
"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

author:Jiafang Entertainment
"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

Since Jackie Chan's film "Plan A" has been a big hit, many people have affirmed Jackie Chan's strength in being a director. However, because Jackie Chan is too obsessed with the quality of the film, so that he does not consider the cost of the problem, the cost of many of the films he directed is quite high, which also makes his owner Jiahe Company very headache.

In order to ensure high profits, Jackie Chan filmed the sequel to his blockbuster work "Brother Dragon and Tiger Brother" - "Flying Eagle Project", and they intend to promote this work to the world, which is enough to see Jackie Chan's determination to the Western film market.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

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At the beginning of the film, Flying Eagle (Jackie Chan) is chased by a group of natives in Africa, but fortunately, he uses the oversized walking ball to escape their pursuit. Soon, Flying Eagle received a fax from his employer, the Count, asking him to meet in Spain.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

After arriving in Spain, Flying Eagle meets Peach (Masako Ikeda), a Japanese girl who sets up a stall, and Elsa (Eva Cooper), a German girl who sets up a stall. But what Flying Eagle did not expect was that his interaction with the two women was actually mistaken by two Middle Eastern men as exchanging information, so they wanted to go after Flying Eagle, but fortunately they were rescued in time by the earl's arrival.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234
"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

During his meeting with the Count, the Count recounted that during World War II, a German Nazi who learned that he had little time had hidden tens of thousands of tons of gold looted from Europe in a secret base in the Sahara Desert in Africa. The Earl hopes that Flying Eagle will cooperate with Ada (Zheng Yuling), an archaeologist of Leng Yan, to go to Africa to retrieve this batch of gold, and give the key to the base to Flying Eagle. In return, flying eagles can get a lot of money. This condition made Flying Eagle very satisfied, so he gladly agreed.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234
"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

However, what Flying Eagle did not expect was that they had just set out to encounter an ambush, and after a fight, Flying Eagle and Ada escaped successfully, and also found that Elsa was the granddaughter of a Nazi officer, so he asked her to join the treasure hunt together.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

After arriving in Africa, they were attacked by mercenaries in the hotel and were almost robbed of the base keys. This attack made Flying Eagle realize that this treasure hunt was not a simple treasure hunt.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

After leaving the hotel, Flying Eagle and the others met Peach, who sold pottery, and asked her to hitchhike together. Where do you know that when they are camping in the desert, they encounter the desert robbers, Ada and Elsa are snatched away by them, and The Eagle and Peach rush to the enemy to rescue them.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

When they fled the camp, they encountered the entanglement of the two Middle Easterners before, and when they returned to their camp, they found that the people in the camp had been killed. While packing their luggage, Peaches finds the tribal totem that appears in the photo, and when they follow this clue to the tribe, they mistakenly hit and bump into the secret base where the gold is hidden.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

When they intend to go deeper, they encounter the mercenaries who have ambushed them before. During the conversation, they learned that the mercenary's boss, Adolf, was one of the submissive subordinates of a Nazi officer, and told the truth about the year. In the fight, the flying eagle is defeated, and is held hostage by the mercenaries to open the golden gate, and when they see the gold, the crowd is ecstatic.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234
"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

The mercenaries saw the gold and crossed the river to tear down the bridge and rebelled against Adolf. The suddenly repentant Adolf finally used his knowledge of the base to use the wind to help the Eagles get rid of the mercenaries. Finally, he used the wind to send the flying eagle and Ada out of the gate with the four of them, while Adolf was buried underground with the gold.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234
"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

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This film is the most expensive film in Jackie Chan's self-directed and self-acting films, and it can also be said that it is the most expensive film in Hong Kong that year, with a cost of up to HK$115 million, about 15 million US dollars, which has also become the most headache part of Jiahe Company.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

However, fortunately, the total global box office of "Flying Eagle Project" reached 39.05 million US dollars, which saved the cost of Jiahe Company and obtained a fairly high profit. However, they finally decided not to let Jackie Chan participate in the director's position again, because he was too expensive.

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The filming process of this movie can be said to be quite arduous. In order to make this film more international, Jackie Chan brought together actors from different countries in terms of actors, including Jackie Chan and Zheng Yuling in China, Masako Ikeda in Japan, and Eva Cober from Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

In addition to the actors, he also moved the filming location directly to the desert land of North Africa Morocco, which can be said to span the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

However, what they did not expect was that the crew's machinery and equipment failed due to sand, delaying their shooting time. And the camels they had rented did not obey and did not cooperate with them. In addition, the entire crew of them had serious problems with water and soil, vomiting up and down, causing them to be paralyzed in bed and rest. One of them was stung by a local scorpion, which delayed the crew for two months.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234
"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234
"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234
"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

At that time, Zheng Yuling, who was known for her strong psychology, was also quite affected, and one day, after filming, she was full of emotions and couldn't help but cry and weep. In addition to Zheng Yuling, the other two actresses who starred in the film also felt physically and mentally exhausted and had to drink with Zheng Yuling to sleep.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

Because the temperature in the desert was so high, the crew almost had to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning to prepare for filming and finish work at noon, otherwise, the crew's machine would be sunburned.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

However, during their trembling shooting, the counterfeit banknotes used as props actually entered the local market and were used by the locals. Soon, their crew was summoned by the local police station and confiscated all the film from the crew. Confiscating the film meant that all their previous efforts had been in vain. In a hurry, Jackie Chan had to contact a lawyer to deal with the matter, and after many days of hard work, the police returned their film. However, their production manager Chen Zhihua could not escape the interference, and was arrested by the police for issuing counterfeit money, and the production manager Chen Zhihua was imprisoned for 3 months.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

When the production manager Chen Zhihua was released from prison, he was already in a skinny state, and Jackie Chan also filmed Chen Zhihua into the movie, appearing in the movie as a skinny old man caught by a wild man.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

In order to avoid a similar situation, Jackie Chan finished shooting the necessary shots and decided to return to Hong Kong to shoot the rest of the shots. Of course, for the sake of the set effect, Jackie Chan bought 10 tons of Moroccan sand and returned to Hong Kong, setting up a shooting location in Hong Kong as a "small desert".

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

In this shooting, Jackie Chan still can't avoid being injured. While filming him jumping down with chains, he didn't have time to grab the rope, which left him on the ground without protection, causing his sternum to dislocate.

"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234
"Flying Eagle Project": This film that makes Zheng Yuling cry bitterly and strip Jackie Chan of his position as director is 1234

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > four</h1>

Jackie Chan's "Flying Eagle Project" is not a simple martial arts movie, in addition to the funny elements, it also integrates the social elements of different countries, reflecting the pain that cannot be ignored in the world. For example, the Muslim duo that appears in the movie, they try to use extreme means to achieve the purpose of restoration. In fact, there were already 5 wars in the Middle East that year, the Arab countries were seriously hit, and then there were various terrorist attacks, which is a problem that cannot be ignored in the international community.

The plot of the desert robbers robbing Ada and Elsa as buying and selling items in the movie is actually a side reflection of the fact that in African countries, women's status is quite low, and they are often bought and sold like livestock, which has been reported many times, but it cannot prevent such a situation from happening. This is also a serious problem that deserves the attention of people all over the world.

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