
Two women in Ningbo were defrauded of millions of yuan by the "Flying Eagle Plan" And there are shareholders all over the country who have been deceived

author:China Economic Net

Source: Ningbo Evening News

On the afternoon of June 11, Ms. Wang, a citizen in her 50s, eagerly told reporters that she and a friend listened to the online stock platform, registered a securities App, and then went into the live broadcast room to listen to the lesson operation, injected more than 1 million yuan of funds to speculate in stocks under the inducement of the other party, and participated in the other party's "Flying Eagle Plan". Now the securities App has retreated, the relevant WeChat group has been dissolved, the stock speculation assistant dive has disappeared, and the millions of funds have been lost.

Ms. Wang opened several health clubs. Recently, a teacher in Shanghai who taught her health knowledge recommended to her, saying that it was a good profit to do stocks through institutional channels. So Ms. Wang entered a securities platform called Chen Yueming Securities and participated in the stock "Flying Eagle Plan".

After entering the platform, she was pulled into a WeChat group, which had more than 100 people, all of whom said that they had studied on the securities platform.

This platform first launched a lecture hall to shareholders, and the lecturers claimed to be Zhao Jianjun, Li Jindao, and Sun Zhen. These three people combined with the current situation of A-share shareholders to tell the story, and slowly cultivated the good feelings of shareholders. After gaining the trust of shareholders, they began to induce everyone to register the platform for stock trading. They guided shareholders to analyze stocks through live broadcasts, grasped the rise and stop, and claimed to have opened an institutional channel to ask shareholders to inject money into a third-party cooperation platform.

False "profit" arbitrage of victim funds

Ms. Wang, who is doing business, was still quite cautious at first, but because she was introduced by acquaintances, she listened to some "lecture halls" and began to trust the platform personnel.

The platform sent an assistant who called herself Zhang Xiaoting to contact Ms. Wang, added Ms. Wang's WeChat, and taught Ms. Wang how to register the institutional channel, how to operate, and how to make profits through the "Flying Eagle Plan" bull stock concentration camp.

On May 21, Ms. Wang called 50,000 yuan into the platform to try. She also had some doubts in the process of making money, such as remitting money to the account designated by the other party called "Liaocheng Junou E-commerce Co., Ltd." However, the other party said that this is to operate through professional means, and use QFLL two financial brokers, agents, etc., in order to achieve ten to nine stable. Ms. Wang's doubts were dispelled. Assistant Zhang Xiaoting said that in order to let Ms. Wang catch up with the No. 2 and No. 3 bull stocks operating the bull stock concentration camp the next day, she went through the registration procedures for Ms. Wang overnight.

The other party gave Ms. Wang a live broadcast address and instructed her to enter the live broadcast room at 2 p.m., and Zhao Jianjun shouted a single to witness the miracle of pulling shares up and down.

On the afternoon of May 22, the live broadcast room launched Bull Stock No. 2, and Ms. Wang just waited and watched. Seeing that some shareholders followed the operation in the live broadcast room and indeed made money instantly, she began to be moved. When Zhao Jianjun said that the bull stock No. 3 was launched, Ms. Wang bought more than 4,000 shares at a price of 21.63 yuan, and it was up and down in three or five minutes! It was then sold at 22.42 yuan, and the profit was about 3200 yuan with ease in one operation.

At this time, Ms. Wang believed in the magic of the "Flying Eagle Plan", and she told ms. Zhang, a shareholder friend, about it. Ms. Zhang felt that it was quite a god to make money in this way, and also registered an account and transferred 80,000 yuan.

The platform assistant informed that the account of 200,000 yuan of funds can be long and short, and the account of 1 million yuan of funds can be opened a day earlier to buy the maximum profit from the bottom. After discussing with Ms. Wang and Ms. Zhang, the two accounts were combined to operate, and the funds in their accounts reached 400,000 yuan.

Then, on May 26, the live broadcast room launched bull stock No. 4, and Ms. Wang and Ms. Zhang made a profit of more than 20,000 yuan. On the 27th, it also easily made a profit of 50,000 yuan, and on the 28th, it made a profit of 10,000 yuan. The profits of the past few days have made them believe in the platform.

On June 3, they injected 650,000 yuan, bringing the total amount of funds to more than 1 million yuan. Just when they expected the bull stock to appear again, the "Flying Eagle Plan" platform could not enter, the WeChat group was dissolved that night, Zhao Jianjun, Li Jindao, Sun Zhen could not be contacted, Chen Yueming securities software flashed back, and later all the personnel in the WeChat group disappeared.

At this time, they woke up from a big dream. On June 5, Ms. Wang reported the case to the Yuehu police station.

Many shareholders across the country have been recruited

After reporting the case, Ms. Wang has been paying attention to the message boards of some portals to see if other shareholders have been recruited. It turned out that a Guangzhou shareholder with the online name "Jingxin" was also defrauded of 1.1 million yuan in the "Flying Eagle Plan", and his experience was exactly the same as that of Ms. Wang and Ms. Zhang.

"Meditation" posted its painful experience of being deceived on the Internet, and many of the followers told the same experience. It is understood that at present, 150 victims have been reported and accepted across the country, and the amount of deception has exceeded 30 million yuan. Among the victims were recent college graduates, self-employed households, and white-haired elderly people.

According to these shareholders, in addition to Chen Yueming Securities, the securities App platform they entered also include Wafer Securities, Daye Securities, Wandaji Securities, etc. In addition to Zhao Jianjun, Li Jindao, Sun Zhen, the platform assistants have self-proclaimed Yu Xia, Zhang Ting, Nana, etc. As many as 40 funds were entered by the defrauded personnel, all of which were company accounts, and these companies were distributed throughout the country.

A veteran investor with more than 20 years of experience in stock speculation told reporters that in fact, the victim entered a "pig killing disk" model, the so-called "Flying Eagle Plan" network securities platform is only a simulated disk, in fact, the funds are into the account of the wrongdoer. This kind of deceptive means is not new, mainly this time they also carried out "spiritual confusion", with some positive energy courses of the "lecture hall" to attract shareholders, and won everyone's trust.

The deception continues

What is worrying is that there are still shareholders entering the "Flying Eagle Plan".

At 7:30 p.m. on the 11th, the reporter entered an ongoing live broadcast address provided by the deceived shareholders, a man who called himself Wu Zhe was explaining stock information, there were more than 7,000 online personnel, and many registered online personnel were asking how to enter the channel and how to make profits.

Reporters could not ask questions in the live broadcast room because they were not registered. Ms. Wang told reporters that the voice of this "Wu Zhe" is exactly the same as that of "Zhao Jianjun", and the content of the speech is also the same version. "JingXin" also confirmed to reporters that this Wu Zhe is Zhao Jianjun's voice, "This voice has caused many people to lose their homes, how can everyone forget?" ”

At about 9:30 a.m. on June 12, the reporter logged on to another webcast address provided by the victim, and a man named "Liu Chenglong" was talking about the stock, and there were more than 6,000 people online.

When talking to reporters, "Jingxin," who was spontaneously responsible for collecting information on the victims of the whole country, almost choked up and said: "Those who have been deceived take up legal weapons, and those who have not been deceived must be alert." We must believe that there will be no pie in the sky, no flukes and no greed, and it is best to be down-to-earth. ”

Reporter Wang Yuanzhuo

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