
Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

author:Smile Movie

In 2015, Huang Bo suddenly faded from the public eye at the peak of his career, and after three years of dormancy, he directed a movie called "A Good Drama".

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

At a glance, "A Good Drama" is a comedy, with exaggerated techniques, ingenious structures, and witty lines, and some people jokingly summarize the plot as: dry over the CEO, win bai fumei, and embark on the peak of life.

In fact, this is a "good play" split by a mental patient who has survived the disaster, and the details are recalled, and goosebumps are up!

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

1: Everyone is dead – except Ma Jin, played by Huang Bo

The company was built in a group, and everyone took a small bus to drive and actually went to sea. Instead of shallow seas, we are on the surface of the vast expanse of the sea. Take a bus out to sea and still go that far? This is already very strange.

A terrifying wave came over, and even several heavy boats were split in half, why was the minibus not damaged at all?

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

The day after the minibus was beaten to the desert island, Huang Bo and the others came out and opened a dead man covered with a white cloth, and the man came back to life, saying that he only had a foot injury, so why did he cover him with a white cloth. We think it was a coincidence.

At this time, Huang Bo wanted to find Shanshan, and very strangely ran out of the woods with two people, and Shanshan fell to her feet in the depths of the woods. Since they all drifted all the way to the shore with the bus, why did some people come out of the woods instead? It's not a coincidence.

This implies that the spiritual world built in Huang Bo, the goddess Shanshan has been "resurrected", and everyone does not have to die.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

2: The Upside Down World

When Xiao Wang, played by Wang Baoqiang, leads everyone to survive in the wild, Huang Bo alone seems to be constantly looking for a new "way out" during the day, but it has been fruitless. However, the big ship with everything was easily found by Zhang Zong! In the daytime search for fruitless things, in the night actually walking and walking.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

What is even more interesting is that the big ship found on the island is overturned, and the world in the ship is upside down, what kind of world is upside down?

The world of the mentally ill.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

3: Get off the fish.

On the boat, Huang Bo asked Zhang Yixing, who do you say is most beneficial for the meteorite fall? Of course it's us poor jingle people.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

90 days after the lottery expired, he found that he had won 60 million, but he was helpless and left on a desert island, he was crazy, the sky began to fish, not rain, which means that winning the lottery is also a fantasy, because everyone is dreaming of getting rich overnight.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

4: Zhang Yixing is Huang Bo's own schizophrenic

Huang Bo once said in an interview that in the movie "A Good Drama", Xiao Xing, played by Zhang Yixing, is the devil in Ma Jin's heart.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

Zhang Yixing is the extension of Huang Bo's desire, another Huang Bo, one is to rob Zhang Zong's 600 million after blackening, and the other is to be timid and afraid of things in reality and not to take risks.

That's why he chased Zhang Yixing like crazy, and Zhang Yixing would also go crazy to stop him from setting the boat on fire.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

There is a scene where two people sing a double reed, without rehearsing the mouth shape but completely consistent, there is only one explanation, which is the voice from the same person's heart.

The people at the table lose money and have only two thoughts: one is to continue to gamble and win back, and the other is to take advantage of the loss and close the hand. But often the former defeats the latter and dominates our behavior.

Suggestive humanity: desire.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

5: Polar bears

Ma Jin and Xiaoxing kayaked out to sea for help and met a dead polar bear.

His lottery tickets expire in September, and it expires in December, and it should be winter, but there are fish on the island all year round.

If he was on a tropical island, why would he meet a polar bear? If not a tropical island? Why isn't there winter? Everything is illogical, which can only show that this is all Ma Jin's own fantasy.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

6: 12 days

Why does Huang Bo's fantasy ship come once every 12 days? You can refer to the "12 Days in a Mental Hospital", and in September 2013, the New Psychiatric Treatment Law was passed, stipulating that all patients who are not self-contained and willing to be admitted to the hospital will attend the hearing and sue after 12 days, and the judge will decide whether they need to continue to be hospitalized.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

Huang Bo's "big boat" every 12 days is his salvation, if there really is, everyone can not die and then he will not be crazy.

So Shu Qi finally said: Boat, can't wait. People, all gone. Before those people laughed one by one, it was like a smiley face of farewell. They are all gone.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

7: Love

In the film, Huang Bo and Shu Qi are very dreamy pictures, and they are wings and water curtain holes, "Shu Qi" proposed to him, he could not accept that he could no longer deceive himself, so he would cry madly.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

This is obviously a picture that Huang Bo imagined after he went crazy, and he hoped never to go back on the island, because this was his spiritual world.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

8: Find a friend

Huang Bo and Shu Qi are very dreamy that bgm is actually weird to find friends, singing is still very strange, looking for friends to find friends, because friends are gone, so they have to find ah.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

9: Lizards

Lizards are scavengers that prefer the carcasses of animals. This is even more telling, there are lizards everywhere the island appears, not because of coincidence, but because it is full of their corpses. The little flower that appeared in the sun for two seconds also had a trace of blood at its roots.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

10: End of the Easter egg

After ending the "clash of tribes", the people under Ma Jin's leadership wore clothes like sick clothes, and the stripes of the clothes resembled the uniforms of seafarers, which was a question of reality and a rationalization of the "island reality".

Therefore, all the people on the island wearing striped clothes were split off by Huang Bo alone, and those people had long since died. So Huang Bo eats instant noodles, everyone is eating, Huang Bo dances, everyone dances.

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

Huang Bo himself said in an interview:

Huang Bo's schizophrenic "A Good Play", the ten details in the movie that are carefully considered and feared

I have to say that Huang Bo's ambition is really too big, hiding so many secrets in one movie.

Let us see the fierce torture of real human nature, but also the praise of love, is the romance and madness of the film creators. Maybe that's what a good play really means.

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