
A foreign sister and a friend recently went to the Thai Zoo with a friend, and when taking a photo with the orangutan, the orangutan pulled her into his arms and made the tourists around him laugh

author:Figure kiss

A foreign sister and a friend recently went to the Thai zoo with a friend, and when taking a photo with the orangutan, the orangutan pulled her into his arms and made the tourists around him laugh, and the orangutans in the zoo are famous for their "lust", they often extend their salty pig hands to female tourists.

According to the Daily Mail, 27-year-old Angel Orangelor recently visited the Safari World in Bangkok with friends, and when he took a photo with the orangutan, he was secretly eaten by the other party, when Angela was embraced by the orangutan, and then stretched out a salty pig hand, and even stole the cheek, and the orangutan then stuck out his tongue to the camera and smiled, as if showing off the surrounding tourists.

Angela didn't mind, laughing and mentioning that "the orangutan just wanted to show me love, it looked cute and didn't hurt me, the personality was very friendly, I and my friends thought it was funny", while her friend Fran said that when she saw the orangutan sticking out her tongue, the picture was really precious, and they quickly filmed the process, "It may be trying to hide its behavior of stealing female tourists with a smile".

Why the orangutans extended their hands is not known whether it was out of their own minds or trained. However, orangutans are indeed very intelligent, the only great apes that live mainly in trees, they know how to use various tools, such as building beds from branches and leaves, not only that, but also have the role of scattered seeds in the wild, but in recent years, human deforestation, poaching and illegal pet trade have caused a sharp decline in the number of orangutans.

A foreign sister and a friend recently went to the Thai Zoo with a friend, and when taking a photo with the orangutan, the orangutan pulled her into his arms and made the tourists around him laugh
A foreign sister and a friend recently went to the Thai Zoo with a friend, and when taking a photo with the orangutan, the orangutan pulled her into his arms and made the tourists around him laugh
A foreign sister and a friend recently went to the Thai Zoo with a friend, and when taking a photo with the orangutan, the orangutan pulled her into his arms and made the tourists around him laugh

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