
The second phase of the "Flying Eagle Program" training of The Villa Group was carried out at the Pingquan Party School

author:Hebei Mountain Villa old wine

On November 26, the second phase of the "Flying Eagle Program" training of Shanzhuang Group was carried out at the Pingquan Party School. The purpose is to create a high-quality talent echelon and create a good working atmosphere. A total of more than 70 young backbones from various regions and within the group responded to the call of the group and enthusiastically signed up to participate.

The training is fully enclosed and managed for 4 days. Senior training lecturers Zhibangda Zhang Hongwu and Bo Sizheng Qi Ge Jinqian were invited to explain from the aspects of brand building knowledge and daily work communication skills and personality positioning. There are physical training, brand building explanations, interpersonal communication skills, DISC personality tests and other courses. Adopt a combination of online teaching and offline teacher teaching, and improve the quality of students in all aspects through group discussions, practical exercises, point systems and other forms. To provide participants with a deeper understanding of the management matters in market operation and the importance of branding. While strengthening physical fitness, give full play to the strengths of each student and the leadership between the team.

Talent training is an important measure for the implementation of strategic deployment of The Villa Group, through various training activities to fully mobilize the mainstay of the young backbone, show the talents of employees, and realize the complementary advantages and effective utilization of the Group's talent resources, so as to further enhance the cohesion of the Group, improve the work efficiency and quality of the Group's employees, and lay a solid foundation for improving the soft power of the Group's culture.

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