
Orion went up the mountain to hunt, was caught by a black bear in a cave, and when he saw something, he knelt down for the black bear

author:Confident Courtney 9r0h

Orion and black bear

In the distant mountains of the Northeast, there is a middle-aged hunter named Li Ergou. Li Ergou is a famous hunter in this area, he is burly, with a full beard and sharp eyes. His hunting skills are so skilled that neither a cunning fox nor a ferocious boar can escape his shotgun. However, he has a principle, that is, he never kills indiscriminately, and every time he enters the mountains, he only shoots the prey he needs.

This year's winter was particularly cold, with heavy snow covering the mountains, and the food in the village gradually became strained. Li Ergou decided to go to the mountains to hunt and replenish some meat for the people in the village. He picked a sunny day, took his shotgun on his back, took a few days' worth of dry food, and went into the mountains alone.

The snow in the mountains is thick, and every step requires care. With his rich experience, Li Ergou tracked the footprints of animals in the snow. Just as he was about to track down a fat hare, he suddenly felt a dangerous aura. He jerked his head back and saw a large black bear lunging at him.

Li Ergou reacted quickly, he raised his shotgun and was about to shoot, but the black bear's speed was too fast, and he fell to the ground in one fell swoop. The black bear did not immediately bite him, but pressed his huge bear paw against his chest and let out a deafening roar. Li Ergou was shocked, he knew that he was not the opponent of this black bear, so he gave up resistance.

After the black bear roared, it humanized his eyes to signal Li Ergou to go with it. Li Ergou was helpless, so he could only obediently follow behind the black bear. They walked through the snow for a long time until they came to the mouth of a hidden cave. The black bear let go of the hand that was holding Li Ergou and turned around and entered the cave.

Li Ergou hesitated for a moment, and followed the black bear into the cave. The cave was dark and damp, and there was a mysterious smell in the air. He followed the black bear deeper into the cave, his heart full of fear and curiosity.

After walking for a while, the cave suddenly opened up, and there was a huge stone chamber inside. There is a boulder in the center of the stone chamber, and a mysterious wooden box is placed on the boulder. Li Ergou looked around and found that there was nothing else in this stone room except the wooden box.

The black bear walked to the wooden box, pointed to the box with his bear paw, and then stepped aside and looked at Li Ergou quietly. Li Ergou took a deep breath and carefully opened the wooden box. I saw a worn-out book and a crystal clear jade pendant in the wooden box.

Li Ergou picked up the book and jade pendant and looked at it carefully. The cover of the book has been blurred, but the text inside is still clearly visible. He flipped through a few pages and found that it was a book of ancient secret arts. And that jade pendant exuded a faint light, which seemed to contain some kind of mysterious power.

Orion went up the mountain to hunt, was caught by a black bear in a cave, and when he saw something, he knelt down for the black bear

Li Ergou was shocked in his heart, he looked up at the black bear, only to find that the black bear's eyes revealed a kind of expectation. It dawned on him that the black bear wasn't trying to hurt him, but to bring him to this place and give him this ancient secret.

Li Ergou put away the books and jade pendants, and solemnly bowed to the black bear in thanks. The black bear nodded, then turned and left the stone chamber. Li Ergou followed the black bear and walked out of the cave.

When they returned to the mountain forest, the black bear suddenly stopped and turned to look at Li Ergou. Li Ergou understands that this is the moment of their separation. He bowed deeply to the black bear, then picked up his shotgun and left the forest.

On the way home, Li Ergou's heart was full of emotion. He remembered the legends he had heard from the village elders about the mountain gods and the black bear when he was a child. It is said that the mountain gods will send black bears to protect the forest and the safety of the mountain people. Today, did he meet the legendary black bear?

When Li Ergou returned home, he carefully hid the books and jade pendants. He decided to study this ancient book to see if he could find out the secrets about the mountain gods and the black bear. At the same time, he also wanted to figure out what power this jade pendant contained.

As time passed, Li Ergou gradually understood the secret techniques in the books and began to try to use them. He discovered that these secret techniques would not only help him hunt and survive better, but also cure some common ailments. And that jade pendant seemed to guide him to find the rare herbs and prey in the mountains.

Li Ergou's life has changed dramatically as a result. He became the most famous hunter and healer in the village, and people came to seek medical advice. And he always modestly stated that everything he had was given by the mountain gods and the black bear.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, a stranger broke into the village, who claimed to be an antique dealer and became interested in the books and jade pendants in Li Ergou's hands. He expressed his willingness to pay a high price for the two treasures.

Li Ergou resolutely rejected him. But the antique dealer did not give up, he began to secretly threaten Li Ergou, and even did not hesitate to provoke an incident in an attempt to force Li Ergou to hand over the treasure.

In order to protect the treasure and the safety of the village, Li Ergou decided to take action. Using the secret techniques he learned from ancient books, he laid traps and formations around the village. At the same time, he also revealed the true face of the antique dealer to the villagers and called on everyone to defend their homeland.

Orion went up the mountain to hunt, was caught by a black bear in a cave, and when he saw something, he knelt down for the black bear

Seeing that the situation was not good, the antique dealer had no choice but to leave the village in disgrace. While Li Ergou and the villagers cheered to celebrate the victory, they were also deeply grateful for the mysterious black bear and the strength given by that ancient book.

Since then, Li Ergou has cherished that ancient book and jade pendant even more, and regarded them as treasures of the town and village, which have been passed down from generation to generation. And his adventure with the black bear has become a good story in the village through the ages.

As the years passed, the children of the village listened attentively to this story, as if they could also feel a mysterious power from the ancient book and the jade pendant. And Li Ergou's name and his story have also been engraved in the history of the village, becoming a legendary hero in the hearts of generations of people.

However, one day not long after the village returned to calm, Li Ergou encountered the black bear again while hunting in the mountains. This time, the black bear's demeanor was extremely anxious, and it led Li Ergou to a hidden place in the deep mountains.

Following the black bear through the dense woods and over the steep slopes, Li Ergou finally came to a deep valley surrounded by mountains. There, he saw a shocking sight: a group of poachers brutally hunting rare wild animals, and the ground was already full of animal carcasses.

Li Ergou was so angry that he immediately took out his shotgun and prepared to start a life-and-death struggle with these poachers. However, the black bear stopped him and signaled him not to act rashly. Li Ergou understood that he alone could not compete with these poachers, and he needed to go back to bring rescue troops.

So, Li Ergou quietly left the valley and rushed back to the village to gather the villagers to come to support. At his call, the villagers took up arms and followed him back to the valley.

When Li Ergou and the villagers appeared, the poachers were frightened and panicked. They tried to escape, but were surrounded by villagers. Eventually, thanks to the joint efforts of the villagers, the poachers were successfully subdued and handed over to the police.

Looking at the animals that were killed in the valley, Li Ergou and the villagers felt extremely sad. They decided to dispose of the carcasses of these animals properly and pray for them. At the same time, they vowed to work harder to protect the forest and its creatures.

In the days that followed, Li Ergou and the villagers stepped up patrols and protection of the mountains and forests. Not only do they crack down on poaching, but they also actively promote the importance of wildlife conservation. Gradually, the forest became more vibrant.

Orion went up the mountain to hunt, was caught by a black bear in a cave, and when he saw something, he knelt down for the black bear

And the mysterious black bear often appears in the mountains and forests, silently guarding this beloved home. It has established a deep friendship and trust relationship with Li Ergou. Whenever Li Ergou enters the mountains and forests, the black bear will always accompany him and jointly protect this beautiful nature.

In the deep mountains and old forests of the northeast, the legendary story of Li Ergou and the black bear continues. Since they teamed up to fight the poachers, the animals in the mountains and forests seem to know about it, and they are full of respect and gratitude for Li Ergou and the black bear.

One day, Li Ergou was patrolling the mountains and forests as usual, and suddenly, he heard a terrible birdsong. He immediately became alert, picked up his shotgun, and cautiously walked in the direction of the sound. When he reaches the source of the sound, he finds a young golden eagle being attacked by a ferocious owl.

Li Ergou did not hesitate, immediately raised his shotgun and fired a shot at the owl. The owl was frightened and flapped its wings and flew away. Li Ergou stepped forward, carefully held the injured golden eagle in his hand, and brought it back to the village.

Under his careful care, Golden Eagle's injuries were quickly healed. Li Ergou decided to release the Golden Eagle back into nature, but he found that the Golden Eagle seemed to have a deep affection for him and was unwilling to leave him. So, Li Ergou decided to keep the Golden Eagle by his side and become his new partner.

With the company of the golden eagle, Li Ergou's patrol in the mountains and forests has become easier and more interesting. The golden eagle flew at a high altitude and was able to detect abnormal situations in time, which provided a lot of help to Li Ergou. And Jin Ying is also very loyal to Li Ergou, and follows him closely at all times.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, Li Ergou found a group of strangers in the mountains and forests, holding advanced equipment and seemingly looking for something. Li Ergou immediately became vigilant and quietly followed behind them, wanting to find out.

He discovered that the group was actually looking for a precious herb, Ganoderma lucidum. This herb is expensive in the market, so it attracts many unscrupulous people to come and steal it. Li Ergou knew the dangers of this kind of behavior, and he decided to find a way to stop them.

But his strength alone is clearly not enough. So, he decided to turn to the mysterious black bear again. He went to the place where the black bears frequented and sounded the secret signal between them—a specific kind of birdsong.

After a while, the black bear appeared in front of him. Li Ergou explained the situation to the black bear, and the black bear immediately expressed his willingness to help him after hearing this. So, they got into action together and began to make a detailed plan.

Orion went up the mountain to hunt, was caught by a black bear in a cave, and when he saw something, he knelt down for the black bear

With the help of the black bear, Li Ergou successfully stopped the poachers. They drove the poachers out of the forest and reported the incident to the higher authorities. The government attaches great importance to this matter, strengthens the protection of mountains and forests, and severely cracks down on illegal mining.

In the days since, the mountains and forests have become more peaceful and harmonious. The animals live freely, and Li Ergou and the black bear continue to guard this beloved home.

As time passed, the friendship between Li Ergou and the black bear became deeper and deeper. Not only did they protect the mountains and forests together, but they also experienced many adventures and challenges together. Their story has become a good story in the village and has become a beautiful conversation after dinner.

And the golden eagle also thrived under their care and became a mighty and majestic bird. It often flies high in the sky, overlooking the beautiful scenery of the entire mountain forest. Whenever Li Ergou and the black bear patrol in the mountains and forests, the Golden Eagle will always be by their side, providing them with timely help and support.

However, just when they thought that everything would continue to be peaceful, a sudden challenge shattered the silence.

Early one morning, Li Ergou was awakened by the rapid roar of a black bear. He immediately grabbed his shotgun and rushed out of the house, only to see the black bear anxiously circling around a trap. Inside the trap, the golden eagle struggles in pain, apparently in a trap set by poachers.

Li Ergou's heart tightened, and he hurriedly stepped forward to rescue the Golden Eagle. Black bears look around vigilantly in case poachers pop up. After some hard work, Li Ergou finally rescued the Golden Eagle from the trap. But the golden eagle's wings were already injured and could not fly.

Li Ergou stroked the golden eagle's wings distressedly and decided to take it back to the village for treatment. The black bear escorted them all the way back to the village. Under the careful treatment of the village veterinarian, Golden Eagle's injuries gradually improved.

But both Li Ergou and Black Bear understand that this incident is a warning. Poachers still have their eye on the rare animals in the forests, and they must be more vigilant to protect their homeland.

So, in the following days, Li Ergou and the black bear stepped up patrols in the mountains and forests. They not only pay close attention to every move in the mountains and forests, but also actively mobilize the villagers to participate in the action of protecting the mountains and forests. Driven by them, more and more villagers have joined the team to protect the mountains and forests and jointly protect this beautiful homeland.

Orion went up the mountain to hunt, was caught by a black bear in a cave, and when he saw something, he knelt down for the black bear

And the golden eagle gradually recovered under their care and flew high in the sky again. It thanked Li Ergou and the black bear for saving their lives in its own way, and also used its own strength to protect this beloved home.

Over time, the mountains and forests become more beautiful and harmonious. Animals live freely in this land, and humans have learned to respect and protect nature more. The story of Li Ergou, the Black Bear and the Golden Eagle has also become an eternal legend, inspiring people to cherish and protect our common home on Earth.

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