
Known as the "Butcher of Prague," Heydrich was an outright anti-Semite despite his Jewish ancestry. In the top of the Nazis with its few words, coldness

author:Anecdote said

Known as the "Butcher of Prague," Heydrich was an outright anti-Semite despite his Jewish ancestry. Among the Nazi high-ranking people, he was deeply appreciated by Hitler for his quiet and ruthless character. The fascist plan to exterminate the Jews was inspired by a speech by Heydrich. The notorious mass pogroms, gas chambers, crematoriums, forced labor and other fascist acts were also carried out by him.

In 1941, Heydrich fought the Czechoslovak underground in Prague, where 404 people died under his butcher's knife and more than 5,000 others were sent to concentration camps. He also sabotaged a number of British espionage cases, which greatly damaged the British spy network in Czechoslovakia.

In order to eradicate this thorn in the eye, the British and the Czechoslovak government-in-exile formulated the "Great Ape Operation" to assassinate Heydrich.

In December 1941, on a cold winter night, an aircraft of unknown nationality dropped two soldiers in a clearing next to a forest near the Czech capital Prague, and the next day, the two soldiers joined another teammate, Bauman , and the "Great Apes Project" officially began operations.

Due to Heydrich's secrecy and heavily guarded residence, the assassination operation failed for several months. It was not until later that a member of the Czech resistance disguised as a watchmaker successfully broke into Heydrich's house and received information that Heydrich would go to Prague on May 27.

They immediately made plans to move on Heydrich en route to Prague on 27 May. The assassination site was chosen in a U-shaped corner, and any vehicle passing through this place must slow down, which is also Heydrich's way to go. They intend to kill Heydrich's car in an instant when it passes a curve and slows down.

On May 27, three warriors carrying special explosives arrived early on the curve to wait. At 10:30, Heydrich's car appeared, and just as he was about to enter the corner, Gabu Siq, hidden in the grass, jumped out and aimed his gun at the bend. However, at this time, an unexpected thing happened, the plate machine of the machine gun was actually stuck by a small grass. Kubis hurriedly pulled out the bomb and threw it at the car. Heydrich in the car saw that something was wrong, and hurriedly took out a pistol to shoot back, but the driver of the day was a temporary substitute Tie Hanhan, who was frightened by the sudden attack, not only did not accelerate away, but stopped the car like a wooden chicken, which was undoubtedly a fatal mistake. In an instant, the bomb exploded under the car, and Heydrich suffered multiple injuries in his lungs and lower abdomen, and rolled out of the car, covered in blood. Heydrich, who was dying, could only watch angrily as the three assassins calmly fled.

Heydrich was then immediately taken to the hospital to undergo surgery by the best surgeon, but died on June 4. This Demon King ended his sinful life when he was 38 years old.

The cause of Heydrich's death is still varied, one is that the special bomb that killed him was implanted with botulinum toxin, shrapnel drilled into Heidris's body, and the toxin penetrated into the whole body and died; Another theory is that SS chief Himmler deliberately temporarily replaced the surgeon, causing a delay and killing Heydrich on the grounds that he believed that Heydrich threatened his position. No matter what, this devil with blood on his hands still went to hell after all!

Known as the "Butcher of Prague," Heydrich was an outright anti-Semite despite his Jewish ancestry. In the top of the Nazis with its few words, coldness
Known as the "Butcher of Prague," Heydrich was an outright anti-Semite despite his Jewish ancestry. In the top of the Nazis with its few words, coldness
Known as the "Butcher of Prague," Heydrich was an outright anti-Semite despite his Jewish ancestry. In the top of the Nazis with its few words, coldness

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