
Blueberry composition, efficacy, edible method Blueberry, is a dark blue berries, fruity, sweet and sour taste. It is mainly produced in the forest area of Daliangshan in northeast China and southwest China

author:Liangshan Yi Sea Smurf Blueberry Wine

Blueberry composition, efficacy, how to eat

Blueberry is a dark blue berry with a rich fruity aroma and a sweet and sour taste.

It is mainly produced in the forest area of Daliangshan in northeast China and southwest China, and is a fruit with high nutritional value.

In addition to conventional sugars, acids and vitamin C, blueberry fruits are especially rich in anthocyanins, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin B, SOD, arbutin, protein, β-carotene, pantothenic acid, edible fiber and rich in mineral elements such as K, Fe, Zn, ca and so on.

Blueberries are the highest content of anthocyanins in existing fruits, which can protect both human cardiovascular and anti-cancer and anti-aging.

So, what are the benefits of blueberries?

1, the protection of eyes and eyes is the window of the human mind, anthocyanins can promote retinal development, but also can accelerate the production of rhodopsin in the human body, it can not only prevent retinal detachment, but also prevent vision decline.

2, enhance immunity blueberry is a high-fiber fruit, it contains a variety of phenolic compounds and vitamins, these substances can enhance the body's ability to resist infection and can prevent a variety of bacteria and viruses in the human body to breed, in addition to this it can also maintain the human internal environment acid-base balance, and can promote the regeneration of immune cells, regular consumption can improve immunity can also enhance the body's own disease resistance.

3. The anthocyanins in antiviral blueberries also have super antiviral ability, which can prevent a variety of viruses from breeding in the human body, and have a good preventive effect on the high incidence of viral hepatitis and cancer in modern humans.

4. Improve memory

Blueberries contain anthocyanins, lutein and natural polysaccharides and other nutrients, can directly act on the human brain, can promote brain development and improve brain nerve function, regular consumption can prevent brain dysfunction and brain function loss, but also promote intellectual development, improve memory.

5. The anthocyanins contained in anti-aging blueberries are a kind of water-soluble fiber, and also an antioxidant substance with excellent efficacy, which can enhance the antioxidant capacity of the human body, and can also improve the activity of body tissue cells and delay human aging.

Attached: How to eat blueberries

Blueberries can be washed and eaten directly, and can also be used in blueberry wine, blueberry preserved fruit, blueberry milk tea, bread, dessert and other gourmet drinks.

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Blueberry composition, efficacy, edible method Blueberry, is a dark blue berries, fruity, sweet and sour taste. It is mainly produced in the forest area of Daliangshan in northeast China and southwest China
Blueberry composition, efficacy, edible method Blueberry, is a dark blue berries, fruity, sweet and sour taste. It is mainly produced in the forest area of Daliangshan in northeast China and southwest China
Blueberry composition, efficacy, edible method Blueberry, is a dark blue berries, fruity, sweet and sour taste. It is mainly produced in the forest area of Daliangshan in northeast China and southwest China
Blueberry composition, efficacy, edible method Blueberry, is a dark blue berries, fruity, sweet and sour taste. It is mainly produced in the forest area of Daliangshan in northeast China and southwest China
Blueberry composition, efficacy, edible method Blueberry, is a dark blue berries, fruity, sweet and sour taste. It is mainly produced in the forest area of Daliangshan in northeast China and southwest China
Blueberry composition, efficacy, edible method Blueberry, is a dark blue berries, fruity, sweet and sour taste. It is mainly produced in the forest area of Daliangshan in northeast China and southwest China

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