
The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

author:Science popularization station for all things

"Isabella, come and see what this is?"

A fair-skinned and beautiful American woman turned her head, and in the sunlight, the woman's beauty was reflected very beautifully. It's like coming from a female star on TV.

"What do you say?"

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

Standing on the top of the hill, an American young man named Armstrong looked at the woman with a wordless expression. It turned out that the two were newly married couples, and their honeymoon trip was selected in Heilongjiang, China. The man put his hands in the middle of his mouth and shouted in the movement of a megaphone:

"I said I'll let you come up and I found something amazing"

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

Isabella came up the hill and followed Armstrong's finger in the direction. A beautiful scenery comes into view, and the snow in front of you is matched with the magic of nature. They seemed to be in a fairyland at this moment, and it didn't take long for Armstrong to say:

"Isabella, you know what? It was a sight I had never seen before, and it was so beautiful. ”

"Can you calm down a bit?" You're going to look childish! ”

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

Looking at Armstrong standing on a stone and shouting into the distance, Isabella felt very speechless. It was the first time she had seen such a childish side of her husband, during which time the couple suddenly saw a siberian tiger named Sulanna looking at Armstrong and Isabella on a snowy field not far away.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

"They all blame you, what are you shouting about?"

Isabella complained, which embarrassed Armstrong. I didn't expect that my shout would actually call the Siberian tiger. Just when the two did not know what to do, Armstrong suddenly noticed that not far from the Siberian tiger, a group of people came out of the forest. The group also held homemade shotguns in their hands and aimed at the Siberian tigers.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

Armstrong immediately guessed the identity of the group, who must have been local poachers. Standing on the stone, Armstrong shouted:

"Stop, what are you doing?"

This sudden sound frightened a group of poachers. One of the poachers looked at the two Americans questioningly.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

"Fourth brother, what is this foreigner talking about?"

One of the men immediately stepped on the cigarette butt and went forward to pat the man's head back:

"You ask me who I ask? Hurry up and work, the boss is still waiting! ”

Seeing that they were still ready to hurt the Siberian Tigers, Armstrong was ready to go down the hill. Just then, an accident happened. After a gunshot, Su lanna lay on the ground. After a while, "red dye flowed out" around the surrounding area. The poachers headed toward Surana, and to stop them, Armstrong threw stones at them on the hill.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

The poachers, at first, shouted at first and now threw stones at themselves. They picked up the great powers and aimed at Armstrong, and just at the moment of this thousand gunshots, ranger Zhang Chulan came to the scene. Seeing the behavior of this group of people, I immediately realized that they may be poachers.

Immediately raising their guns to signal their surrender, the poachers saw that something was wrong. He ran into the forest with his legs, and Zhang Chulan chased after him. Ten minutes later, Zhang Chulan walked out of the forest and complained about himself. I haven't exercised for a while, and I didn't expect that my physical strength would not be able to keep up so quickly.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

At this time, Armstrong came over, and he was worried about how to communicate with Zhang Chulan, when Zhang Chulan suddenly said in a very fluent English:

"Are you all right?"

After the couple was shocked, they told Zhang Chulan about the whole incident. He called the Animal Rescue Society via satellite phone and asked them to come to this place to treat Surana's injuries. A few minutes later, animal rescuers arrived at the scene. They did not dare to be sloppy, and after anesthetizing Su Lanna, they began to rescue them urgently.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

Rescued by the staff, the bullets left in Sulana's body were removed. The staff said:

"We need to leave now, and when the Siberians wake up and see that we are doing something hurtful."

The couple followed the crowd and gradually left Su lanna's side. After a dozen minutes, Su lanna sat up. Judging from his movements, it was already certain that There was nothing wrong with Su Lanna. The group was also walking down the hill, back to the hotel's Armstrong, but could not sleep.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

Early the next morning, Armstrong got dressed. Isabella rubbed her eyes and said:

"What did you do early in the morning?"

"I have to look at the Siberian tiger, and if the poachers come back, won't the Siberian tiger be in danger?"

When she heard that her husband wanted to take care of Surana alone, Isabella said that she did not agree to anything. She thinks it's too dangerous for her husband to go alone, and if something happens, how will it make her live? Later, with Armstrong's advice, Isabella finally agreed to let it out, but there was a request, and that is that she should accompany her.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

Armstrong, who could not defeat his wife, reluctantly agreed to his wife's request. After the couple came out of the hotel, they began to look for Surana. The kung fu paid off, and after a few hours, they finally discovered Surana's presence. At this time, Su Lanna was preying on a wild boar, and the wild boar was desperately trying to escape because it had been bitten to the throat.

But in the face of absolute power, the wild boar died. When Armstrong saw that Sulana was getting better, his hanging heart let go. But then again, observing the Siberian tiger so closely was the first time in his life. At this moment, Su lanna, who was enjoying the fruits of her labor.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

Suddenly turning his head to look at the place where the couple was, it felt as if it had already discovered the existence of the couple. I thought that Su Lanna would attack them, but Su Lanna just looked at it, and then she began to eat food by herself. Isabella was a little frightened, and he grabbed Armstrong's arm and said:

"Let's go?" What if a Siberian tiger comes and hurts us? ”

For safety reasons, Armstrong returned to the hotel with his wife. Lying on the bed, he thought that Su Lanna was all right. The originally depressed mood was instantly much more relaxed. Coupled with the fact that he saw Surana's whole process, this made Armstrong like the Siberian tigers even more.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

For the next few days, Armstrong would always hide in a safe position and watch Surana prey. And every time Su lanna saw him, she wouldn't attack him, as if she had become accustomed to each other. Because of the lack of food resources in the mountains, Su Lanna, who has always had a big appetite, had to target the black bear.

One day Surana challenged an elderly female black bear, and after some fighting, Surana won the match. It bites the black bear's neck to death, struggling desperately by the exhausted female bear, and as the fresh air decreases, the elderly female black bear gradually dies.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

Armstrong, who witnessed the whole process, captured all the wonderful pictures. While lamenting the tiger's strength, he suddenly heard the sound of a small black bear behind a dead tree not far away. And Su Lanna, who had eaten and drunk enough, wanted to know the word "bad family", and she did not kill the black bear cubs.

Instead, he left the scene and returned to his lair. Armstrong feared that the cub cub would not have the protection of its mother in the future, and that it would be harmed by other predators. Out of kindness, he came to the side of the male cub to prevent other animals from thinking about the little one. After calling the Animal Protection Society, the staff came to the scene.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

They picked up the cub cubs, and Armstrong chose to return to the hotel. With the experience of catching bears the other day, Su lanna's courage grew. This time, it actually wanted to prey on brown bears. But this time, Su Lanna chose the wrong opponent. This time, the brown bear is an adult male brown bear.

After the two sides fought, the brown bear attacked Surana. Finding something wrong with Surana, she fled deep into the woods, and when Armstrong found it again, the wound on Sullana's stomach was clearly visible. It lay in a safe position and licked its body with its tongue that was dripping with red dye.

Fortunately, the injury was not particularly serious, and I believe that Su Lanna will get better in a few days. A few days later, when it was time for the couple to go home, Armstrong made a short video of what he had taken in those days. After packing their bags, the couple boarded the plane.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

Looking at China's beautiful scenery, Armstrong sighed:

"Hopefully, the next time we come back to China, we'll already have a baby."

After saying these words, Isabella, who was sitting next to her, showed a shy expression. When they returned home, the couple told their families what they had seen and heard in China. Even Armstrong took out the small short film made between them and put the short film on the curtain through the delivery machine.

The family watched very carefully, and Armstrong took Isabella's hand and a big smile appeared on his face. They came to China for a honeymoon this time, and they really chose the right place. Isabella also said:

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

"If I have a chance in the future, I must see all the beautiful scenery and cute animals in China."

I believe that in the future, when the two of them have children, they will show small short videos to their children. Nowadays, with the destruction of the natural environment, many wild animals are now in danger of extinction.

Take the giant panda white sturgeon in the water, on the evening of July 21, 2022, the IUCN declared the white sturgeon extinct. This "living fossil", which once lived for hundreds of millions of years, finally died in 2022. The root cause of their extinction is that the natural environment has been destroyed, and they have reached a stage where they cannot survive.

The "queen" of the Siberian tiger appeared, preyed on the black bear but spared the cubs, and was brutally killed when killing the brown bear

Therefore, the cute white sturgeon disappeared from our sight. The situation of the white sturgeon is only the tip of the iceberg, I hope that everyone can raise their views on the protection of the environment, let us work together, and give these cute animals a beautiful and peaceful home, not only for the animal number, but also for the good of us humans.

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