
Today's dinner spicy crayfish, tomato fillet soup, cold cucumber, stir-fried vegetable hearts and a bowl of rice! Incidentally with a bottle of cold beer! Full of [teeth]! #一日三餐 ##

author:Sugar sugar hemp V5

Dinner today

Spicy crayfish, tomato fillet soup, coleslaw, stir-fried vegetable hearts

Another bowl of rice! Incidentally with a bottle of cold beer! Full of [teeth]!

#Three meals a day# #晚饭 #

Today's dinner spicy crayfish, tomato fillet soup, cold cucumber, stir-fried vegetable hearts and a bowl of rice! Incidentally with a bottle of cold beer! Full of [teeth]! #一日三餐 ##
Today's dinner spicy crayfish, tomato fillet soup, cold cucumber, stir-fried vegetable hearts and a bowl of rice! Incidentally with a bottle of cold beer! Full of [teeth]! #一日三餐 ##
Today's dinner spicy crayfish, tomato fillet soup, cold cucumber, stir-fried vegetable hearts and a bowl of rice! Incidentally with a bottle of cold beer! Full of [teeth]! #一日三餐 ##
Today's dinner spicy crayfish, tomato fillet soup, cold cucumber, stir-fried vegetable hearts and a bowl of rice! Incidentally with a bottle of cold beer! Full of [teeth]! #一日三餐 ##

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