
Cicada - Knowing once again witnessed the perfect transformation of the cicada pupa... It's so pretty! The cicada wind meal sleeps on the tall branches, and the song does not stop. The hot summer is annoying, and the autumn is silently returning. Cicada pupae when pupae larvae


Cicada - got it

Once again witnessing the perfect metamorphosis of the cicada chrysalis...

It's so pretty!


Wind and food live in the tall branches, and the song does not stop. The hot summer is annoying, and the autumn is silently returning.

During the larval stage of the cicada pupa, it grows in the ground by sucking the sap of the roots of the tree, and some even break out of the soil for more than ten years, climbing the tree at night and slowly completing the most important moment of its life: molting feathers

Wait until dawn and soar over the branches.

Adult cicadas generally live about seventeen days, and the oldest can survive for seventy days

Looking back at the life of the cicada, it is really amazing...

#Knowing the Monkey # # Golden Cicada # Knowing the Larva # #昆虫 #

Cicada - Knowing once again witnessed the perfect transformation of the cicada pupa... It's so pretty! The cicada wind meal sleeps on the tall branches, and the song does not stop. The hot summer is annoying, and the autumn is silently returning. Cicada pupae when pupae larvae
Cicada - Knowing once again witnessed the perfect transformation of the cicada pupa... It's so pretty! The cicada wind meal sleeps on the tall branches, and the song does not stop. The hot summer is annoying, and the autumn is silently returning. Cicada pupae when pupae larvae
Cicada - Knowing once again witnessed the perfect transformation of the cicada pupa... It's so pretty! The cicada wind meal sleeps on the tall branches, and the song does not stop. The hot summer is annoying, and the autumn is silently returning. Cicada pupae when pupae larvae
Cicada - Knowing once again witnessed the perfect transformation of the cicada pupa... It's so pretty! The cicada wind meal sleeps on the tall branches, and the song does not stop. The hot summer is annoying, and the autumn is silently returning. Cicada pupae when pupae larvae
Cicada - Knowing once again witnessed the perfect transformation of the cicada pupa... It's so pretty! The cicada wind meal sleeps on the tall branches, and the song does not stop. The hot summer is annoying, and the autumn is silently returning. Cicada pupae when pupae larvae
Cicada - Knowing once again witnessed the perfect transformation of the cicada pupa... It's so pretty! The cicada wind meal sleeps on the tall branches, and the song does not stop. The hot summer is annoying, and the autumn is silently returning. Cicada pupae when pupae larvae

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