase of building materials.

However, the terms of the agreement also stipulate that if Hon Hai does not meet its investment and employment commitments, the "sugar" sent out will be recovered.

The American factory was hacked to extort 1804 bitcoins, what happened to Gou's flying eagle plan?

Hon Hai founder Terry Gou

Previously, in June 2017, Gou said that his "American Dream," the "Flying Eagle," could total more than $10 billion and be a five-year program. At that time, others in Japan met with the governors of 3 different states in the United States in 4 days, and he said that he would initially select 3 states first, and then select 3 other states.

Gou also said at that time that Hon Hai would not only build a factory, but in several states where investment was scheduled, it would rearrange the entire upstream and downstream vertically integrated industrial chain. Hon Hai's investment in the United States has aroused great concern from the outside world, so that "Gou Taiming ran away" has become a hot news.

At that time, in the article, we helped Gou Taiming's "Flying Eagle Plan" allocate abacus beads, believing that Gou's so-called scale of 10 billion (or 30 billion US dollars) is a question of the "number" of investment scale, but we should pay more attention to Gou's "technique", that is, what is hon Hai's business strategy and logic?

The Eagles are about to take off, and Gou wants to build Hon Hai into a "world-class" company, which is inseparable from the two largest markets, namely China and the United States. The Flying Eagle Project can also be seen as part of its international layout. Previously, Gou's layout including both sides of the strait and around the world, eagles had little habitat in the United States. The North American market previously relied on Mexican factories, and the mobile phone assembly plant in Brazil was also a little more oriented to South America.

In the era of globalization, it is also the era of sharing, where there is a market, it will develop wherever it is, and from the perspective of business strategy, there is nothing wrong with it. Moreover, Gou Is a businessman, he once said: "There is no mistake, many people say that businessmen do not have a motherland, I feel that the market is my motherland." He also said: "The largest market in the world is China and the United States, if we don't go there, where do we go?" ”

In addition, the White House owner shouts "manufacturing return" all day long, and Gou, who is worried about the pressure of the "red supply chain", is also "throwing in his favor". Gou, who has always had a keen sense of smell, wanted to "find a balance" on the east and west coasts of the Pacific. In the past, Gou's investment hegemony has always been known for being fast, accurate and fierce.

The American factory was hacked to extort 1804 bitcoins, what happened to Gou's flying eagle plan?


What is Gou's "American Dream" like today?

Scott Walker, the Republican governor of Wisconsin who warmly welcomed Gou, has stepped down, and he has been replaced by Democratic Governor Tony Evers. Since the beginning of this year, the covid-19 pandemic has hit the global economy hard, and Hon Hai has had to adjust its investment strategy and layout.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the Wisconsin Administration recently submitted its fiscal year 2022 and 2023 budgets to the state legislature, stating that the government does not expect Hon Hai to meet the standards for investment and employment, so it will not be able to obtain tax exemptions of up to $2.85 billion.

Three years ago, Hon Hai announced that it would invest more than $10 billion to build a 10.5-generation factory in Racine County, Westland, to produce large-size LCD panels, but neither the scale of investment nor the number of workers met the tax reduction standards originally agreed. In October, the state government had rejected Hon Hai's tax breaks and later said hon hai would not receive them for the next three years.

In 2017, under Trump's "lead", Hon Hai signed a contract with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) of the Wisconsin government, when Hon Hai claimed that the investment plan could create 13,000 jobs in the local area, in exchange for the state government's "sugar delivery", that is, a total of 3 billion US dollars in tax cuts.

In October, state authorities approved Hon Hai's Weizhou plant to employ only 281 full-time employees and invested only $300 million. However, Hon Hai objected to WEDC through lawyer Robert Berry, saying that the promised responsibility was "job creation and capital investment" and that the opposing company had "misunderstood" the terms and timing of the contract.

In any case, the promotion of Hon Hai Guo Dong's "Flying Eagle Plan" is not ideal, and now that the owner of the White House is about to change, whether his "American Dream" will be disillusioned is also full of too much uncertainty.

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