
NBA: Father and son on the same stage? James worries about his son's future! Netizen: It turns out that he is also an ordinary father LeBron · James believed that everyone was no stranger to him,

author:Murong Zixue

NBA: Father and son on the same stage? James worries about his son's future! Netizen: It turns out that he is also an ordinary father LeBron James believes that everyone is no stranger to him, he is the top star of the NBA, he has won countless championships in the past NBA games for many years, he has created a record that many people have never reached, but at present he still seems to have no intention of stopping. James is now 37 years old, and in terms of his career, this is the 20th season. In the past season, James has been chasing personal results madly, so he has also made great strides in his career path, but now this season he does not want to simply chase personal results. Why? Because James's two sons grew up. James's two sons inherited his talent in basketball, so James also began to gradually turn his attention to his son and began to worry about his future. Today, James's two sons, his older brother Brownie, 17, and his 15-year-old brother Bryce, have thrived to an independent age. At this time, children generally speaking, James, as a parent, should let them go and let them grow up on their own, but James still does not want to let go, but hopes that in the future growth of his son, his role as a father can always be by his side. This also prompted James to have the idea of "father and son on the same stage". Throughout the years of NBA games, no father and son player has ever appeared on the same field. So James, who has set countless records, wants to challenge himself to have his son appear on the same field as himself. James not only conceived it himself, he also directly announced his idea to the media. Curious fans can't help but care, why does James care so much about his two children? It turned out that it was because James did not get the care of his father when he was young, so he hoped that his sons could experience their own lives under the company and guidance of their fathers. So James loved his sons when they were young and encouraged gifted sons to play in various basketball games. Among them, Brownie was invited to a scholarship by a basketball school at the age of 11, and James was very happy and excited to learn about it. Even in order to give his sons a better environment to learn basketball, he moved his family to Los Angeles. So now James continues to move forward on the road of introducing his son to the basketball arena, and the current goal is to let his son stage a "father-son stage" competition with himself, which James is also paving the way for his son. The first is that the cover was remade again in Sports Illustrated, but what was different was that this time it was filmed with his sons, echoing James, who was a high school student 20 years ago. One writes about the chosen sons, the other writes about the sons who have been chosen, and it has to be said that James has worked hard for his son's future. The second is that James and his two sons attend the media interview session together, because being interviewed and watching other people interviews are completely different experiences. James asked his son to adapt to this state of being interviewed in advance, because in the future, if the two sons continue to work hard in basketball, they will attend more interviews. And James often teaches his son, no matter who he treats, to be careful and cautious, to learn to judge the environment in which he is, and not to think that he is wearing a halo because his father is James. Therefore, from this point of view, under the careful education of James, the cognition of the two sons has been macroscopicly improved, and the future development will not be too bad. As for whether James's ultimate wish of "father and son on the same stage" can be realized, it is certainly not only up to James himself, but also to the two sons to make efforts and choices. Because for them, the future life is still mainly in their own hands, as a father, James cannot control them, but can only guide them to lead them, let them make their own efforts and judgments, and choose a future path that is more suitable for themselves. In fact, not only James, but every pair of parents has the same concerns about their children. Fear that if they leave themselves, they will lose their shelter, they will be seduced by the glitz and fortune of the strange world outside, they will not know the harm, they will be hurt by gossip, and so on. However, worries turn to worries, wishes to wishes, and life is still in the hands of the children themselves. All parents can do is be prepared for the best and then respect their choices. What do you think about that? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, don't forget to pay attention to the editor, more wonderful waiting for you.

NBA: Father and son on the same stage? James worries about his son's future! Netizen: It turns out that he is also an ordinary father LeBron · James believed that everyone was no stranger to him,
NBA: Father and son on the same stage? James worries about his son's future! Netizen: It turns out that he is also an ordinary father LeBron · James believed that everyone was no stranger to him,
NBA: Father and son on the same stage? James worries about his son's future! Netizen: It turns out that he is also an ordinary father LeBron · James believed that everyone was no stranger to him,
NBA: Father and son on the same stage? James worries about his son's future! Netizen: It turns out that he is also an ordinary father LeBron · James believed that everyone was no stranger to him,

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