
One year old, the traditional holidays are slowly fading, the human relationship is also quietly passing, and even slowly withdrawing from the historical stage memory of how busy and happy the Childhood Dragon Boat Festival is.

author:Q Autumn Maple Mystery

At the age of one year, the traditional holidays are slowly fading, and the exchange of people is also quietly passing, and even slowly withdrawing from the stage of history

I remember how busy and happy the Dragon Boat Festival was in my childhood, when I lived in the countryside, every time at this time, adults and children would go to the mountains to cut "noon grass" (pu fragrant, egg grass, wormwood, guava green leaves, phyllox grass, loquat green leaves), boiled with water and "noon grass" in the afternoon sun, let the whole family bathe, and then put on new summer clothes, which felt no less than the taste of the New Year.

Eat "noon eggs". Adults and children eat the "noon egg" cooked by the "noon grass", boiled out is the color of yellow, after eating can "get rid of the disease" many children are still hanging on the neck of the five-color thread woven into a mesh of long sachets, loaded with yellow eggs cooked with noon grass, and then brought to the school and friends to knock each other, to see whose eggs are harder, laughter in the ears lingering, as if it was yesterday...

Every household will put calamus, wormwood strips in the lintel, under the eaves, before and after the Dragon Boat Festival is the high incidence of infectious diseases of the year, the ancients through these ways to achieve the role of exorcism and plague avoidance, escort for health.

Women from every house would gather to wrap and cook rice dumplings, and the children of the neighbors would also gather together

Mosquito coils will be lit around the courtyard of the home to avoid mosquito bites, drive away some pests and the like.

These memories are still more than ten years ago, before in the circle of friends to see some friends sent pictures, this year I did not even see the pictures, originally wanted to take the child to the grandmother's house to feel the atmosphere, but there is something delayed...

I hope that these customs and cultures can be passed on

#那些属于端午节的仪式感 #

The picture is from the network~

One year old, the traditional holidays are slowly fading, the human relationship is also quietly passing, and even slowly withdrawing from the historical stage memory of how busy and happy the Childhood Dragon Boat Festival is.
One year old, the traditional holidays are slowly fading, the human relationship is also quietly passing, and even slowly withdrawing from the historical stage memory of how busy and happy the Childhood Dragon Boat Festival is.
One year old, the traditional holidays are slowly fading, the human relationship is also quietly passing, and even slowly withdrawing from the historical stage memory of how busy and happy the Childhood Dragon Boat Festival is.

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