
What are the important roles of iron on the body? Which foods are rich in iron?

author:Seek medical advice

Iron is a trace element necessary for the human body and has an important role in the body, which has the effect of promoting intellectual development, improving body immunity, and preventing anemia.

1. Promote intellectual development: iron can participate in the synthesis of hemoglobin, can promote blood circulation throughout the body to a certain extent, iron deficiency may affect blood circulation, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain, affecting the development of intelligence, therefore, iron supplementation can generally promote intellectual development.

What are the important roles of iron on the body? Which foods are rich in iron?

2. Improve body immunity: Under normal circumstances, iron can increase the phagocytic function of neutral white blood cells and phagocytes, improve the body's ability to resist germs, therefore, iron supplementation has the benefit of improving the body's immunity.

3. Prevention of anemia: Iron deficiency may lead to a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin, resulting in a decrease in peripheral blood volume in the human body, which can induce anemia. Therefore, iron supplementation can promote the synthesis of hemoglobin and play a role in preventing anemia.

What are the important roles of iron on the body? Which foods are rich in iron?

In addition, there are many benefits of iron supplementation, but also pay attention to whether you need iron supplementation, otherwise excessive iron supplementation will also cause damage to the body, generally reasonable iron supplementation will be good for the body.

If iron supplementation is required, which foods are more abundant in iron? The iron content in animal offal, black fungus, pig blood, and broccoli is relatively rich, and it can be eaten appropriately.

1. Animal offal. The content of iron in animal internal organs is relatively rich, such as liver, kidney, heart and other internal organs. At the same time, the human body absorbs iron in the internal organs of animals better.

2. Black fungus. Black fungus is very rich in iron, and the iron content per 100 grams of black fungus is as high as about 98 mg. In addition, black fungus also has the effect of nourishing qi and blood, moisturizing the lungs and calming the blood, and cooling the blood to stop bleeding, which plays a tonic role in the body. Eat more appropriately.

What are the important roles of iron on the body? Which foods are rich in iron?

3. Pig blood. Pig blood is a high-protein, low-fat, low-carbohydrate, low-dietary fiber food, per 100 grams of pig blood contains 8.7 mg of iron, which is higher than most foods. Pig blood contains vitamin B2, vitamin C, protein, phosphorus, calcium, iron, niacin and other nutrients, which have the effect of enhancing physical fitness, replenishing blood and beauty, preventing high blood lipids, and delaying aging.

4. Broccoli. Broccoli is rich in nutrients, but also contains calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, manganese and other minerals, and broccoli in the vitamin C can promote the body's absorption of iron, usually there is a role in preventing iron deficiency anemia, in addition, broccoli can also supplement calcium, has the effect of strengthening bones. When eating broccoli should be in moderation, broccoli is a cool food, and contains a lot of dietary fiber, excessive consumption may increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms. If there are symptoms of discomfort, it is recommended that patients go to the hospital in time and do not take their own medication.

What are the important roles of iron on the body? Which foods are rich in iron?

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