
What to think about W. vannamei is healthy?

author:Shrimp farming technician No. 7

Chinese raise shrimp, the most raised is South American white shrimp! According to statistics, more than 70% of China's annual shrimp production is South American white shrimp, which is an indispensable delicacy on the table of Chinese. However, with the frequent occurrence of shrimp diseases in recent years, cases of farmers draining ponds and leaving no money have occurred from time to time. And the most significant loss of these diseases is the outbreak of Vibrio, EMS, whenever this disease outbreak is often accompanied by no harvest of particles in the shrimp pond, so how to deal with EMS? Killing light is impossible, here we focus on what kind of shrimp may have been Vibrio exceeded the standard, belongs to the pathogenesis phenomenon, to the earliest time to identify EMS, early detection and early treatment!

  1. Let's start with a picture of a healthy shrimp
What to think about W. vannamei is healthy?

Figure 1 - Healthy shrimp fry farmed for approximately 20 days

Shrimp fry a month ago, the bouncing force in all aspects is relatively weak, if we want to see whether the shrimp in the water is healthy, we must beat the seedlings out, put in the white water scoop or bucket, so that the observation is particularly clear! Figure 1 is a healthy shrimp fry, why is it healthy? Because the following conditions are met 1.Full whiskers full tail 2.Clean and transparent appearance 3.Liver and stomach contours are clear Stomach full, intestines are full and straight, if shrimp meet the above conditions, it is healthy shrimp!

What to think about W. vannamei is healthy?

Figure 2 - Shrimp with mild enteritis reared for 30 days

The shrimp in Figure 2 is called "sub-health" in a term that modern medicine likes to use. This kind of shrimp raised for about 30 days, especially pay attention to intestinal problems, many farmers joke that shrimp farming for 30 days is "difficult", 60 days is a "difficult", 90 days and another "difficult", three "difficult" are past waiting to count money. The 30 days here are the first "difficult". This shrimp disease says it is good it is not good, say it is bad it is not very bad degree, like the shrimp in Figure 2 is the shrimp when feeding the material table, many shrimp have this phenomenon, because the number of proportions, so it is excluded that it is not enough to eat. Figure 2 The stomach of the shrimp is not full enough, the liver contour is not clear, the most obvious is that the intestine is not straight, because the shrimp is a rectal animal, usually the fuller the intestine, the better, the rough into a straight line, is the healthiest. A shrimp pulled up from a table has a lot of diseased shrimp that are directly judged to be "sub-healthy" by this phenomenon, and there is enteritis, and if you do not grasp the treatment, vibrio intestinal tract will have to break emS after exceeding the standard.

What to think about W. vannamei is healthy?

Figure 3 - EMS on the left is normal on the right

Figure 3 in the two shrimp control, it is obvious that the left side is the diseased shrimp, like the left side of the liver gastrointestinal tract such a situation, the current contact with thousands of cases, none of which is not drained pond, causing this phenomenon is Vibrio aeruginosa exceeding the standard, can also be said to be parahaemolytic Vibrio exceeded the standard, EMS outbreak caused by the pond. Therefore, one of the most important indicators of our shrimp farming is the liver, pancreas and intestines of the shrimp. How to see shrimp diseases? Where to look? It is directly after feeding to check the table, look at the shrimp on the table of the liver pancreas and intestines, to see whether the stomach is full, whether the liver color and the color of the feed are close to the outline is clear, whether the intestine is thick and straight. If the above points are not a problem to observe, then the shrimp is healthy, if not, as long as there is one of the problems, that is, the precursor of Vibrio exceeding the standard, you have to make treatment immediately.

What to think about W. vannamei is healthy?

Fig. 4 After about 30 days of feeding, the shrimp at the table are not full enough

Figure 4 is the shrimp of the feeding table after feeding, the probability of such shrimp appearing in the material table is very large, the appearance of this shrimp body color is still healthy, just look closely at it after eating the stomach is not full enough, the intestine is not full and not straight, like the shrimp pond found that this situation has to start to pay attention, this high probability is the precursor of Vibrio exceeding the standard, so it must be treated immediately, prevent it before it occurs, want to raise the shrimp well, is to cure the "no disease", the disease that may be harmful in the back is found in advance, and the disease is still in the bud when it is obliterated!

What to think about W. vannamei is healthy?

Fig. 5 - Stomach full Intestines are not full, most enteritis shrimp

Figure 5 These shrimp are sick shrimp, although the body color stomach liver looks OK, but a look at the intestine is obviously not good, such shrimp even if raised to 50 heads to sell, the weight is not good, not counted.

What to think about W. vannamei is healthy?

Fig. 6 Healthy prawns About 30 heads

Figure 6 is a healthy prawn, in the breeding of 100 so that the average can reach about 30 heads, look at the liver and pancreas color contours are clear, the stomach is full, the intestines are thick and straight, the appearance is clean and transparent, the eyes are glowing, the eyes are wide distance, the vitality is good, the full tail is full, this is a good healthy South American white shrimp!

Shrimp disease problem treatment method sharing - the gastrointestinal tract is not full, not thick can be fed with lactic acid bacteria companion material throughout the whole process. Found that the stomach and intestines are not full enough, the slightly jejunum is immediately disinfected with potassium persulfate to change the bottom, and the next day after use, the beneficial bacteria are replenished.

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